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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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YOU, Matthew Gallant...! What you did...unforgivable!
I'm better than Earthquake! I beat Gorgeous George and Marc Mero at Wrestlemania. And Nick Jackson and Alex Wright?Aren't even in my league. Now I won my very first WrassleGAF Avatar Rumble, right here in Albany NeoGAF.

And next year...I'm gonna do it again. Yeeh!


I'm better than Earthquake! I beat Gorgeous George and Marc Mero at Wrestlemania. And Nick Jackson and Alex Wright?Aren't even in my league. Now I won my very first WrassleGAF Avatar Rumble, right here in Albany NeoGAF.

And next year...I'm gonna do it again. Yeeh!


Poor Vince. Linda just literally sucking his soul dry.

Guess payback for cheating.

Dudes, don't cheat. It ain't worth it.
Did he cheat on her with a WWE employee? This whole time, I thought they were one happy family... at least that's what the docu on Netflix told me.


Playboy Magazine - February 2001__

PLAYBOY: How are you as a husband?

MCMAHON: I tease Linda about the sacrifices I've made for my marriage, but she has made enormous sacrifices. When Linda and I got married, I promised her two things: that I'd always love her and that there would never be a boring moment. I've lived up to both promises. I have always been...loyal.

PLAYBOY: And faithful?

MCMAHON: Not necessarily faithful. I probably lied to myself, thinking she knew who I was when we got married. The wild guy. But I never, ever threw anything in her face. I was discreet. And Linda never suffered from a lack of attention, physical or emotional. But one day she asked me, point-blank, "Are you having an affair with so-and-so?" And I've never lied to her.


It crushed her. Then she asked, "What about such and such?" "


It went on. More names. I said, "Yes, yes and yes."

PLAYBOY: Were your affairs at different times or concurrent?

MCMAHON: Different times. Some were concurrent, but I didn't think she had to know that. She didn't ask that question or I'd have to say yes to that, too. It's not something I'm proud of. I just didn't realize the impact of messing with other people's lives. Notwithstanding the impact on my wife, I'm talking about the havoc you create in other lives, just from wanting to have a good time. There's no such thing as an innocent fling. When a woman commits to a sexual encounter, it's generally with a great deal of emotion. With very few exceptions, it's not just, "Let's have sex! Boy, that was great. OK, see you." Women don't do that. So I guess, maybe...I hurt a lot of people. The sex was terrific, but from an emotional standpoint, I regret it.

PLAYBOY: Did you change?

MCMAHON: I learned about the ramifications of a sexual relationship, if you're married. You're touching a lot of lives, mostly negatively. You think, It was just supposed to be sexual. We were supposed to have a great time and be better off. But it's always more complicated than that. It can interfere with your own life, too. Having an affair, running off here and there, can take a lot of energy. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of time. The last five or six years, I've found that I not only appreciate my wife more, but I can get a hell of a lot more done.

PLAYBOY: You don't cheat anymore?

MCMAHON: I have been not only loyal but faithful for about six years. Linda and I have a great marriage, and I don't want to screw it up. I'm not saying I don't look. I'm not saying I won't fall off the wagon one day. I hope not, because of all the complications and because I would have to tell her if she asked me. But other than for the innate id, I don't have a desire to go outside our relationship.

here ya go

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The whole Playboy interview was pretty raw. A good read, worth tracking down.


With the amount of women available to Vince, I'd be angry if he didn't cheat. He married a women with bad short hair that wears pantsuits. How is anyone supposed to be happy forever with that?

I wonder if Vince has any sort of pre-nup. If not, its worth a lot of money to keep Linda happy.


Via WrestlingInc

- WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon, Chief Strategy & Financial Officer George Barrios and SVP of Financial Planning & Investor Relations Michael Weitz hosted a conference call this morning to discuss the 2013 financial results. Here are highlights:
* Vince said everything in the results were in line with expectations. Vince called WWE's social media growth extraordinary. He talked about a lot of WWE's new projects and said they are moving forward.

* Vince said they are out in the marketplace for the first time in a long time as far as TV rights fees goes. They're looking to finish negotiations in late April or soon after.

* They are really excited about the WWE Network going live on Monday. Regarding pay-per-views, Vince says most standard providers have agreed to carry WrestleMania XXX and after that it will be on an event-by-event basis.

* Barrios talked about how they've been testing the Network on different platforms in preparation of the launch.

* Barrios said they are indeed in negotiations with other networks for TV rights fees. They're also having similar discussions in India.

* As of today, WWE says they reach more than 260 million followers across social media - a 90% increase from the year before.

