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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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When I first got into wrestling, extreme wrestling and Foley in particular were a big part of why I got interested. Now I don't want to see any of it at all. Gimme comedy skits and a bigger measure of safety, I don't want to see people bleed anymore.

Same here. I can watch the older hardcore stuff with Foley (almost everything but the 99 RR finish) and enjoy it on a nostalgic level, but after seeing where that kind of wrestling leads, it's hard to enjoy it like I used to.

Booked better? They had him win the Rumble, had numerous title matches, and several title runs. Many have done more with much worse booking. ADR just can't get a reaction to save his life, Latino No Heat is a fitting nickname

LatiNo Heat. And by booked better, I believe Dragonzord means 'booked to his strengths' rather than 'shining spotlights on his horrible mic skills almost constantly'.
You can win all the titles and still be booked poorly. No storylines, being buried by Cena, no real rivalries. He also didn't win any major titles for a long time before finally winning it due to Christian being a Rey Mysterio and getting a pity run from Edge retiring.

EVERYONE is buried by Cena. As for not winning a major title for a "long time", he debuted on August 20th 2010, and won the WWE title on August 14th 2011. In his first year on the roster he won the Rumble and was WWE champion, how many other guys were pushed that hard?


I kinda like SIn Cara/whatever his name is new mask

Del Rio is great in the ring but Cena assassinated his character. He lost his cars and his pyro. He was his best when he was feuding with Rey. Del Rio is definitely good at getting at navigating the company due to his overall life experience in wrestling.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I kinda like SIn Cara/whatever his name is new mask

Yeah, funny note about this, he claims to have created the gimmick and so he went ahead and wrestled in WLL as Sin Cara and if the rumours of the Sin Cara character being pulled off WWE are true then he must not have been lying.
If the WWE wants to control the image so bad why do they even do RAW live? Just tape it and alter the sound as you please. Whining about how a live crowd that paid money to watch your crap reacts to your product is just some funny ass shit.

Seems like a lifetime ago when the WWF/E was constantly saying how they loved the crowd's freedom of speech and encouraged them to act upon it and bring signs to the shows. I guess this was a jibe at WCW who were probably censoring the crowd at the time.

How things change.


Yeah, funny note about this, he claims to have created the gimmick and so he went ahead and wrestled in WLL as Sin Cara and if the rumours of the Sin Cara character being pulled off WWE are true then he must not have been lying.

There is no way he retained control of the Sin cara gimmick. The only person that believes that is Sin Cara. When he debuts next month at AAA's Rey de Reyes, we'll find out how wrong he is

To be fair to Sin Cara, he did manage the impossible and got CMLL/AAA to work a show together, so Sin Cara gives no fucks about rules
30 minutes until New Japan's Road to the New Beginning!

Korakuen Hall, Tokyo

www.ustream.tv/njpw - $15

18:30 JST | 10:30 EU | 09:30 UK | 04:30 EST | 01:30 PST

01. Yohei Komatsu & Sho Tanaka vs Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku & Taichi)
02. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Tiger Mask & BUSHI vs CHAOS (Yujiro Takahashi, YOSHI-HASHI & Jado)
03. Tomoaki Honma & Captain New Japan vs CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka)
04. TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima) & El Desperado vs Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Kota Ibushi
05. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows & Tama Tonga) vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr)
06. Ryusuke Taguchi Return Match: Togi Makabe, Time Splitters (Alex Shelley, KUSHIDA) & Ryusuke Taguchi vs Bullet Club (Prince Devitt, Bad Luck Fale & The Young Bucks)
07. Special 6-Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hirooki Goto & Tetsuya Naito vs CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Shinsuke Nakamura & Tomohiro Ishii)

Nothing terribly stands out on paper, but it should be a fun show - that main event looks awesome, though.

My only complaint is I'd like to see Devitt win so any other quality matches you can post that are this good with him winning id be grateful as I've been ready to stop watching WWE (aside from selective matches) for a while and just watch some talent work. I liked NXT for this but its slowly going downhill with random awful Kofi/Miz/Natty appearances and Rusev/Mojo/Ascension oversaturation

Definitely check out his IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title defence against Gedo;


It's at Korakuen Hall, where the crowd always loves to see an underdog, so they're firmly behind Gedo in this one (even though he's more of a manager in recent years). Probably my favourite Devitt match of 2013.

