The problem with a guy like Dolph is that he's spouting off in the wrong places. It's a general business/life thing- and even Punk understands that. Notice that he ain't saying jack to the press.
They've just forgotten how to book their undercard, period, though, and until they fix that they don't have a prayer.
Here's a pic from the lunch I had with Mick Foley. Fantastic guy. He really made my foster niece's day -- and mine too!
Side note: turns out he's in the early stages of working on a Santa Claus documentary!
I'm actually a little disappointed you had to edit that in.WOW FUCKING SWEET!
edit: any good HHH stories?????
Yeah, I remember hearing that the "old guys" were not a fan of original "edgy" Thuganomics Cena, and none of the higher ups really got what the gimmick was. I do believe that Cena was not always "the guy." Doesn't excuse their booking once he became the guy though.
Also I'm clearly spending too much time in this thread because I have some weird urge to buy the WWE Network when it releases. I must be losing my gotdamn mind.
Here's a pic from the lunch I had with Mick Foley. Fantastic guy. He really made my foster niece's day -- and mine too!
Side note: turns out he's in the early stages of working on a Santa Claus documentary!
edit: any good HHH stories?????
haha u live in Manitoba
I'm actually a little disappointed you had to edit that in.
Not as disappointing as Metal Gear Rising though.
Googled where his show was tonight or what?
Saw him mention Brandon on Twitter earlier and the 20 on the table confirmed it.
Plus the dude behind you to the left is the most Manitoba looking dude in the world.
You know what's disappointing? Your face.Not as disappointing as Metal Gear Rising though.
Platinum Games should make the next WWE wrestling game.
Theres no need to make the games even worse.
Platinum Games should make the next WWE wrestling game.
Theres no need to make the games even worse.
hate this spot, always have.
it's out of place even in comedy matches.
Platinum Games should make the next WWE wrestling game.
I don't know why it's so hard for them to make an HD up-rezzed version of No Mercy with reskinned characters. The game would sell like gangbusters, it was a perfect party game.
The booking from Nov till now has been the worst it's ever been. I can't remember a time they dropped a ball so hard.
Did you just start watching in November?
Like... actually? Because the booking was worse in October than it was in that time frame. Going back further, the majority of 2006-2011 was worse with a few bright spots along the way.
They're bad enough as it is, Platinum isn't needed here
AllStars basically was a modernized HD No Mercy. Naturally THQ failed to see the gold they'd struck and never made a proper fleshed out sequel.
But if they give it to Platinum then the game can have 1/4th the content and look even more like a PS2 game!
But at least the framerate will be better.
I couldn't care less if a finisher is "protected." There's a ton of moves out there that I think are way cooler than people's finishers.For as shit as the Neutralizer looks, when was the last time someone kicked out of it? NXT or main roster.
I couldn't care less if a finisher is "protected." There's a ton of moves out there that I think are way cooler than people's finishers.
For those curious, the old neutralizer was a horse collar. However, in this match (not sure if he always did the move like this), he was standing and Hero was just dangling from his neck.
stahppppppppppTheres no need to make the games even worse.
Vanquish and Bayonetta look worse than WWE2K to you?
what r u doinnnnnnn
bueno.jpgWe'll get through this adversity together. I'm writing my Eva Marie and Aksana fan fiction right now.
this is the worst thread on GAF
you marks disappoint me so much
this is the worst thread on GAF
you marks disappoint me so much
this is the worst thread on GAF
you marks disappoint me so much