Three hours of wrestling as a lead in to UFC? That sounds horrible.
How many people would end up death from The botches in a Eva Marie vs. Aksana bout? I'm pretty sure the ref would die, maybe the time keeper too, probably Lawler and maybe the entire front row opposite the hard camera.
Gotta beat that Flair record, after all.Cena should win the title this Sunday. We need a new champion already!
Ratings? CM Punk doesn't drive ratings.
Punk is still on contract, yeah?
Best part of Observer Radio today: Meltzer mentions Ron Simmons' video package and goes "Next there was a Ron Simmons video package...for you American History Month."
It's a work!Yes. Despite rumors to the contrary, it is confirmed Punk has not escaped his contract.
These shows with Bryan in Hawaii are almost unbearable, you can tell the lack of preparation in them.Best part of Observer Radio today: Meltzer mentions Ron Simmons' video package and goes "Next there was a Ron Simmons video package...for you American History Month."
Tell me friend, when has "That sounds horrible." stopped a WWE or UFC fan from tuning in?
Austin doesn't want to give Cena the rub.
Austin match at age 50. I don't know man..
no one would be saying that if JTG had won. i would have also been okay with Heath Slater, Titus O'Neil, and Christian.No one would be saying this if my guy had won. The thread would look like a wild hillbilly cult had taken it over and it would be awesome.
How many people would end up dead from The botches in a Eva Marie vs. Aksana bout? I'm pretty sure the ref would die, maybe the time keeper too, probably Lawler and maybe the entire front row opposite the hard camera.
Is there any truth to the rumours that you could join the WWE? If not, has there been any attempt to lure you away?
There is truth in the rumour that I would like to go into the wild and live off the land, and also the rumour that I would really like to work with some homeless charities.
What has prevented you from doing a tour of the popular US indies (outside of PWG dates in the past)?
Before I went to Japan no one wanted me And rightly so, I was far from the finished product. Everyone had a chance, I had mailed all of the large groups at the time. But that was a different time, no Twitter or Facebook and YouTube hadnt kicked off I was in the States for 6 months, I had done some indys but none of the bigger names.
Now, Im so busy working all NJPWs shows I dont have much time. When Im off Im home in Ireland, I have the groups I work with in the UK. The idea of a flight to the States sounds awful for 1 match. Plus most places wont get me a visa, Im not 23 with nothing to loose anymore, Im not risking being black balled for an Indy shot. I live a simple life, if something came up that I wanted to do, Id be there, but for now I literally dont have time. I didnt have a weekend off from march till X-Mas last year. 1 US Indy will take the guts of 4-5 days for me to travel in and out. I can work 3 times in UK in the same time.
If NJPW and WWE worked combined shows, who would you most like to work with on their roster?
John Cena or Randy Orton because that would mean I would be near the top of the card, and despite what lots of fans think they know, both of them are two of the greatest performers on the planet.
Someone did an interview with Prince Devitt. Some highlights:
Hey guys - I recently did a Q&A Interview with Fergal Devitt - and it just went up today! Please check it out ‪![]()
No, I want good women's wrestling and storylines so people might start giving a fuck. Aksana and Eva Marie or Cameron should not be wrestling, ever again!Shouldn't you like Aksana? She's obviously clearing all of AJ's bounties.
He must live on a pretty barren alternate Earth if Cena and Orton are two of the best on the planet. They aren't even the best in their own company. Cena's match quality pretty much entirely depends on the quality of his opponent and Orton is a bland headlock machine.
No, I want good women's wrestling and storylines so people might start giving a fuck. Aksana and Eva Marie or Cameron should not be wrestling, ever again!
Meanwhile Emma is getting buried, Naomi gets mutilated, AJ gets no TV time at all and I fear the day Paige and Bailey are called up, it's infuriating.
No, I want good women's wrestling and storylines so people might start giving a fuck. Aksana and Eva Marie or Cameron should not be wrestling, ever again!
Meanwhile Emma is getting buried, Naomi gets mutilated, AJ gets no TV time at all, Kaitlyn had to quit because they wouldn't even use her and I fear the day Paige and Bailey are called up, it's infuriating.
They're both excellent. No matter how you cut it, Cena is phenomenal and has done an incredible job - and continues to do it. He's a little loud in the ring, that's really my only complaint. You can complain about his booking, sure, but that man knows how to work a match that he's told how to work.
Same with Orton.
WWE does not have the wrestling you're looking for.
Watch this instead: or any one of the fantastic indies that focus on women's wrestling.
I don't want to be told to watch something else, I want WWE to get better.
Listening to it now, he did also blast WWE for not building superstars correctly.That Austin/Cena interview on Austin's podcast loooooooool
First of all, Cena put the lockeroom on blast. That roster is afraid to be outspoken and take chances. I said it a few weeks ago, and Cena + Austin pretty much confirmed that the new crop of talent is walking on eggshells afraid to lose their job. We're never gonna see a consistent build of new superstars because they're scared, and instead of being a prick, which is sort of necessary considering who runs the company, they cower and complain under their breath or online.
Also lmao @ Stone Cold begging Cena to tighten the STF. It was such an honest request and I couldn't help laughing at how Austin said it.
Too bad about Punk. He was one of the few that gave no fucks about walking on so called egg shells.
I think if he wasn't physically/mentally drained he would still be around because he is not phased by any of that shit backstage.
"Just my two cents"
Fuck that guy for not putting anyone over before he left.
Oh wait he put over Batista
Suck it Punk. Fuck you.
Fuck that guy for not putting anyone over before he left.
Oh wait he put over Batista
Suck it Punk. Fuck you.
I'm fine with them being around, but make them valet eye candy, that's perfect for girls like them, leave the wrestling to girls that can wrestle.Shut up old man.