Also, the Devitt vs Low Ki vs Ibushi match from Wrestle Kingdom 7 was great fun, well worth a watch;



Via Wrestlezone.com

Wrestling fans have apparently taken over the official WWE Facebook page in protest of CM Punk leaving the company earlier this week. The viral CM Punk "chants" begin on Tuesday, January 28th, almost immediately after the news broke on internet wrestling websites, and have taken over just about every single post made on the WWE's account.

Check out the photo below, combining over a dozen of the most recent posts and comments. And you can see the damage for yourself on WWE's official Facebook page.

Unless the entire Punk controversy happens to be a work, which many backstage believe is not the case, it's not likely that fans will be seeing him back in the WWE prior to WrestleMania, or in the near future.

Monday should be a fun night.
Does it really seems like everyone has now revolted against WWE, or is this still just a niche thing WWE could work past?

More people seem annoyed than usual - not just us.


Blaming WWE for CM Punk leaving is less fair than blaming them for Batista being back or Bryan not getting pushed. They're not 100% responsible for CM Punk leaving. Indirectly responsible, sure, but they didn't fire him. He left.


Blaming WWE for CM Punk leaving is less fair than blaming them for Batista being back or Bryan not getting pushed. They're not 100% responsible for CM Punk leaving. Indirectly responsible, sure, but they didn't fire him. He left.

Nobody leaves weeks before Wrestlemania.

It's WWE's fault to let such a thing happen to one of their top guys.
You in So Cal? It's currently on KDOC right now
wait a second. I actually do get this channel. I thought I read somewhere that it didn't air 'round here. anyway, this is actually awesome, I can record them and watch em on TV and not wait like a month for them to be on YT
wait a second. I actually do get this channel. I thought I read somewhere that it didn't air 'round here. anyway, this is actually awesome, I can record them and watch em on TV and not wait like a month for them to be on YT
Yeah it comes out at this time every Saturdays. It used to be 1am. And DirecTV has it on Tuesdays I believe at midnight.
Wataru Inoue came out at intermission with New Japan president Sugabayashi and announced that he'll be retiring from in-ring competition, as he's struggled to recover from injuries that have kept him out of action for well over a year. Nagata was watching on tearfully as his former Blue Justice protoge struggled to keep his composure and Inoue was visibly choked up as Korakuen Hall gave him a great farewell.

It's a shame, I wasn't the biggest Inoue fan in recent years, but it would have been nice to see him get one last match. He'll be working in a backstage role for New Japan from now on.


hey yeah wrestling is on , the hell is CWFH?

Why is those guys laying on that bam bam bigelow guy? Why is that guy using his ass as a pillow?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
2/1 WWE in Wichita

Early in the show, they mentioned that C.M. Punk would not be there and fans could get refunds. The Shield cut a promo about how he would not be there and how we should be glad that he went home, which I thought was interesting wording.

very choice words used and matches rumors.

(1) Mark Henry & IC champion Big E. Langston beat Curtis Axel & Ryback. Ryback was over and is a massive dude in real life. The heels got most of the work done on Langston, but a hot tag to Henry and World's Strongest Slam ended it for the faces to win.

A guy dressed as "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan in the crowd drew a lot of cheers early on. Also, Sign Guy Rick was present on the front row.

(2) Alexander Rusev beat Zack Ryder via submission. Lots of "Woo Woo Woo" chants. One guy was very loudly behind Rusev.

(3) Natalya beat Tamina Snuka via submission. This started as a dance-off, but turned into a match won by Natalya with the Sharpshooter.

(4) Sheamus & The Usos beat The Shield (U.S. champion Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns) in a six-man tag match. Usos were by far the most over of everyone out there. Sheamus won the match with the Brogue Kick to Ambrose. Good match. There were "Roman Reigns" chants during the match, but Shield drew quite a bit of heat overall.

(5) The Miz beat Damien Sandow via submission. This was the first match after intermisison. Sandow came out to a lot of boos and Miz got a positive reaction. There were lots of "Miz" chants throughout the match. Sandow used a Liontamer submission during the match and the crowd popped for it. But, Miz won with the figure-four leglock submission.

(6) Wade Barrett beat Kofi Kingston with the Bullhammer.

(7) Bray Wyatt beat Daniel Bryan in about 15 minutes in a steel cage match. Bryan lost after taking Sister Abigail. Bryan was massively over and it was a pretty good match.

