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February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!

Pikmark so buttmad he had to make two replies. Get this man off the damn stage, he's dying out there. In fact


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
No, you don't care about the best wrestlers "competing." You care about talented athletic people cooperating to create the best possible fake combat interactions based on a storyline.

If you cared about the best wrestlers competing, you'd be watching UFC. :)

Nah, I have worked with both the UFC and WWE in the past; repped Randy Orton or Kelly Kelly to working with Johnny Hendricks or Urijah Faber, etc. WWE wrestlers provide a much better competitive environment than UFC wrestlers do. UFC wrestlers are boring to watch, boring to work with, boring all around. When a UFC wrestler is forced to stand up against another UFC wrestler, it typically leads to shitty stand-up that is cringe-worthy.

In addition, no one turns to UFC for amateur wrestling; they turn to the Olympics, collegiate wrestling, the UWW, and the like.

But alas, you're living on the edge! Talking about "talented athletic people cooperating blah blah blah" in the February Wrasslin' thread and playing devils advocate for the hell of it.
Google is your friend.

WM should not be Network exclusive. WWE is wasting so much revenue each year doing this gamble.

Should be "All PPVs except WM are free" honestly.

I can see that argument, but it's part of the long term plan, I think. Sacrifice the revenue now for future revenue in ten years when people are used to paying the WWE a monthly fee all year instead of $60 once or twice a year.

After all, would they have come close to early projections if WM wasn't included? Probably not.


I can see that argument, but it's part of the long term plan, I think. Sacrifice the revenue now for future revenue in ten years when people are used to paying the WWE a monthly fee all year instead of $60 once or twice a year.

After all, would they have come close to early projections if WM wasn't included? Probably not.

I could see where this would be coming from for the first 1-2 years, but the growth is just not there. Nothing is pointing to potential. Now they are doubling down with this free WM stuff.

Feels like typical hard headed Vince at this point.
I could see where this would be coming from for the first 1-2 years, but the growth is just not there. Nothing is pointing to potential. Now they are doubling down with this free WM stuff.

Feels like typical hard headed Vince at this point.

Sure. I can totally see the argument for not including WM or the Big 4, but I can also see the argument for including everything.

The problem is, they did it in reverse because you can't say now, "OK, now you don't get Wrestlemania" without an actual backlash, not a fake Twitter #cancelwwenetwork backlash.

OTOH, they could've started with just the B-PPV's the 1st year, added the other Big 3 if need be, then added WM if things were still sputtering along.


Sure. I can totally see the argument for not including WM or the Big 4, but I can also see the argument for including everything.

The problem is, they did it in reverse because you can't say now, "OK, now you don't get Wrestlemania" without an actual backlash, not a fake Twitter #cancelwwenetwork backlash.

OTOH, they could've started with just the B-PPV's the 1st year, added the other Big 3 if need be, then added WM if things were still sputtering along.

Feels like this would have been the smarter plan, but its hindsight 20-20 at this point.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
And Punk apparently called back while the fake match was being filmed.

What a weird ass thing. Rock gives 0 fucks. Good for him.

By really. Why the hell is Paige getting a film bio? Random as hell.

No, Punk called back while The Rock was still in the ring having the fans do fake cheers, boos, and chants for the film. The Rock tried to call him back with Facetime.
I hope someone got footage of the fake AJ and Paige's titantron. Paige's titantron was especially hilarious, she looked really really bad. Bad hair fake Kane bad. The whole thing was a mess whoever has to edit that has their work cut out for them. Oh and "This is Awesome" chant and "You Deserve It" chant will likely make that movie if they use what was filmed lol
It's time for excelsiorlef's overly long "Since I couldn't watch it Live and Comment as I Go" Segment by Segment Raw Review!

Another pretty entertaining 3 hours of Raw. Everything but Roman Reigns clicked for me pretty much.

