I've actually found a lot more hidden fun in my Wii U than I expected. I actually prefer the browser to the ones I've used on my tablet (I use it frequently to post here while watching wrasslin) and some of the games I've picked up on the cheap have been good.
Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor's Edge in particular was a great deal as was TTT2.
The actual must buys for the system have all delivered, I had tons of fun with NSMB Wii, ZombiU, NSLU, MH3U, and 3D World and have barely scratched the surface of Pikmin 3 and W101.
Just downloaded Tropical Freeze last night and boy is that fun. Played the first two levels before passing out. This year should be pretty good with Smash 4, Mario Kart 8 and X.