Afterward, the Wyatts came down and beat Bryan with a chair, but Sheamus and the Usos made the save to close the show.
daniel bryan gets buried and sheamus replaces punk


EVERYONE is buried by Cena. As for not winning a major title for a "long time", he debuted on August 20th 2010, and won the WWE title on August 14th 2011. In his first year on the roster he won the Rumble and was WWE champion, how many other guys were pushed that hard?
Like a lot of guys before him, he was pushed fast, but they, like you'd expect, failed to deliver proper booking to make him a believeable guy in the long run. They were able to do so with CM Punk, but that took Cena away from the WWE title for over a year to do so. If ADR got pinfalls or better yet, had his cross armbreaker finisher protected. Instead, he's just beating the midcard guys like Kofi, R-Truth, Sin Cara, and Ziggler. In 2011, that time he cashed in Punk's win, that title reign lasted a month, and in that time he got his gimmick buried by Cena and became Cena and Punk's punching bag in the coming months. Some heel they were making.

I actually had to rewatch the end of the 2011 Rumble. I can't even look at it as them making him look strong against top tier opponents. It was Miz, with Alex Riley's assistance, that eliminated Cena. It was an exchanged between Barrett-Orton that helped ADR get the upperhand in that. The final guy was Santino Marella to be eliminated. That's like Mr. Perfect winning the Rumble in 1990 but instead of eliminating Warrior, Savage or Hogan, he eliminates Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


Definitely see no reason to have Bryan losing on house show main events. Especially as the face anchor of the show. That seems to be a fuck you fans kind of thing, but whatever. It's just a house show.

Year of the Wildcat! Lol. I bet Kofi will be the first guy to job to Rusev on Raw. When is the last time WWE had a black guy on the roster that didn't team with another black guy at some point? Brodus is the only guy I can think of on the current roster. And before that...Boogeyman?

Like a lot of guys before him, he was pushed fast, but they, like you'd expect, failed to deliver proper booking to make him a believeable guy in the long run. They were able to do so with CM Punk, but that took Cena away from the WWE title for over a year to do so. If ADR got pinfalls or better yet, had his cross armbreaker finisher protected. Instead, he's just beating the midcard guys like Kofi, R-Truth, Sin Cara, and Ziggler. In 2011, that time he cashed in Punk's win, that title reign lasted a month, and in that time he got his gimmick buried by Cena and became Cena and Punk's punching bag in the coming months. Some heel they were making.

I actually had to rewatch the end of the 2011 Rumble. I can't even look at it as them making him look strong against top tier opponents. It was Miz, with Alex Riley's assistance, that eliminated Cena. It was an exchanged between Barrett-Orton that helped ADR get the upperhand in that. The final guy was Santino Marella to be eliminated. That's like Mr. Perfect winning the Rumble in 1990 but instead of eliminating Warrior, Savage or Hogan, he eliminates Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

Bad analogy. Duggan was OVER as fuck. His reactions were often as big and sometimes bigger than Hogan's. It'd be more like Perfect winning the Rumble by eliminating Koko B. Ware or the Red Rooster.
2nd half of today's NJPW show was a lot of fun - Suzuki-gun vs Bullet Club and the main event of Tanahashi, Goto & Naito vs Okada, Nakamura & Ishii was real good. The last five minutes were all Ishii vs Naito - can't wait for their NEVER title match. As expected, the Korakuen crowd were almost all behind Ishii.

Some gifs;







So not worth it

Mr. Sam

One of the big problems with Sin Cara was that you can't emote with a mask that covers your entire face. That wouldn't matter in Mexico where it's more important to do a lot of rotations in the air, but more important in the States where you expect an audience to empathise with a character. Rey's mask doesn't cover his eyes or mouth - neither did El Generico's.

Do I sound insane?


One of the big problems with Sin Cara was that you can't emote with a mask that covers your entire face. That wouldn't matter in Mexico where it's more important to do a lot of rotations in the air, but more important in the States where you expect an audience to empathise with a character. Rey's mask doesn't cover his eyes or mouth - neither did El Generico's.

Do I sound insane?

No, but Sin Cara in the US at least had zero physical charisma anyway. Rey and Generico could have physically sold their emotions and pain with their bodies even with full masks. Sin Cara never showed anything like that while in WWE. He was just some short guy in a mask. Never showed any of the charisma that made him such a star in Mexico. It seemed like he was a robot with half finished AI who only knew how to point and botch. People in the cheap seats can't see your face. You're working for everyone in the building. If you can't physically sell to make the people in the cheap seats know what you're doing, then you aren't doing it right.
No, but Sin Cara in the US at least had zero physical charisma anyway. Rey and Generico could have physically sold their emotions and pain with their bodies even with full masks. Sin Cara never showed anything like that while in WWE. He was just some short guy in a mask. Never showed any of the charisma that made him such a star in Mexico. It seemed like he was a robot with half finished AI who only knew how to point and botch. People in the cheap seats can't see your face. You're working for everyone in the building. If you can't physically sell to make the people in the cheap seats know what you're doing, then you aren't doing it right.