Opening Video

The WWE consistently has the best video package production team in entertainment.That montage of the Festival of Friendship was out of this world, it perfectly capture all the emotional points of the segment from the funny highs, to the serious feelings to the violent end. The editing was pitch perfect as was the music selections, just an absolutely beautiful video package.

KO Promo

Opening KO promo was fantastic, great atmosphere, great mood. Owens in a suit was a great touch, the heat from the Crowd when Owens' name was announced was nice to hear. Very smart to barely mention Jericho and focus on Goldberg, Owens/Jericho is for Mania, if you explain it all now by the time we get to Mania no one will care. Was hoping, given that Owens mentioned Goldberg's WCW reign, that Owens would mention how Bret Hart a fellow Canadian constantly outsmarted Goldberg, but that's me being picky. I loved Owens showing no fear to Goldberg, though I will admit I am concerned now about how a potential squash could hurt Owens. When you are a cowardly heel getting squashed doesn't hurt that much because you're a cowardly heel and it makes sense, but when you're a no fear, take no prisoners, I'm going to murder the world heel like Kevin Owens is now becoming getting destroyed kills that mystique. I feel the solution might be for Lesnar to cost Owens so that Owens has a legit gripe and doesn't lose that badass mystqiue. We'll see. Owens teasing talking about Jericho and then just dropping the mic was an A+ finish to an A+ promo, tease it while also showing how little Owens cares for Jericho now. Brilliant.

The leaving the aerna only to get booked by Foley in a match segment was great too. Owens' retort of "I thought you liked Sami" to Foley was cold as ice as was the threat of more guys being injured than active. Good shit.

Sheasaro vs Enzo and Cass

Decent little match, thanks mostly to Cesaro, that hot tag attempt stopped by a European uppercut was one of the more creative ways I've seen to do a stop the hot tag spot. I'll tell you Enzo might not be the best in the ring but that guy can sell and sell amazingly, every shot from Cesaro looked fantastic when Enzo was on the receiving end. Enzo is slowly startin to grow on me and I have to admit honestly that spot in the intro with Enzo taking the Cuppa Haters sign and saying his catchphrase was pretty great (and as much as it annoys me imitating his cuppa haters is stupid silly fun sometimes). He looked pretty smooth on the mic tonight as they kept it short but sweet. Surprisingly smart move to not do the schmoz finish to set up a triple threat tag match at Fastlane and instead just make Enzo and Cass go over clean, the WWE clearly likes them so it is time to book them seriously. The Borgue kick after the match to Enzo after he was being a sore winner was great as was the thank you Sheamus chant. It is too bad Cass is still really green because I feel like the breakup needs to happen sooner rather than later (like this year maybe) because that match was all Cass, Enzo was pretty much useless, and that's true for most of their matches and segments. It is always Cass having to bail out Enzo, case in point the ending where Cass does all the work and Enzo starts pissing off Sheamus and Cesaro to the point of Sheamus knocking out Enzo with the Brogue Kick (another great sell from Sheamus and what a great replay with the slow mo look at the boot to head) and now Cass has to drag his idiot buddy to the back. The moment Cass says enough is enough has potential to be great but Cass is going to have to get a lot better and a lot more confident mic wise to really sell it, and I feel it has to happen within this year because they are frankly already teasing it now and if it goes on too long, no one will care. Frankly if I was the WWE given the thank you Sheamus chant I'd look at the story being a way to turn Enzo heel because that dude will be an excellent mid card punching bag heel who can talk his way into keeping heat.

"Kendrick vs Tozawa"

It's nice to see the Cruisers get some story rather than just quick matches. I was concerned that the Kendrick/Tozawa feud would end tonight with little fan fare. So I grooved to this little segment, I liked Kendrick putting his jacket back on to exit. Solid spot and the camera working keeping on Tozawa looking pissed did a good job keeping the heat and momentum on Tozawa imo. He didn't looked defeated, he looked like a man ready to get revenge, good stuff.

