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February Wrasslin' |OT| Observe THIS, Brother!

Pretty fun house show. AJ/Miz/Ambrose put together a great match lots of triple spots that I'd never seen before.

Btw alongside Wyatt and Harper having great in ring chemistry, a big and pleasant surprise is the ring chemistry Ziggler and Crews have! They put on a pretty great little match. Should be a good one once it goes on TV... if only Crews had more of a character though.

Pretty satisfied got an AJ shirt and a hand autographed AJ mini poster for 55$. No Bliss shirt which is what I wanted most but ah well, I think I'll wait forthe Bliss hoodie to be released online.

Fun times for 30$


Pretty fun house show. AJ/Miz/Ambrose put together a great match lots of triple spots that I'd never seen before.

Btw alongside Wyatt and Harper having great in ring chemistry, a big and pleasant surprise is the ring chemistry Ziggler and Crews have! They put on a pretty great little match. Should be a good one once it goes on TV... if only Crews had more of a character though.

Pretty satisfied got an AJ shirt and a hand autographed AJ mini poster for 55$. No Bliss shirt which is what I wanted most but ah well, I think I'll wait forthe Bliss hoodie to be released online.

Fun times for 30$
I bet that crowd didn't boo Crews




That Festival de Lucha hidden gem match should've stayed hidden, my god was that underwhelming

I guess it's nice as a part of history but still


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
read raw recap.

saw crowd chanted "thank you strowman" for destroying Roman.

Thought of Vince:

I bet that crowd didn't boo Crews

They didn’t.

Ziggler needs to change his entrance though. He got pops at the start because it was 100% his usual old face entrance. He got the crowd against him pretty quick after though with some solid chickenshit smarmy heel work and people got behind Crews and then popped nicely for his offense.

It was a great house show match they put on. First time I ever gave a shit about Crews.

Both that match and the Wyatt/Harper match were great and I can't wait to see those translated to TV.

Oh and James Elsworth got heel heat which was sweet.
read raw recap.

saw crowd chanted "thank you strowman" for destroying Roman.

Thought of Vince:

I actually wonder if that report a few years ago held any truth that Vince was a supporter of Big E but Hunter was a big Roman fan, so maybe this is Vince's way of not giving up on Hunter's project. It's still so funny how out of Hunter's three guys, only one is still having good success with the crowds.
on the scale of no selling, it went well over six stars

It's funny that this match is going to go down as an egregious example of no-selling considering Okada spent the vast majority of the match selling.

I keep seeing people say "Okada didn't sell when it mattered", whereas I'd argue the opposite. He sold when it mattered, he got his sympathy and then he got the big reactions for his comeback - funnily enough the crowd in the arena didn't all suddenly switch off because Okada fired up and used his injured leg, probably because they were invested in the match and didn't outright hate Okada.


NOAH: "Well we've had a great start to the year, shaking up our heavyweight division, fully getting behind our new ace, putting on great shows with a unique match style. How should we follow this up?

We should partner with TNA!"

Man, just listened to Meltz's podcast, XFL was even crazier then I thought.

Bit about vince telling the commentator to ogle the cheerleaders was super creepy and such a vince mcmahon thing. And then Dick Ebersol's in the guy's other ear shouting DO NOT CALL ATTENTION TO THE PERVY CAMERA SHOTS.


on the scale of no selling, it went well over six stars

I thought the selling was fantastic. Okada and Suzuki both came out of the match looking like badasses.


NOAH: "Well we've had a great start to the year, shaking up our heavyweight division, fully getting behind our new ace, putting on great shows with a unique match style. How should we follow this up?

We should partner with TNA!"


NOAH to introduce 6 sided ring?

Jamie OD

Man, just listened to Meltz's podcast, XFL was even crazier then I thought.

Bit about vince telling the commentator to ogle the cheerleaders was super creepy and such a vince mcmahon thing. And then Dick Ebersol's in the guy's other ear shouting DO NOT CALL ATTENTION TO THE PERVY CAMERA SHOTS.


I'm about to listen to it now. Do they bring up the time Vince wanted to blow up a Honda car at half time because they turned down his sponsorship offer?


Gah dang you guys really really hate Roman Reigns huh? Reading back this thread is like a firestorm of anger.

Yeah it got ridiculous. Roman already had a program with Strowman so there wasn't much they could do to feature Joe in the main event in a convincing manner that didn't interfere with all the other matches they have booked for Fastlane. Maybe this will finally convince them they need more than 2 main event faces?
Honestly, NOAH using TNA's not that bad - Moose, Galloway, Lashley,The Wolves, DJ Z, Everett & Lee could all be good additions for sure. Also, it's not like NOAH has a ton of options - they've been using more Japanese indie guys, but there unfortunately aren't many freelance heavyweights out there, plus their traditional gaijin partnerships (ROH & WLW) are no longer viable.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
He's Roman Reigns if The Big Dawg were white. He can go in the ring, but booking has completely murdered him in he eyes of fans.

He's Roman Reigns if Roman was dealt with rationally, e.g. they totally did push him like crazy, but they also noticed it wasn't turning into 80s Hulk Hogan and now he's just a guy, whereas Roman not getting over somehow meant he got pushed even harder as completely invincible.


Honestly, NOAH using TNA's not that bad - Moose, Galloway, Lashley,The Wolves, DJ Z, Everett & Lee could all be good additions for sure. Also, it's not like NOAH has a ton of options - they've been using more Japanese indie guys, but there unfortunately aren't many freelance heavyweights out there, plus their traditional gaijin partnerships (ROH & WLW) are no longer viable.

The history of TNA/Japan partnerships is not exactly the most encouraging one.

The talent is there but I have zero faith in TNA. I guess I can hope for the best.


