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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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I don't mind it in comedy matches, but it only really works in European light heavyweight wrestling, where much of the focus of the match is on physical trickery.

And as goofy as the spot is, Bryan doing it as a nod to Johnny Saint is totally cool in my book.

Incidentally, this gives me an excuse to post the Russ Abbot special;


I like how you can see a ton of that sequence in Colt's offence, but about 50% slower.



You know what the most serious problem is right now? It's boring. There is no conflict.

Daniel Bryan? Boring.
Orton? Boring.
Batista? Boring.
Everyone else? Boring.

The matches are good, but there's no conflict or interest surrounding the storylines. They desperately need a strong heel. They need to turn Batista. It's such an obvious fix and could easily become something great, but right now, it all feels lifeless to me. It's just a whole lot of nothing happening really. They also need to focus long-term on building some more top talent. The only bright spots are the Wyatts and the Shield. I was thinking I'd check the results next Monday in Japan and find out the winner of the EC, but I think I'll just wait until I'm back and watch the PPV. I hope there's a bit of a surprise and someone other than Orton ends up winning.


Is Bryan's height holding him back? Never really realised how small he is. Orton towers over him. Heavyweight wise, he's tiny. Sure as hell isn't because of his wrestling ability.

At least my new favourite Cesaro is tall

Man God

Non-Canon Member
To be fair to Austin the people he didn't want to put over included Double JJ, the guy who broke his neck and prevented him from being the biggest star the business has ever seen, and a dangerous man who flaked a short time later and could have killed him. The only other person he didn't want to put over was HHH, who got over on his own and then held ten times as many people down.


To be fair to Austin the people he didn't want to put over included Double JJ, the guy who broke his neck and prevented him from being the biggest star the business has ever seen, and a dangerous man who flaked a short time later and could have killed him. The only other person he didn't want to put over was HHH, who got over on his own and then held ten times as many people down.

He did however put over mankind

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Also he didn't really mind putting over Bork he just really didn't want to do it on free tv. That would have made money as a PPV angle.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Soulplaya never forgets who helped out GGG.

True story; Kane was the one who was originally going to unify the Intercontinental and WHC during the Katie Vick angle. Someone close to Vince and Stephanie changed their mind at the last moment and someone else won that match. That same someone also changed plans on Booker T and put off putting over RVD for about a year.

HHH seems to think he is Ric Flair in that people want to see him retain no matter what as a heel and that the opponent will eventually get over from feuding with him. It works for Flair because he's a slight dude that outsmarts/outcheats the opponents. With Haitch it just comes off wrong.
True story; Kane was the one who was originally going to unify the Intercontinental and WHC during the Katie Vick angle. Someone close to Vince and Stephanie changed their mind at the last moment and someone else won that match.

I can't deal with this so called truth, it's a lie, it has to be!
If Wade Barrett were to give me wrestling related bad news it would be this.
Honestly Jim Ross doesn't even need to have guests on his podcast.

He could tell stories about the old days and I would listen for hours upon hours. That man can spin a yarn.

Since I was too young to remember the territory days I find all of the wild and crazy stories from that time immensely entertaining!


Finally catching up on about 2 weeks of WWE and TNA. Some early thoughts:

February 10th Raw:
-Christian/Seamus vs. The Real Americans was GREAT! One of my favourite (fun) matches of the year so far.
-Cena's promo saying anyone wanting to be the face of the company would have to go through him was really good.
-Batista actually looked like a beast when beating up Del Rio, but he's not exactly in good shape right now.

I like how you can see a ton of that sequence in Colt's offence, but about 50% slower.

Two things
- Hard to really fault Colt for that, no one does British wrestling but he did really well hanging with Johnny Kidd
- The two dudes in this gif make the Young Bucks look like beefcakes


It amazes me how much of this country is competely empty and unused. Like, half the land in this country isn't used for anything. Not people, not animals, not energy, not a thing. It's so weird.
Listening to J.R.'s podcast. He said they should have called an audible and had Wade Barrett go out as #30 in the Rumble. Everybody chanting for Bryan then all of a sudden, "I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS". That would have been awesome and gotten some of the marks on Wade's case. This shit ain't rocket science.


Cena was on Austin's latest podcast. Psyched to listen to it as Cena rarely does this kind of stuff. Some quotes from the interview posted on prowrestling.net:


I think we are on the cusp of getting a true all-star lineup for the first time in a long time," Cena said. "We have a lot of guys who are if not making some noise, about to make some serious noise...

"When you have one dude and you're trying to make superstars off of that dude, a majority of the audience just recognizes that one guy. And thats why when you have a feud with Daniel Bryan or a feud The Rock, you don't hear the 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' as much. You cheer for one guy, boo the other guy. But when it's a one man party out there often times, the crowd is attached to the one man...

"It's not that what we have isn't good. I could waste four hours talking about the state of the business, setbacks I think guys can't overcome. I think we have a locker room full of very, very talented superstars, but I also think we have a locker room full of superstars that are fearful of their employment and are not willing to take that one step, that Austin 3:16 whip your ass or that put your hat on backwards and a chain around your neck when no one else is doing it. Go out on a limb."

