Ministry theme is so damn good. If taker came out to that at mania I'd be stoked as shit.
I think people just assume that any main roster guy can go down to NXT and succeed. It didn't work for Brodus and Titus, and it won't work for Axel. It worked for Tyson because he is a great talent who just never got a chance. That, and he has much better mic skills than he did early in his career.
Axel can wrestle unlike Brodus and Titus. Well, Titus can perform really well in a tag team.
Now I could totally see someone fucking over Bryan to give whatever match he has some juice, now to think about it. Sheamus would be weird. Orton? Rollins?
Oooh, Rollins/Bryan as singles would be glorious. I'm wondering why Ambrose is going after the IC title though...could they try and trigger the Shield 3 way with that?
Yeah, but Axel can't talk worth a shit. "Being a good worker" isn't enough, even in NXT. Even Neville can talk better than Axel. He had a chance on the main roster and he failed. Tyson was a tag champ years ago who was treated like a joke. If Tyson got the push that Axel did a few years back, he would have done something with it.
I swear to god
I swear to god
Balor is a star everywhere he goes. He has everything you could want from a wrestler. Looks, great work, he can talk, and most importantly, he has presence.
I want a 24 minute match with Sheamus vs Big Show vs Kane.
Make Vince see how shit they are.
Kane is your Demon God now.
They could have him come back with the mask and start a new feud.
Hideo could use some pyro in his entrance. Give him a little more pop in his entrance.
Did you not see our very own Titus' shoot video?I was listening to Brock's theme when I first read this. A sign? I think so. Brock vs Daniel Bryan back on.
It's not happening.
Perhaps some cherry blossoms could drop from the sky
And add a gong
Perhaps some cherry blossoms could drop from the sky
And add a gong
Give him a Love Hina gimmick.Perhaps some cherry blossoms could drop from the sky
And add a gong
Did you not see our very own Titus' shoot video?
It's not happening.
We're getting there
Also need a shamisen player and a shakuhachi. Two sumo guys battling in the background. Itami needs to do a kata with a samurai sword. Have two ninjas do backflips in and out of the entryway. Throw salt. Invoke the spirit of Yokozuna.
Watching the newest WWE Countdown and am I supposed to believe Nikki Bella was watching the Bret Hart/Jerry Lawler Kiss My Foot Match as a kid?
Perhaps some cherry blossoms could drop from the sky
And add a gong
Yoko did have the best entrance and is still the most over any Japanese act has ever been in the US.
This is the perfect song to fuck to.
I would believe a Bella watched WWE as a kid more than I would believe Miz did.
Everything about Miz's wrestling career screams fraud.
Can I plug my YouTube channel here?
*walk into bedroom*
*throat cut taunt*
*spinebuster her into bed*