I think WWE should realize that letting guys go over him will only help not hurt. As stone cold said on his podcast you need 2 to dance with.
Again, ironic coming from Stone Cold
I think WWE should realize that letting guys go over him will only help not hurt. As stone cold said on his podcast you need 2 to dance with.
BRI-TISH WREST-LIN'I don't mind it in comedy matches, but it only really works in European light heavyweight wrestling, where much of the focus of the match is on physical trickery.
And as goofy as the spot is, Bryan doing it as a nod to Johnny Saint is totally cool in my book.
Incidentally, this gives me an excuse to post the Russ Abbot special;
I like how you can see a ton of that sequence in Colt's offence, but about 50% slower.
Is Summer Rae's entrance music an instrumental version of this rap song or did someone pick a stock beat to rap over that they also happened to pick for her entrance music?
Nah, Orton is
i hope not, but also i think his contract was 90 days work, come back whenever you want, 90 days work.
Is the high-flier RDV ever coming back?
I thought his contract was 90 days work, 90 days off.
Is the high-flier RDV ever coming back?
I thought his contract was 90 days work, 90 days off.
That's such a stoner work schedule and I love him for it.
To be fair to Austin the people he didn't want to put over included Double JJ, the guy who broke his neck and prevented him from being the biggest star the business has ever seen, and a dangerous man who flaked a short time later and could have killed him. The only other person he didn't want to put over was HHH, who got over on his own and then held ten times as many people down.
Looks like Dave Batista is doing some light reading!
Goddammit Brenna...goddammit.
True story; Kane was the one who was originally going to unify the Intercontinental and WHC during the Katie Vick angle. Someone close to Vince and Stephanie changed their mind at the last moment and someone else won that match.
That makes a bit more sense.
Also, how dare you insult RDV?!
JIM ROSS LOVES DEER HUNTER 2014! Oh man, that plug was brutal.
I like how you can see a ton of that sequence in Colt's offence, but about 50% slower.
It amazes me how much of this country is competely empty and unused. Like, half the land in this country isn't used for anything. Not people, not animals, not energy, not a thing. It's so weird.
It amazes me how much of this country is competely empty and unused. Like, half the land in this country isn't used for anything. Not people, not animals, not energy, not a thing. It's so weird.
I always think it's kind of surreal when I drive through a town and go 'Somebody lives here. Somebody lives in this place and goes to a Burger King on a completely different road than the Burger King I go to. With different faces. Different schools. etc'
You want The USA to become China?
Let nature have its space.
You have no idea. I drive all over this country for a living (truck driver) and for the most part it's trees, grass, water, and hills. It's awesome and strange at the same time. Like Kansas for instance I drove 200+ miles through it the other day and saw 2 towns. One was population 75 and the other was pop 260.
I just think it is weird that so much of the country has nothing at all. The place I stopped at tonight is a sub 1000 person town right near the Colorado/Nebraska border. Not only is there no wifi of any kind in the area, but the office didn't even have a computer for business transactions and they scan your card 50s style. There aren't even farms out here. Seems...wasteful. I get mountain areas that have nothing around for miles and miles and miles, but not flat areas like this that seem made for farms of windmills or something.
I have to say, I've definitely noticed the WWE focusing on having more in-ring action, especially on Smackdown. We're in the midst of a new era, and I for one am excited for it. If only Batista wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania...
There's a reason why I called him a high-flier :lol
With farms it's difficult. You have to have the right conditions for crops to grow. Soil especially has to be good. Windmills are coming but they take a long time to make not to mention the logistics of shipping the massive blades and everything that goes into building one. I always thought solar farms would be another great idea for so much unused land. Like through Arizona, California, and Nevada. Huge swaths of desert that see sun nearly 365 days a year. All in due time I guess but the process is so slow.
Didn't this same thing sort of happen last year between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania PPV's? I feel like I thought the same thing last year.