Oh, and fuck Roman

Even Cena had to share the spotlight with Orton or Punk some moments in the past.
Orton was a heel and before CM Punk and Daniel Bryan's main event status (aside from H's), no other faces were where Cena was. He was non stop the top guy for six years. Even came back from a serious neck injury, missing just four months.

He went over everybody and was hardly pinned. Roman loses a lot in comparison.
Since I was at the SD house show I just only now finished Raw. That was a fantastic Raw. Every segment either built to something for later on/205/Fastlane or Mania and the few that didn't build to anything were just entertaining

Opening segment was hot. Nice to see Foley looking interested and invested again, Steph was kept to a minimum but has seemed to be clearly slipping back into the heel role she's best at instead of the confusing mess of an allignment she's had since the split. Joe threatening to murder everyone's favorites was excellent and Roman Reigns, while still not a world beater in the mic, kept it short and sweet and most importantly aggressive instead of corny and hokey.

WWE I think is finally learning how to book Nia Jax. They did a good job playing up her strengths while hiding her weakness. Bayley is catching on with the main roster crowd so that's great. I dug her as the not willing to back down but also knowing she has to use her environment to succeed against Jax style in this match.

Question for next week is does the Title Defense on Raw debuff get applied to Charlotte again lol.

I'll never get tired of Braun vs Clown car of Jobbers matches. Braun makes squashes hella entertaining. It might have seemed like a step back but that was the point. Braun getting more and more mic time is great. He is fully confident in his character now. I believed he wanted to kill Foley. The out of nowhere announcement for a match at a PPV that's in 4 weeks was a little meh but it's not like it wasn't obvious where it was going.

Tozawa is great and getting the crowd to chant along with his in ring sounds is a great way to get him over despite the language barrier. That was a killer snap german suplex.

Everyone taking being put on The List of Jericho so seriously up until now despute how inherently silly it is really paid of with the Goldberg segment. Goldberg putting himself in the list was fantastic. Owens/Jericho/Goldberg have excellent promo chemistry. Planting the seeds for the eventual clash of friends being Owens turning on Jericho is finally being set up. I'd just prefer these two stay together but if they have to split Owens turning on Jericho makes a whole lot more sense than the intial Jericho turning on Owens tease be Roadblock: End of the Line.

Tag match was a decent TV tag match. Enzo amd Cass just being out there for the clear DQ finish made it all hella telegraphed but if they do a triangle tag team match those 6 should pull of something fun. Emzo getting the pin on Rusev last weeks makes more sense I guess. Rusev btw is going to be on WWe Main Event this week :( Sad! Hopefully they save Enzo and Cass' title victory for Wrestlemania or preferably even after.

New Day have become masters of the "Sorry Bret Hart WCW has no plans for you but here's a mic please just get yourself over" segment. Pointless but entertaining has been New Day since losing the belts. The promo was good, ice cream references and chants carrying over into the match was funny and hey they resisted the urge to job out the black wrestlers at the start of Black History Month *samisazynthumbsup.gif*

Speaking of Zayn. Decent match. Not as good as last week but keeps Sami looking strong while advancing JeriKO... solid stuff

The promo before the match was more great JeriKO stuff. This basically was their show tonight and they ran with it. Not memorable but set up the strength of the friendship and it was important for KO to be in Jericho's corner because he hasn't been as much as Jericho has been in his so this was good because it'll make KO turning on Jericho more justified in what I imagine will be a what have you done for me lately sort of thing where KO helps Jericho retain the US belt but Jericho doesn't help or fails to help KO retain at Fastlane. I'd prefer the title vs title story they teased but if they are deadset at Lesnar/Goldberg being a title match, Jericho agreeing to Goldberg/Owens in Owens behalf and Owens helping Jericho win every week but Jeticho failing to do so at Fastlane is a good way to build to the Mania martch with JeriKO as rivals instead of friends

Can't remember when it happened so I'll just mention it here. Charlotte dressing down Sasha was pretty solid. Not much more to say than that.

Austin Aries had the line of the night with Here comes Tony Neese's abs. Thought this was great, Aries gets further exposure to the live crowd, dug the banana in his pocket. Neville gets to do his heel shtick and then a great chaos segment with all the challengers coming out. Side note TJP needs to turn heel, he sounds like a total dick when he talks. Everyone getting to do flippy shit was greatband Neville teasing it and then telling the crowd to get bent instead was perfect.

Tag match was fun. I love Neville as a heel who even hates the heels. Noam Dar is great. Jack Gallagher is greatbas always and Cedric getting the pin is also great. Lumbar check is a killer move. Nothing special match wise but loved Neville working with his partners until Noam Dar fucked it up and Neville just said fuck.I don't need to be part of this. Great stuff.

More JeriKO gloriousness. Festival of Friendship is bound to be a killer segment next week. Week in and out JeriKO are the MVPs if Raw

Joe/Reigns was 2/3s perfect. Joe looked like a world killer and Roman sold pretty good for him give or take a few spots. Given that they need to keep Roman strong it sucks that they needed Braun distraction for Joe to win but they did give Joe the win instead of Reigns a DQ won so that's a plus. That said Strowman interfering advanced his program with Reigns so that is good at least. Interesting that there was no muscle buster here but the move Joe used looked killer too so s'all good.

Braun Strowman continues to be awesone. That was a grade A destruction of Roman Reigns. I fear that he'll just be fed to Roman at Fastlane but maybe if we're lucky Undertaker well get involved to build to Reigns/Taker at Manis and thus allow Strowman to not be just another victim of the Roman Empire and instead pick up a win and keep momentum going into Mania.

All in all a great Raw and I hope this continues. Last week was also solid so here's hoping.
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