Cena also addressed the television direction shifting to more in-ring action. "Our product is moving toward more action and less talk," he said. "I think it is good in respect to the international markets because the promos, if you're in Japan if you're in China if you're in Mexico if you're in India, they don't necessarily speak the language. And if we don't have a good translation team over there... If I turn WWE on with no volume and I see two guys in the ring going at it I understand it, no matter where I'm at. Sometimes the talking stuff, from a global standpoint, isn't where it needs to be. Plus, I think more action gives the guys who can actually work more opportunities."

Austin stressed the importance of building characters and personalities. "You're not talking to Lou Thesz, man," Cena replied. "I like the talking (laughs). I like the entertainment. I like the character building. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that, but you know the deal. 'Okay, guys, we're going into the Attitude Era.' 'Okay, guys, the Attitude Era is over"... You either adapt or you get out."
It amazes me how much of this country is competely empty and unused. Like, half the land in this country isn't used for anything. Not people, not animals, not energy, not a thing. It's so weird.

You have no idea. I drive all over this country for a living (truck driver) and for the most part it's trees, grass, water, and hills. It's awesome and strange at the same time. Like Kansas for instance I drove 200+ miles through it the other day and saw 2 towns. One was population 75 and the other was pop 260.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I always think it's kind of surreal when I drive through a town and go 'Somebody lives here. Somebody lives in this place and goes to a Burger King on a completely different road than the Burger King I go to. With different faces. Different schools. etc'

I always think it's kind of surreal when I drive through a town and go 'Somebody lives here. Somebody lives in this place and goes to a Burger King on a completely different road than the Burger King I go to. With different faces. Different schools. etc'


I think that every day. When I'm on the road.

And sometimes I think "Why the hell would someone WANT to live here?" and then I think the same about my hometown or the town I'm living in now.


You want The USA to become China?

Let nature have its space.

You have no idea. I drive all over this country for a living (truck driver) and for the most part it's trees, grass, water, and hills. It's awesome and strange at the same time. Like Kansas for instance I drove 200+ miles through it the other day and saw 2 towns. One was population 75 and the other was pop 260.

I just think it is weird that so much of the country has nothing at all. The place I stopped at tonight is a sub 1000 person town right near the Colorado/Nebraska border. Not only is there no wifi of any kind in the area, but the office didn't even have a computer for business transactions and they scan your card 50s style. There aren't even farms out here. Seems...wasteful. I get mountain areas that have nothing around for miles and miles and miles, but not flat areas like this that seem made for farms of windmills or something.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cena on SCSA's podcast is great.

Stro you're right. There's SO much room. Just so much. That's something AMERICA has that EUROPE doesn't! WIDE LOAD FRIENDS!


I have to say, I've definitely noticed the WWE focusing on having more in-ring action, especially on Smackdown. We're in the midst of a new era, and I for one am excited for it. If only Batista wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania...
I just think it is weird that so much of the country has nothing at all. The place I stopped at tonight is a sub 1000 person town right near the Colorado/Nebraska border. Not only is there no wifi of any kind in the area, but the office didn't even have a computer for business transactions and they scan your card 50s style. There aren't even farms out here. Seems...wasteful. I get mountain areas that have nothing around for miles and miles and miles, but not flat areas like this that seem made for farms of windmills or something.

With farms it's difficult. You have to have the right conditions for crops to grow. Soil especially has to be good. Windmills are coming but they take a long time to make not to mention the logistics of shipping the massive blades and everything that goes into building one. I always thought solar farms would be another great idea for so much unused land. Like through Arizona, California, and Nevada. Huge swaths of desert that see sun nearly 365 days a year. All in due time I guess but the process is so slow.


I have to say, I've definitely noticed the WWE focusing on having more in-ring action, especially on Smackdown. We're in the midst of a new era, and I for one am excited for it. If only Batista wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania...

Didn't this same thing sort of happen last year between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania PPV's? I feel like I thought the same thing last year.


With farms it's difficult. You have to have the right conditions for crops to grow. Soil especially has to be good. Windmills are coming but they take a long time to make not to mention the logistics of shipping the massive blades and everything that goes into building one. I always thought solar farms would be another great idea for so much unused land. Like through Arizona, California, and Nevada. Huge swaths of desert that see sun nearly 365 days a year. All in due time I guess but the process is so slow.

Yeah, i live near the desert and its taken years to get the solar farm project off the ground. You think it would be no problem in the Mojave, but then you have to deal with people fighting it to protect that desert environment. You can't win apparently
Honestly, I think there's too much in-ring action compared to story segments these past couple of weeks. I for one like the shitty stories they come up with, and would like to see them advanced a bit every week. They should cut down on the repeated and filler matches, and do some story instead.

That's not to say I don't like the in-ring action, that's obviously not true. But almost literally nothing happened this past two weeks story-wise. It's pretty crazy.


Didn't this same thing sort of happen last year between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania PPV's? I feel like I thought the same thing last year.

Hmm, I don't remember that. I just recall being annoyed by Ziggler's booking and with Cena still winning championships. We also had the Funkadactyls and the genesis of Sweet T. And...yeah.

Just feels different this year.

-Bray Wyatt

...lots to be excited about.
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