* They are really happy with the success of Total Divas.

* Despite a 4th quarter drop, WWE's overall toy sales were up for the year. WWE has the #2 best selling action figure property in the US.

* They believe that a fully distributed WWE Network can attract between 2 and 3 million subscribers.

* WWE expects a $12-$15 million first quarter loss this year due to everything that comes with the launch of the Network.

* WWE's first report on the number of Network subscribers will come the Monday after WrestleMania XXX.

* Barrios admitted they monitor social media chatter very closely, at least when it comes to feedback on the Network.

* They spent around $12 million in 2013 preparing for the Network.

* WWE is confident about the value their TV product brings and are optimistic about the TV rights fees negotiations.

* An investor asked about CM Punk. Vince said: "He's taking a sabbatical, let's just put it that way."

* Most providers have agreed to carry WWE pay-per-views through WrestleMania XXX but Barrios wouldn't elaborate. He said they have about 85% coverage of US households.
With the amount of women available to Vince, I'd be angry if he didn't cheat. He married a women with bad short hair that wears pantsuits. How is anyone supposed to be happy forever with that?

I wonder if Vince has any sort of pre-nup. If not, its worth a lot of money to keep Linda happy.
The way we she no-sells Stone Cold Stunners is just wrong.
NXT has been a bore so far this year. Hardly any Paige. Bo Dallas has been the focus and he is a fucking bum. Not giving Leo Kruger a Kraven The Hunter type gimmick. No new debuts. Uuuuuugggghhhh.


Read a page back what Meltzer wrote about it and see why people now think it might be a work.

If this is a work I will buy a whole year of the WWE Network and will not question anything they do for the year as well. I just can't believe this is a work. I see Punk coming back someday but not this soon.
Finished PWG's All Star Weekend X, Night One - lots of great matches on this show, I loved the 6-man tag, which was just fucking insane from start to finish, while Best Friends vs Dojo Bros was awesome. Drake vs Ciampa was an good little match, while Gargano & Richards had an excellent back and forth singles encounter. Not the biggest Gargano fan, though. Adam Cole vs Chris Hero was a great main event, Cole's improving all the time and Hero looked fantastic in his PWG return. Recommended.

Elgin with a goddamn super falcon arrow;


AR Fox with something dangerous. I like how Chucky T was clowning him on commentary, making fun of his unnecessary flips and prefacing this spot with "uh oh, here comes a terrible idea from AR Fox...";


Escalera SSP from Ricochet;




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus Stro. Glad you didn't get marooned in the mountains. That blowout sucks.


So not worth it
If this is a work I will buy a whole year of the WWE Network and will not question anything they do for the year as well. I just can't believe this is a work. I see Punk coming back someday but not this soon.
You were going to buy a whole year of WWE Network anyways, let's be honest here.


I like Bad News Barrett because he's not a wrestler but more a representation of the hardships of life. Like he can do or say anything to anyone but they won't retaliate because you can't retaliate against reality. You can only accept it and try to move on.
I really hope we get a nice feud between D Bry and Punk sometime in the next year. Leading to them facing at WM31 and possibly even headlining it. Have they fought each other since the match they had at Over The Limit 2012?
CIMA is out of the Dragon Gate USA shows this weekend.



Might as well just call it EVOLVE, because there's very little Dragon Gate about Dragon Gate USA.

However, it does open up spots for new guys - Gabe said 4 wrestlers will be making their DGUSA debuts, including Tim Donst! Still probably going to buy Saturday's show, if only to see what they come up with and who steps up, but they really need to do something about the lack of Japanese talent or just rebrand the whole thing as EVOLVE.

WhoaIsThatMars said:
Have they fought each other since the match they had at Over The Limit 2012?

Yeah, at Money in the Bank 2012, where AJ was the special referee.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Might as well just call it EVOLVE, because there's very little Dragon Gate about Dragon Gate USA.

However, it does open up spots for new guys - Gabe said 4 wrestlers will be making their DGUSA debuts, including Tim Donst! Still probably going to buy Saturday's show, if only to see what they come up with and who steps up, but they really need to do something about the lack of Japanese talent or just rebrand the whole thing as EVOLVE.

Yeah, at Money in the Bank 2012, where AJ was the special referee.

Open the Whitewashed Gate

Is Legit Shook doing a Wrestlemania countdown when the Network starts? Because if we are, I volunteer to do 1-8.

Good luck getting through Mania 1, it's a WEIRD show. Manias really wear the fuck out of me. They're good for one show but in the beginning, man, it's TOUGH.
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