aaaaaaaaaaand the name of the first GWF PPV has been found
You spent all that money just to play that shitty game?��

You spent all that money just to play that shitty game?��
I was there fam.X-PAC heat means we all wanted X-PAC to fuck off and die, not boo you're a bad guy.
X-PAC outstayed his welcome by late 2000.
The fact this has to be explained is fucking staggering.
c'mon seph, when do i get to body some jobbers
Celebrate the end of the Avatar Rumble Bet with the begging of GWF!
Who ever elimates me is getting the Maven treatment😡
What is Maven up to these days?
Zach did you listen to the One night stand TLF
hey Sephzilla, give me an honest answer: how's the noise level of the ps4 pro?
do not say "whisper quiet"
I don't recall. Why?
GWF 1: GWF's Not Dead will be held LIVE on Wednesday March 1st, at 7:00PM Eastern/6:00PM Central* on . Celebrate the end of the Avatar Rumble Bet with the begging of GWF! Witness a 30 man over the top rope Royal Rumble to determine the first ever GWF World Champion! The remainder of the card will be revealed later this week.
* Date and start time are subject to change based on optimal GWF viewership. See your local GAF posts for more details.
I'm going to be busy all this weekend, thus why I'm not holding it then.
smh a rumble to determine the WC instead of a months long double bracketed sports style tourny culminating in a 60 minute draw into sudden death 2 count for a fall overtime?
just smdh
You'll hear it when the disc tray is spinning. Other than that it's a really silent hum that you won't hear if you're further than like 3 or 4 feet away from the system, and even then you'll only really notice it when there's little to no sound.I've only had the system for a week though, I imagine it will naturally get a little louder once dust builds up on the fan.It's whisper quiet.
It's a good show and I think you just watched it
You use metacritic to validate your purchases?😂😂😂😂aaaaaaaaaaand the name of the first GWF PPV has been found
You use metacritic to validate your purchases?😂😂😂😂
He loves Russian and Putin.Rusev...
That double champion. I still think it sucks that pac was the only dx member who didn't hold the ic belt.
That double champion. I still think it sucks that pac was the only dx member who didn't hold the ic belt.
get hyped
tonight is the night
get hyped
tonight is the night
At the house show everyone was hyped about big show. I didn't get it. He was the face in a match. He did look in better shape but he was still jelly
Jim fucking Sterling loved Horizon.