Part of that may have been him thinking too much in the ring. When you get too far into your head things like that can slip. He really, really, really needed to spend time in developmental. I don't think he was ever comfortable in the ring working WWE matches. Add the mask, mood lightning, and language barrier...not sure if he ever had a chance.


The latest Wrestling Observer Radio had some insider confirm that Bray Wyatt writes his own promos. He's just fantastic.

The crowd is going to eviscerate everyone who isn't Bryan

To be honest, WWE kind of deserve it.

I feel bad for the wrestlers getting shit upon simply because they aren't Bryan, but WWE has no one to blame for this situation but themselves. I'm so sick of this 'meta' storyline bullshit and it seems like so are a large portion of the fanbase - they're tired of waiting for the pay-off and the more obstacles The Authority throw in Bryan's way, the more concerned the fans get that this isn't so much a storyline, but rather real life and that there's never going to be the big pay-off for Bryan that they expect.

Also, the fucking arrogance of Vince & co. gets supremely tiring after a while. Crowd turned on Batista? Fuck that city! Crowd are chanting for the wrong guy? Edit reality! Wrestler somehow turned a shit gimmick into gold? You're getting over on our terms, or not at all!

Lastly, if The Authority angle isn't done and dusted by Mania, I'm done with WWE. Authority figures are SOOOOOOOO played out.


I may be addicted to wrestling entrance music and entrance videos. I'm legitimately excited to see Titus O'Neil's new music and video. Is there a number I can call?


To be honest, WWE kind of deserve it.

I feel bad for the wrestlers getting shit upon simply because they aren't Bryan, but WWE has no one to blame for this situation but themselves. I'm so sick of this 'meta' storyline bullshit and it seems like so are a large portion of the fanbase - they're tired of waiting for the pay-off and the more obstacles The Authority throw in Bryan's way, the more concerned the fans get that this isn't so much a storyline, but rather real life and that there's never going to be the big pay-off for Bryan that they expect.

Also, the fucking arrogance of Vince & co. gets supremely tiring after a while. Crowd turned on Batista? Fuck that city! Crowd are chanting for the wrong guy? Edit reality! Wrestler somehow turned a shit gimmick into gold? You're getting over on our terms, or not at all!

Lastly, if The Authority angle isn't done and dusted by Mania, I'm done with WWE. Authority figures are SOOOOOOOO played out.

That's the worst thing for me


So not worth it
Honestly, I'm very happy with the chants and it's about time the fans mobilized against the product. It's been shit for the better part of every year for a decade now and the fact that it used to be played off as a "smark internet fan" problem and not an issue for most of the audience was infuriating enough. Now that entire crowds turn on the product that is a great thing.

However, do I think WWE deserves to be shit on for CM Punk walking out? I'm kinda split on that to be honest. Now I understand where Punk comes from and his frustration building to this point. But to pick up and leave instead of just walking out at the end of his contract or give at least a two week notice so they could write him off? In the end it's his decision and I'm sure it's the best thing for him to do if he's burned out. But the guy wasn't exactly treated like dog shit by WWE either. He was a big part of their show, and while he might not have been champion, they did give him the longest title run. They gave him a Taker match. He was a top guy. I understand that Cena will always be THE guy, but it's not like Punk was treated as Ziggler, or even as Bryan.

Him leaving is a selfish thing to do, there's people on Monday that don't deserve their work being shat on and that will be drowned out by Punk chants, that's a shame for them. Also, Bryan was the focal point of the crowd turning on WWE and now Punk is stealing some of that thunder too, though I'm hopeful it won't be too much.

And contrary to Bryan, where chanting for him will force WWE's hand, there's nothing to gain from chanting CM Punk. HE LEFT, WWE can't do anything about it, it wasn't their choice for Punk to leave. He's gone and now they have to issue refunds and change VIP Axxess tickets and take Miz off of appearances on TV shows because Punk is there and no matter how loud the crowd gets, no magic will get Punk back on TV.

So while you can blame WWE somewhat for getting to this point, Punk was getting a high profile match at Mania in their main angle (Authority) and had the #1 RR spot. Sure, he was in a holding pattern and burned out from travelling, but he was hardly being held down by the machine as is the case with many other guys.
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