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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Sweet chin music

They broke up fighting each other guys. Bryan was all pissy because he thought he was a weak link.

So Bryan vs Kane at EC with him fighting HHH at mania? He literally just took Punk's spot? lol

Bryan's backstage politicking has no boundaries. I hope AJ looks over her shoulder.


You guys need to get this through your heads. The show will suck no matter who is in the main event. Punk was WWE Champion for more than a year, and the show sucked. Bryan was in the main event the latter half of last year, and the show still sucked. Punk stays gone, comes back, the show will still suck! Bryan gets into the main event, becomes #1 guy in the company, the show will still suck.

It's going to suck because it's not the talent that's the problem, it's the storytelling and lack of creative storylines.

It's going to suck, no matter what.

It didn't help that for a majority of Punk's title reign he was playing second fiddle to another storyline. Hell his title reign ended because they needed to make TWICE IN A LIFETIME look more important.


more money than God
It didn't help that for a majority of Punk's title reign he was playing second fiddle to another storyline. Hell his title reign ended because they needed to make TWICE IN A LIFETIME look more important.
Ended. Not ended. First fiddle. Whatever. It will suck.
delayed pyro says it all... this is just terrible, vanilla garbage. gave us what we wanted and it STILL sucked, which doesn't bode well.

I'm telling you this was planned. They're incredibly neurotic and use a lot of subtle psychology to craft these programs. They gave us what we wanted but they did it in the most boring way. This is all planned, 100%.
Hey, Kofi Kingston beat Randy Orton. Why doesn't The Authority consider making Kofi the face of the WWE?

I know, I know, "Because he's black, bean breath."


It didn't help that for a majority of Punk's title reign he was playing second fiddle to another storyline. Hell his title reign ended because they needed to make TWICE IN A LIFETIME look more important.

didn't cena vs johnny ace squash match go on after punk's championship match at a ppv? lol


I'm telling you this was planned. They're incredibly neurotic and use a lot of subtle psychology to craft these programs. They gave us what we wanted but they did it in the most boring way. This is all planned, 100%.

WWE Creative is extremely passive aggressive.


Hey, Kofi Kingston beat Randy Orton. Why doesn't The Authority consider making Kofi the face of the WWE?

I know, I know, "Because he's black, bean breath."

Because that wasn't a real win.

Kofi only won because Cena was in Orton's head. Why do you think Kofi got his ass kicked so bad the next week that he had to hold Orton's legs like a bitch-noodle until Cena could come finish the job?


HHH made a bad decision making JBL the GM of NXT. From a story perspective, it didn't really make much sense anyway since JBL is an announcer with no ties to The Authority. Plus, I'm pretty sure HHH has been on NXT more times than JBL since JBL was made GM. It makes way more sense that Kane would be the GM. Who knows, maybe his abs would have motivated Chris Hero enough to stay in shape and keep his job.


more money than God
HHH made a bad decision making JBL the GM of NXT. From a story perspective, it didn't really make much sense anyway since JBL is an announcer with no ties to The Authority. Plus, I'm pretty sure HHH has been on NXT more times than JBL since JBL was made GM. It makes way more sense that Kane would be the GM. Who knows, maybe his abs would have motivated Chris Hero enough to stay in shape and keep his job.
"I'm 47, Chris. Look at these abs! Look at them! See how my belly doesn't jiggle when I walk? Huh?"

Anyone else hoping Kane was going to rip off his shirt tonight?
The early build to Mania is always complete shit. Got 8 RAW/SD's plus EC to cover. Not making excuses though since it's clear 30 will suck balls no matter what.


more money than God
I'm expecting Kane to face Bryan on a random RAW, lose, then face a vending machine at WM for the right to a bag of doritos. HHH must have his doritos!


"I'm 47, Chris. Look at these abs! Look at them! See how my belly doesn't jiggle when I walk? Huh?"

Anyone else hoping Kane was going to rip off his shirt tonight?

On top of that, having a vet like Kane around to help out seems like a good idea. JBL doesn't particularly seem like the kind of guy who is going to get in the ring and help out or work on promos with young guys. I picture him to be one of those guys who demands "respect" and is a total asshole to all the young talent because he feels he's earned the right. I see Kane getting in the ring with Big Cass and showing him how to work like a guy his size, or working with the Ascension on how to do promos saying really stupid shit.
There is nothing CM Punk would have done that would make this show any more interesting. Wtf is up with Miz? AJ and her quest to become a female version of Punk is annoying.

One more thing, if WWE is going to do these Black History Month videos, the videos should probably be followed by a commercial or app instruction...not some random dance contest. Seemed weird.


more money than God
On top of that, having a vet like Kane around to help out seems like a good idea. JBL doesn't particularly seem like the kind of guy who is going to get in the ring and help out or work on promos with young guys. I picture him to be one of those guys who demands "respect" and is a total asshole to all the young talent because he feels he's earned the right. I see Kane getting in the ring with Big Cass and showing him how to work like a guy his size, or working with the Ascension on how to do promos saying really stupid shit.
Kane will have Arn Anderson's position when he retires, so he'll get plenty of chances for that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Once again I liked most of RAW. I don't know why, but it's perfect background noise for grinding out portable games.

Most of the matches I did pay attention to I liked and none of the angles offended either.


Kane character change has been wasted. So much potential. I still think the corporation should have turned on Orton months ago, backing Kane in the process and making him champion. He's one of the best talkers in the company and they don't use him.


The Aksana knee drop looked an awful lot like her elbow drop right in Boob Bella's face last week. I can't find the gif, but she landed square on the Bella's face.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
So from what i've read the orton/bryan match is good, bryan won clean, then shenanigans occured. Oh well, at least we got a good match out of it.
Well so far, this thread is a giant pain in the ass to read as I follow along with the show. I wish all the Daniel Bryan fans would actually follow through on their empty threats to quit watching.


Actually, this usage makes sense.

Gives the fans in attendance their Cena pop.
Cena's not-so-pretty face doesn't get showcased on television.
Hence he doesn't need to sell this injury and look mortal.

Well so far, this thread is a giant pain in the ass to read as I follow along with the show. I wish all the Daniel Bryan fans would actually follow through on their empty threats to quit watching.
I'd post less if I was actually watching the terrible show. Mainly because I'd be asleep.

- Speaking of Natalya, she and Brie Bella replied to AJ Lee's shots on commentary tonight via Twitter.

Natalya: "Watching the Divas match...if personality consists of bad jazzercise moves & head tilts, I'll stick to being Queen of the Ring any day. #Raw"

Brie: "All AJ cares about is personality..well I only care about wrestling..meet me in the ring anytime & ill wrestle circles around you!Brie #RAW"

Nattie still pissy that Emma almost poked her eye out a while back on NXT. XD

Who's this twat?

Oh no you didn't! :[


Heel tried telling y'all, but you didn't wanna heard him.

Probably the worst thing they can do now that they have lightning in a bottle is open the damn bottle within 24 hours, but I can easily see it happening.

I say you let Bryan know he's booked to lose to Kofi tonight with a straight face, and keep these has-beens like Mankind tweetin' on their Tweeters.

EDIT: and get this Emma chick off my TV yesterday.


Watching RAW now (had to take my friend to the hospital, long story), did JBL really say "A blue dot would look better than Christian's face!"??? MY GOD, THEY'RE SPYING ON US GUYS.
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