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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like tumblr fangirl marks complaining about Torito in the RR and doing moves to their precious Rollins.

Like Torito isn't an incredible athlete or something. Maybe if he was more kawaiii....


Lol at the Bryan SHOOT from NXT season one. Punk and Regal laughing and nodding while Bryan says he's better than Miz, Regal even getting on the mic to say Bryan is better. So good.



CM Punk is a dick to little people.

He also
puts his dick
in certain little people.

Sorry, that was vulgar.


Still looks like more people than they normally get. I believe that statement still holds true.

Incidentally, I think the whole 'is this a work' nonsense is trivial. It's like the 2014 version of 'is wrestling fake'.

The reality is that it's probably not a work "right now" but the WWE will turn it into one over time because they have to be perceived as the puppetmasters of everything.
Just like the Bryan chants.


Lol at the Bryan SHOOT from NXT season one. Punk and Regal laughing and nodding while Bryan says he's better than Miz, Regal even getting on the mic to say Bryan is better. So good.
Bad thing is the terrible Cole commentary; I suppose the payoff having Bryan beat on him was nice.
Sorry to go back to this but I missed all the PWG talk earlier regarding how it can be a spotfest. Yes, I understand that and I get why people are tired of it but you still have to be able to perform them properly. As dumb as it sounds, there is still a bit of psychology involved. I have seen a fair amount of matches (AIW) that are just spot after spot after spot but the match is still boring. Something like Shane vs Angle is a spotfest but that is done properly.

Thoughts on bean breath?!

A scholar and a gentleman.

#ABA What made you love deathmatch wrestling so much?

I don't really know, to be honest - I first saw deathmatch wrestling in the late 90's, with a tape of Big Japan Pro-Wrestling, which featured all sorts of insane nonsense and was fairly hooked from then on.


Carroll vs Cole - Loser Leaves Town match. who wins?

Hmmm, I want to say Cole, but Big Andy might just have the edge. *edit, scrap that, Carlton's wildly flailing arms and inability to control his legs give him the advantage in unpredictability, if nothing else. I'm going for Carlton 'Over Chuffed' Cole.

Satisfying gif.

#ABA What was the first wrasslin show you attended live?

#ABA What was the earliest match you remember seeing?

Some FWA nonsense in '99 or 2000, I think. Sabu was there.

First match I really remember is Hogan vs Savage at Mania.

Vince McMahon said:
#ABA Ask Bootaaay Anything

Favorite TNA performer? Samoa Joe?

Daniels, actually. He's been a more consistent performer than Joe and has a better body of work. Also, that longevity - dude's been one of the best guys on the indies since the late 90's.

#ABA most disgusting deathmatch you've ever seen?

That's a good question. Either I go for something that had one incredibly fucked-up moment (like Necro Butcher vs Mad Man Pondo in IWA-MS where Necro lost a chunk of his arm and started pissing arterial blood everywhere) or something that was just fucked-up throughout (Jun Kasai vs Jaki Numazawa in a razor board deathmatch). Ultimately, though, I'd have to go for a Zandig match, probably his 200 lighttubes match against Matsunaga.


Mick Foley ‏@realmickfoley
I know that @CMPunk has been frustrated for quite some time. To his great credit, he never let that prevent him from giving less than 100%


Foley is hopefully talking about fan interaction. He's still great at appearances and live events. Super nice guy to kids especially.
I know that's the PWG way, but shit. At least save spots and finishers. There is no reason that spots in the crazy over the top main event should be done in the opening match. And second match. And fourth match. And there is no reason why so many people should have the same finishers or use someone else's finish as a transition move on the same show.

Except it works, for PWG. Obviously, it'd be horrible for WWE. But, then again, matches full of basic moves and simple wrestling for debuting wrestlers like what happens in Japan wouldn't get over in the WWE either. Different audiences enjoy different things.
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