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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


Philpotts sausage sandwiches are like £3.75 with a drink, but they're not even as good as Greggs AND Greggs is £2 with bacon in as well. Their coffee is worse, but I can swap that for a juice or water. This was just shit.


EDIT: Basically, Philpotts is all Reigns. Got the look, but no substance. #CancerOfTheThread.




what's left of
WrassleGAF. Busy weekend then...


I also did not watch the sports game last night, as I was asleep. Sounds interesting though...


So not worth it
lol, because of this fucking carny thread with some over 50MB gifs crashing tablets and no shitty mobile view for Hasney.

Yeah, I have to keep it on 50 as well for this reason.

Though, to be fair, since stepping away from iPad's and their shitty 1GB of RAM, I could probably go to 100.

Still, Chrome and gifs, ugh.


I actually like the 'new and improved' Fandango that was happening for a few weeks. He had more intensity. Didn't smile. Playing it straight. He had Rosa Mendes fawning over him. Fandango is a good looking dude and should not just have one pretty lady on ringside. He should have several. In my mind, they would throw roses at him after he gets a victory and then you can have an absurd segment right after where he walks towards the locker room and all these pretty women run after him screaming for his affection.


Yeah, I have to keep it on 50 as well for this reason.

Though, to be fair, since stepping away from iPad's and their shitty 1GB of RAM, I could probably go to 100.

Still, Chrome and gifs, ugh.

Is it worth jumping back to Firefox? I downloaded it Friday, but haven't made the commitment of making it my default browser...


So not worth it
Is it worth jumping back to Firefox? I downloaded it Friday, but haven't made the commitment of making it my default browser...

I use Chrome cross-device, I can't really switch between browers without losing all my interconnectivity and shit. So, shitty gif's it is for me.


Jesus the RR has gotten this thread all messed up. It's funny because before it everyone was saying Roman is gonna win yet, when he won people are flipping their shit. I don't like it either but, it's a scriped show so I can't get to upset at it. I get the passion many here have for WWE and wrestling in general. I feel like over the past 4 years I have made that connection as well after 10 plus years of not watching. My passion as a gamer is strong and even I get mad sometimes at companies when they do dumb shit thats so obvious but it is what it is.

Since WWE has been the drizzled shits mostly since last year friends here have shown me NJPW and more options to fill the void. I won't kill myself watch Raw anymore for 3 hours unless I know something is gonna happen. Tomorrow is HHH announcement and Stone Colds Podcast so I'll tune in. Could be good or bad if it's bad I'll play my game or read the funny comment on GAF. There's much more things to be mad than waisting your feelings on how bad Raw or a PPV is. Opinions and talking about it sure but being so upset to the point of lashing out at others is to much. I like this group and it sucks to see it in the state it's in and people getting banned. Less hate and more FnP ok?


So not worth it
The thread is fine. So people are discussing the state of WWE or booking of WWE? So what. There's plenty of discussion about other things than WWE, so there is really no problem here. There's not really that much "lid flipping" about Roman either, in fact most are just reasonable discussion posts on WWE's reasoning and why that isn't good. Almost all of the posters here post their opinions + reasonings why and have discussions like that. There are no savages here outside a gimmick post or two.

If you don't want to join in on the WWE discussion, then just ignore it and discuss something else. No need to put down others that have not yet given up hope or go off on rants towards them. It's the wrestling thread, WWE is wrestling and people will keep on discussing it.
lol, because of this fucking carny thread with some over 50MB gifs crashing tablets and no shitty mobile view for Hasney.

Yep no fucking way our shitty non-ADSL down here can handle these sexy ass gif heavy threads on 100ppp. 50 all the way.

Plus when someone posts something fucking stupid I can get away from it quicker.


Meh, I have Chrome. I usually open the thread in another tab and leave it for a bit. On mobile I have gifs and pics turned off.

Desktop Chrome is fine, but I really hate the mobile layout, so Chrome on my Kindle Fire HDX coughs and splutters at 100pp and whatever setting I have on there carries over to anything else I want to browse on. It's powerful enough to deal at 50ppp though.

But you might just say that I have a chip on my shoulder

Lol, Dragon Gate are running their 2015 Dangerous Gate PPV against the G1 finals. Picture unrelated;


Mastiff is just ridiculous, probably my favourite big man wrestler today.
Lol, Dragon Gate are running their 2015 Dangerous Gate PPV against the G1 finals. Picture unrelated;


Mastiff is just ridiculous, probably my favourite big man wrestler today.