Gallows and Anderson vs Roman Reigns

Fuck Roman Reigns

This Week's New Day Tribute to the Bret Hart "We're sorry we have nothing really for you so please just get yourself over" WCW Segment:

These matches and segments are so silly and so pointless and yet fuck it I am always thoroughly entertained. Just like Bret could get over talking about his fucking cat or El Dandy, New Day excel at making something out of nothing. Ice cream is over, the Russian hack joke was literally one of the best usages of Lana being "Russian" to date. Lana interrupting New Day's usual spiel was great as was the sarcastic clapping throughout the New Day's promo from Rusen and Mahal. Rusev looked pretty good, Calling Mahal Hardbody Mahal or whatever the nickname was to go with Handsome Rusev was pretty great. The match was fun, New Day is awesome, it's clear as I figured that the Ice Cream is a build up to their Mania work, announcing them as hosts is pretty much confirmation that they won't have any major story going into Mania but that's ok because they're still on TV and they're still entertaining. Xavier scarring Lana with Francesca II was great oh and on a side note this shirt is amazing (found it while trying to remember the Trombone's name lol):

All in all a nothing segment but an entertaining nothing segment, and hey maybe it'll continue for a few weeks, give Rusev something to do because he's fucking funny too.

Cruiserweight Contract Signing

Again another great story segment, Gallagher is in a world unto himself in terms of faces in the WWE and while him getting the title now would be too soon, a lengthy reign with it later would be great. Both Neville and Gallagher really licked on the mic and have really good chemistry with each other, Neville got dangerously close to doing a stupid American promo but quickly saved it by focusing it back on Gallagher and his Brtishishness. I really ug how Gallagher after being accused of being a stereotype and a cartoon responded by fully embracing his gimmick, him saying something to the affect of I don't play a gentleman, I am a gentleman was great. Love the headbutt, love the umbrella to the throat. The umbrella is a perfect example of the List of Jericho method of getting something silly over, treat it seriously it'll still be comedic, it'll still be funny but if you don't make it a joke in world then it'll still stay over. Great stuff.

Nia Sqaush

I enjoy a good squash. Nia is still stupid green on the mic and in the ring but I do see some improvement. So there is yet hope for her.

Bayley Promo

I thought this was pretty great, Bayley is still supes awkward on the mic but when she was able to just be her genuine self I thought it worked, and girl is over as fuck. Steph being back to fullscale heel is a relief and her being with other women I think is the best usage for her because she needs to get her comeuppance someday and it wouldn't be umm PG to come from a man. Sasha is also over as fuck, I thought the will she or won't she thing was pretty great and Baley's hell no was solid too. Charlotte of course continues to outclass both of them on the mic. Charlotte announcing her rematch at Fastlane is cause for deja vu concern but I see a very logical progression of the story that began last week. We mirror the finish from last week with Dana Brooke coming in and getting her shots in unseen only unlike last week when Sasha tries to even the odds and interferes herself she gets caught, Charlotte gets the DQ win to keep the streak alive, and then Bayley gets pissed, spurning Sasha for not having faith in her to take care of Charlotte herself and then you know the Sasha heel turn comes out of that to lead us into Mania wherein we reveal probably that Steph was right that Sasha would much prefer to face Bayley than Charlotte ,though even though Sasha is a great heel I worry about turning her because she is frankly probably more over than Bayley right now. That said a story of I wanted you to win because I know I can beat you story is a great Mania story and if, and I hope this is the plan, Bayley wins at Mania it makes for a nice payoff (and Bayley being the only face guarantees a good reaction),

Banks vs Flair

While it might not be Steamboat/Flair levels, I honestly never get tired of watching these two go, great TV match, love the backstabber into Banks Statement. Bayley should not do colour commentary but I loved her immediately jumping up to stop Dana Brooke. Good stuff, fun match.

