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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


I was just reading a thread from five years ago, but had to stop once I saw myself posting positively about TNA. It was a dark time, but if I remember rightly early 2010 wasn't half bad until Hogan & Bischoff shit the bed. Also, I used to post about ROH like Alucard does nowadays, back when I hadn't figured out that you fucks aren't worth all the effort.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.


I'm glad I wasn't around when you were annoying.

Joke's on you, I'm still annoying, I've just switched promotions. NJPW World free trail available throughout the month of February, friends! njpwworld.com

I never watched ROH is it like NXT?

In the sense that it's where the future stars of the WWE got their big break? Sure. In every other sense, no. They're still worth a watch, check out the free weekly TV show on their website; rohwrestling.com

But yeah.....we tried Boots. We tried to expose these jabronis to good shit. It took WWE signing everyone we were posting about for them to listen.

You'd think that after all the indie produced talent that WWE signed, people would be more willing to believe that some of today's indie wrestlers could be future WWE stars - if anything, it's the opposite. I see a lot of "if they're so great, why aren't they in NXT" these days.


You'd think that after all the indie produced talent that WWE signed, people would be more willing to believe that some of today's indie wrestlers could be future WWE stars - if anything, it's the opposite. I see a lot of "if they're so great, why aren't they in NXT" these days.

NXT is the indie promotion for people who don't like indies, and they'll use it as a bench mark for talent as if "oh, they're not on NXT yet, so they must not be good.".

While this is a good thing as in it gives people easy exposure to an alternative brand, it also hurts the chances of other indies picking up new fans.

Why would you watch Chikara, CZW or ROH with their crappy production quality when you can get NXT included in the cost of the network and see all the stars people were buzzing about 4 years ago anyway.
I was just reading a thread from five years ago, but had to stop once I saw myself posting positively about TNA. It was a dark time, but if I remember rightly early 2010 wasn't half bad until Hogan & Bischoff shit the bed. Also, I used to post about ROH like Alucard does nowadays, back when I hadn't figured out that you fucks aren't worth all the effort.

Bring it back! I like the indie posts. I'd talk more CHIKARA, but no one cares about them anymore. My world was sort of shattered the other day when I found out that most of the CHIKARA roster consists of people pulling double shifts under those masked gimmicks. Seemingly Hydra is one of The Colony now and has been for years, I had no idea.
I skimmed through some of Smackdown. Looks like a good show for Reigns. Bad show for Bryan. I don't think he'll be world champ again anytime soon.


Bryan looked fine on Smackdown IMO. How could he not with his awesome new shirt? That and the LU shirt are the only current wrestling shirts I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear in public.
Bring it back! I like the indie posts. I'd talk more CHIKARA, but no one cares about them anymore.

I have been meaning to post more indie stuff, as I grabbed a bunch of shows from Beyond, Inspire, AIW, AAW & C*4 in the last SMV sale. Also, gotta do some catching up on CHIKARA before I go to their London show, realised I have no idea what's going on storyline-wise and some of the new characters mean nothing to me.


They gotta fix Big Cass. He's nothing without Enzo and he's just not clicking right yet. On the cusp. And No Man's Sky's gonna suck, all the warning flags are there my dude.

Wasn't there a time he went solo becayse Enzo was injured? He did the same gimmick but didn't flop at least.

But they could simply be a great tag team for now. But a tag team with some direction which they don't have now.

As long as Carmella gets replaced by Blue Pants, I will be happy.

The whole Blue Pants things is the type of stuff that makes NXT so good.
Hah, Roman debuts a new move on Smackdown tonight;
fireman's carry into a flapjack
. Exciting.

And just like when WWE crowds were absolutely full of signs, it gives the appearance of a product that's actually appealing to its paying audience.
No, it's just so they can go online and ask, "Hey, did you hear me?". And let's get one thing straight, all you people praising them are just as bad because they read your feedback and keep doing it.



I'm going to make an NXT Takeover: Rival thread.....is today too soon to put it up?

