Kayfabe can be real. The best compliment I can give to pro wrestling is if they make it feel real. Even though I know it 's not real. Brock's return was amazing because he made it feel real, his matches felt real, his attitude that played into his real life attitude felt real.
WWE would rather have their cake and eat it too though and that never works. Stop trying to establish Alexa Bliss as the 'top heel' of your promotion(despite the fact that she's the worst wrestler on the promotion exaggerated sadface ) then run multiple videos about her family life and all of her hard triumphs.
It's amazing people on here just say 'it doesn't matter bro' when it does. When a babyface hype promo builds someone up as a face to the fans it's not because it's 'real' to them it's because it tell a story in an overall world.
The Network is the ultimate tool for building your 'WWE Universe' and keeping continuity to make it seem like you are at least trying to be consistent but they don't do any of that. People complained about Brock's 'clock in clock out' attitude but thats how ALL the WWE roster is about their characters and how management treats it. I clocked in as Heel McMustache but I want free reign to tweet about how much I love hugging puppies because its all fake bro. Why should I try to even pretend the illusion of realness even though that's the entire goal of pro wrestling? Instead, the only endgame from the starts is, 'we got a lot of gifs made and 5 snowflakes from dameltz' and the management, 'we sold some more t-shirts'
Everyone knows its fake but its easier to buy into the illusion if you actually make the 'wrestlers' seem like they're that way in real life. It's why stuff like the NWO worked.