Sami Zayn's Promo

Dug it, solid stuff, toned down the Woody Allen a bit but some of it is still there which is good because I think it's great. Him not gloating about being right about KO is solid baby face stuff, making this promo also be about Joe was also great. No complaints.

Zayn vs Owens

Terrific beatdown from Joe. Some might argue this hurts KO's image but I think it works quite well as foreshadowing for the likely stable HHH is putting together. Zayn looked tough demanding the match start and Owens looked good being an animal with no qualms at destroying weakened prey. Owens still looks like a remorseless killer here so I'm ok with it.

Lesnar/Heyman sitdown interview

Phenomenal as to be expected, Lesnar's murder face being in full focus while a blurry Heyman does all the talking was a great visual. This also should all but put to rest the idea that Lesnair is going to cost Goldberg the title, as I've been saying Lesnar is a guy who want titles, that's his character. I thought Heyman did a really clever thing wherein he spoke for himself and for Lesnar. I was concerned at first when Heyman, speaking for Lesnar, basically sold Kevin Owens as a nothing threat, but then Heyman came in and said that from his perspective Owens was very credible. I thought this duology really worked, because Lesnar shouldn't think of Owens as fucking anything because Lesnar has to believe that if he couldn't beat Gldberg in the past then no one can. It makes sense but we can't just run down and dismiss Owens has fucking nothing so Heyman selling Owens as someone he personally believes in worked well to put Owens over.

Great segment and thank god for Paul Heyman.

Braun vs Show

Definitely the best match of Braun's career this far and one of the better Big Show matches in ages. This was a pretty fun battle of the giants. It went on a little long (though thankfully ot as long as the Mark Henry one from last week) in my opinion and I didn't care for Show kicking out of the first powerslam., unless that was done in the fly to protect the move because of how bad it looked, though I wish Cole and Co had sold it as Braun didn't get all of it (because he really didn't). I'd have preferred a set up KO punch spot rather than an out of nowhere reversal from a diving move. The out of nowhere ones never look as good. Also I'd have done it more like Lensnar vs Show from Royal Rumble 2014 where the punch staggers but doesn't drop Braun, this iMO would have been a bigger spot and gotten Braun even more over as a badass motherfucker, instead it just was a kind whatever blatant near fall.

Braun winning and Reigns' music hitting immediately was funny shit. Braun killing Reigns again is whatever. I hope these past few matches were Braun has been selling a lot more isn't just so that fans get used to it for Fastlane when Reigns takes down the big man, I have to believe they are going to do some sort of schmoz possibly with Taker to build to Mania and keep both men looking strong, fuck even a double KO finish would be fine, anything but Reigns going over at this point.

All in all a great Raw when Reigns wasn't involved, him using a chair in his burial of Gallows and Anderson was intriguing and hopefully actually is hints at a post Mania heel turn, but we'll see.

Thus endth my review.


They can very easily play the "I won't fight you at WM but I know someone who will..." card from Shane and wheel out Nakamura at any time.
You need to stop entertaining this silly AJ vs. Nakamura scenario. It's not happening.
You'll get that rematch at some B-list Smackdown-exclusive network special.
Shane vs. AJ is a lock for Mania and, knowing Styles, he'll drag the best match of the night out of him even though he clearly deserves someone far better.
So they finally did a good job of making Kevin Owens seem like a threatening heel champion at the start of Raw.

Then by the end of it he was back down to like, 4th or 5th most dangerous guy on the show. :|
Y'all acting like Rock giving 0 fucks is something amazing. Course he doesn't, he's bigger than anything WWE related at the moment.

It's one of those weird instances in which is safe to assume the company needs him more than him needing the company.
Y'all acting like Rock giving 0 fucks is something amazing. Course he doesn't, he's bigger than anything WWE related at the moment.

It's one of those weird instances in which is safe to assume the company needs him more than him needing the company.

Pretty much. He's far beyond even Daneil Bryan level of zero fucks.
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