I believe CureVylash has already claimed that OT and intends to post it the night before. You should steal it, though. I think you could come up with a really good OT title.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I was just reading a thread from five years ago, but had to stop once I saw myself posting positively about TNA. It was a dark time, but if I remember rightly early 2010 wasn't half bad until Hogan & Bischoff shit the bed. Also, I used to post about ROH like Alucard does nowadays, back when I hadn't figured out that you fucks aren't worth all the effort.

Oh! I think you growing 5 years older is more the reason why you've changed.

And TNA still had potential then.


Bring it back! I like the indie posts. I'd talk more CHIKARA, but no one cares about them anymore. My world was sort of shattered the other day when I found out that most of the CHIKARA roster consists of people pulling double shifts under those masked gimmicks. Seemingly Hydra is one of The Colony now and has been for years, I had no idea.

It's amazing how much better Drew Gulak is when he's away from Chikara
It's amazing how much better Drew Gulak is when he's away from Chikara

Yeah, my mind is honestly totally blown. I had no idea and even now I do I still can't make the connection, he's progressed so much as a wrestler.


Ah Gulak is/was
Soldier Ant
and Hydra was
Dieter VonSteigerwalt


Yeah, my mind is honestly totally blown. I had no idea and even now I do I still can't make the connection, he's progressed so much as a wrestler.

I still buy into the theory that Quack limits matches on Chikara and it really hampers the wrestlers there
Why would you watch Chikara, CZW or ROH with their crappy production quality

You son of a BITCH

...Chikara's stuff is godawful. Smart Mark is ass. They switched to in-house production, but they have no clue what they're doing at all.

CZW is ok, but the fact that it's iPPV every time hurts more than helps. They also try to do way, way too much.

ROH is getting there, but their entrance and lights are ass. Good production and replays, but could use better cameramen.
Double post but fuck you.

"A brand new way of exploring the CHIKARAverse is heading your way shortly...#CHIKARAtopia"

So, on a scale of 1 ~ 10, how excited are you for this latest enigmatic development with The 'Kara, Bronson?

Whatever the number was that unlocked MysteriumP is my answer to your question


Funko only goes after real licenses.

I still buy into the theory that Quack limits matches on Chikara and it really hampers the wrestlers there

It is a combination of this and the fact that the vast majority of CHIKARA trainees have very little experience wrestling outside their style. It's why most fail when they go out of the umbrella, unless they get extra training or started somewhere else.
I still buy into the theory that Quack limits matches on Chikara and it really hampers the wrestlers there

I think that's somewhat true, I read something the other day about how all the characters are just that 'characters' that are often played by several different wrestlers.

Because no one is the Ice Cream Jr. It for a long time was
Mike Quackenbush
, and since its used as a placeholder by students, or just random other workers. One night it might be random trainee #3 under the hood, the next appearence it could be Mark Angelosetti, and anther night it could literally be someone not even known for appearing on Chikara like Alex Reynolds because he happened to come to a show with a friend and Quackenbush gave him $10.

Take Solider Ant. It is largely accepted (though nowhere confirmed) that Solider Ant is
Drew Gulak
. In the past, data has had both Solider Ant and
Drew Gulak
in the data (ironically with very different stats). They could wrestle each other, be a tag team, ect. Well.. Thats impossible. Its no different then having Dolph Ziggler and Nicky from the Spirit Squad in the data together. For example it literally only came out/became accepted recently that Chuck Taylor & Mr. Azerbaijan (and again, this is not 100% confirmed anywhere) are the same person. They exist in the data as seperate entities with very different stats. WWE could hire Chuck Taylor and Mr. Azerbaijan could be hired by TNA. It ruins the game on a core level.

However, Chikara operates in such a way that for 1-night, or permantly without reason, the worker Hallowicked could become Solider Ant (not in storyline or acknowledged in anyway in-front of the curtain). As such,
Drew Gulak
and Solder Ant could now wrestle each other and be tag champs together, and as far as the Chikara Universe is concerned, this its the same Solider Ant as there has always been.

See how this can become a problem when trying to make a database in TEW?

So to bring it back to Equinox 3. For all we know, the worker that was Equinox 3 is already in the data. Maybe its Frightmare. Maybe its Adam Revolver. Who knows. So since all Chikara gimmick'd workers have that level of "who knows" wherever possible, you want to try and remove them from the game, at least, thats how my brain works, because I would hate to learn that Equinox 3 is Fightmare, while 1-year into a game with them as my top feuding wrestlers. It would ruin the game for me.