Mastiff is great, loved that match. 4 minutes of 2 guys beating the shit out of each other, wonderful. It's incredible how far he's come since he was shitting it up in 1PW.
Nigel's kickstarter ended with $75k out of $375k. Guess he isn't coming out of retirement. I think the big problem with the project was that he kept emphasising how expensive it would be to hire the Hollywood-level writers and get the shit produced professionally, but he didn't have anything to show for it. Even a mock-up trailer, which he then had to scramble to put together after the project was launched and it ended up looking amateurish. Also, he never really managed to describe what the show was actually supposed to be. Could've done with having at least a partial talent roster, rather than just the promise that he'd be wrestling again.

Mastiff is great, loved that match. 4 minutes of 2 guys beating the shit out of each other, wonderful. It's incredible how far he's come since he was shitting it up in 1PW.

Some people were complaining that it was so short, but I fucking loved it. Just a brutal match and a great return for Tommy Fucking End. Can't wait to see the Sumerian Death Squad in PROGRESS. Also, was Mastiff that bad previously? Didn't really pay attention to British wrestling until 2011.
Damn! 4 bans since the Rumble? Glad to hear Freckle is around somewhere at least.

Everybody should be happy while watching Godzilla. How stro couldn't find enjoyment in Star Trek 6 however is a mystery

Probably watching Star Trek 4 & 5 before hand would make 6 seem like a delightful experience. I marathoned the box set of blu rays last time I saw that movie so I expect that could have been part of it.

It is a two month ban.
Glad it isn't perm. I like stro!

Real talk

I have to use my tax return to buy a fucking minivan because the wife is pregnant with twins.

I am now officially a miserable old man

Congrats on the twins! Friend of mine had twins lately, seems cool. Why do you need a minivan, already have other kids?

To most of the Vita OT that's it's biggest benefit.
Incidentally mods shut down the Vita OT and rolled it into the general Playstation thread. Was pretty strange they wanted to permute all that Vita goodness with PS3/PS4 only gamers, very odd.
Some people were complaining that it was so short, but I fucking loved it. Just a brutal match and a great return for Tommy Fucking End. Can't wait to see the Sumerian Death Squad in PROGRESS. Also, was Mastiff that bad previously? Didn't really pay attention to British wrestling until 2011.
I remember him basically being a chubby kid in a shite team I didn't care about. Also Dave Moralez is a terrible name. Here's some 1PW if you want to relive it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_p9RC-VDBk (Also watching it now, some of the worst fucking music of all time)

Man, I need to get back to reading that 1PW book. As much of a fucking disaster as that promotion was, I met some great people, had my first live wrestling experiences. Good memories, somehow.


I thought I just linked that GIF rather than embedded it, force of habit
different kind of force than was in the gif
. Apologies, friends.


Reading the thread...last night was interesting....

We self destruct, Raw will still be live.

From the ashes rises , FnPGaf


Dammit, Sami. I like you.

Hey guys, I watched Dora the Explorer with my daughter instead of watching the Carny Bowl. Am I hip?

No. Just Canadian.

Much like I missed the superbowl due to sleep, but I'm sure otherwise it would have been something else.
Honestly, I think it's pretty obvious what Strobogo was banned -- not permed -- for. But since it seems less obvious to some of the posters here:

Strobogo was banned for a week for teeing off, in a clearly unacceptable manner, on another user. Not exactly a mystery given this forum's rules about insulting other members.

I made it a short hop, because WrassleGAF is WrassleGAF.

Upon his return, Strobogo chose to shit on WrassleGAF, the moderation team, and the forum. So I gave him two months and let him know that if he weren't happy here, just to let a mod know and we'd shut down his account. No need to make a big scene.

And that's true for anyone. If GAF is no longer the place you want to be, because its culture changed, or you don't like the moderation, or whatever, there are plenty of other forums out there. No hard feelings. Not every place is for everyone. It's not possible to keep all forum users happy, and no one's going to get upset over someone deciding they don't want to be here anymore.

So Strobogo has two months to make up his mind. He's welcome back if he can treat other people in a reasonable fashion.

Note: As for the other guys, I'm not sure, but I'd guess they got caught up in the "Thug" sweep in the Super Bowl thread.
that was more anticlimactic than the royal rumble


No. Just Canadian.

Much like I missed the superbowl due to sleep, but I'm sure otherwise it would have been something else.

Eh, people watch the Super Bowl in Canada. I just don't like football that much. It's boring live, and it's unbearable on TV with all the graphics and commercials shitting up the screen.


If it was D-Bry vs. Brock at Wrestlemania, Heyman could cut a promo tomorrow saying that Brock Lesnar, while incomparable to any human on the planet, is the Tom Brady of the WWE. Daniel Bryan is just like the Seahawks, successful last year against a weaker opponent, but will ultimately fail when faced against the best.

But I'm sure whatever shit they have with Reigns tomorrow will be just as good.
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