However, workers who make a wide variety of appearances outside Chikara, even with their Chikara gimmick (Green Ant for example) I feel I can be a lot more liberal in keeping them in the data. But to show how annoying it can be, Green Ant has been rumored to be Leslie Butterscotch/Hydra/Dieter VonSteigerwalt. Look into it on cagematch.de. Green Ant shows up as Hydra is being fazed out. Leslie Butterscotch shows up in Respect randomly later, around the time Green Ant improves alot, like he's been training with Austin Aries, and the physical similarities. Not to meniton, Butterscotch is just magically around to portray Dieter? Why is he hanging around Chikara for no reason? As I've been updating the data, part of me whats to just make that reality, but its never been confirmed and its a hard call to make.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I forgot how much fun CHIKARA mysteries were.


FGC Waterboy
Chrono Trigger is secretly the best Final Fantasy

Psss, Secret of Mana is the best Final Fantasy.

We have all three of the new consoles in the house; I am actually


Also, in a rather harsh rebuttal to the "Top stars need more moves" bit; from that BR interview with HHH & Bryan

For Triple H, now an old hand, a young wrestler's rush to get in a lot of moves is actually counterproductive to good storytelling. A minimalist, his intent is to make everything he does matter.

"The funny thing about our industry, it's weird, the bigger you get, the less they want to see you do," Triple H explained. "When I was in WCW in the 90s, I used to sit back and watch 'Stunning' Steve Austin work with Ricky Steamboat and do these 30-minute technical extravaganzas every night in front of 30 people. I would flip out. The wrestling nerd in me, as you call it, thought it was awesome. But nobody cared.

"Steve ended up coming here and becomes 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Flip forward a little bit, and we're both on top of our games, and I was working with Steve every night. We'd be going 40 minutes at a live event somewhere, but Steve had a famous quote: 'Kid, I've got three moves. Where you put them is your business, but when I've done them, I'm done.' Because he realized it isn't about all those other things. It's about the character and the persona."

Bryan and Triple H reached a middle ground that ended in what Dave Meltzer, wrestling's foremost critic, called a "classic match." The two styles melded perfectly. The highlight, for many, was Triple H's Tiger Suplex, a move straight out of the Japanese wrestling tradition Bryan adored. Instead of his usual panoply of knees or his patented sledgehammer blows, he went into his opponent's wheelhouse to devastating effect.

"I can chain wrestle. I can do all that other stuff. I just don't do it," Triple H said. "It's about doing them at the right moment, safely, with a guy you can do them with. And Daniel's a guy you can do just about anything with. He's a little bit like Shawn in that you can do anything with him. So pulling that out of the bag was something I could do."

It was a thoughtful spot, one that played on both Bryan's history and the moment to tell a surprisingly complicated story. Starting with a crossface chicken wing, the two matched movements and wits before Triple H delivered a momentary coup de grace.

Also, a verrrrry interesting quote from HHH

Helmsley, a veteran of dozens of critical matches on the grandest stage, was particularly proud of this one, even before it ever started.

"During his entrance—when the whole crowd was doing the 'Yes' chant—that was the blowaway moment for me," Triple H said. "I can't express to you, for me, as a performer and as a guy who helped craft that story, what it meant. I remember after my entrance and waiting for him the ring with Steph seeing 80,000 people doing the 'Yes' chant and thinking, 'Dude, did this work or what?'

"I lean over to Steph, and I said, 'Look at that.' What a story. And even just thinking about it now, I get chillbumps. To be able to take that 10-month arc of a story and have it pay off for Daniel Bryan—who on every level is just the nicest guy and a guy you just want to help succeed—for every reason you just want him to be big, and then here it is. And man, it's huge. And you're just like, 'Yeah!'"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, CureVylash, I don't know what to say. We'll hold Wrestler's Court if you need it.


It's nice to hear that AXS TV officials are very surprised and pleased by how many people are watching NJPW on their channel.

Hopefully that leads to a season 2 that takes us from Wrestle Kingdom 8 to Wrestle Kingdom 9.
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