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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


Earlier on, Heel, I referenced the Starrcade 93 match between Big Van Vader and Ric Flair. Here's a fantastic promo that Flair cut leading to the match. For context, this was after Flair returned to WCW for what many people expected to be his final run. Due to a non-compete clause, Flair had to host a talk show called "A Flair For the Gold" for a few months, but eventually returned to the ring to challenge Big Van Vader for the title. Now this was before Big Van Vader was a big fat piece of shit, and was quite possibly the scariest monster heel in pro wrestling--especially after his feud with Cactus Jack, which was notable for a level of brutality that we did not see in the 90s. Flair is in full-on babyface mode in a way he never was before, and never would be again after. They trotted out his family, including his useless son David and his dead son Reid. They introduced his wife at the time, Beth. I think even Charlotte Flair played a part in it. And this promo was just fantastic because it reminded us who Ric Flair was, letting us believe that he actually had a chance against the unstoppable monster (despite the stipulation that Flair put his career on the line all but tipping us off).

Two guys fighting to see who the best in the world is. A real main event. Because back then, we didn't have millennial fucks crying about how their favorite indie guy is being overlooked, forcing a company to dilute their main event by turning it into a three way, making it essentially meaningless.


Then, Heel, we have the match. Big Van Vader beating the hell out of Flair, the way he should have. Ric Flair winning with one of the most unexpected finishes you'll ever see in a match of this magnitude. A surprisingly mobile Harley Race coming off the top rope at the age of 78. Backstage segments with Stinger and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat that seemed so real because they were real. It was the perfect execution, giving us the perfect match where an aging legend battled the younger, stronger, unstoppable champion. Quite possibly the best match of that era, making WCW seem like the real wrestling company as opposed to all the tomfoolery WWF was doing at that time.

Then Hulk Hogan came in six months later.


I believed every word that Ric Flair said, dream. Things like that just make me sad for the fans of today that have convinced themselves that their favorite flippy dipshit wrestler is great, when we both know that they aren't.
Then Hulk Hogan came in six months later.

Ugh, I can only imagine. Thank god Daniel Bryan wasn't around in that time because what an injustice that would be to see his talents get overlooked for Ketchup and Mustard Man. But it's still pretty bad now for Daniel Bryan, so who knows. I do wonder, often late at night as I'm lying in bed (alone): what would be best for Daniel Bryan? But ultimately a talent like Daniel Bryan is once in a lifetime -- so I know Daniel Bryan would excel regardless of his era, and make no mistake, it would be his era. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure those obscure names you listed above would still be great, and I'd argue even greater, because Daniel Bryan could make them so.


They're lifting lines from frothy-brained mixed martialists that will be drooling on the side of the road in Albuquerque by the time they hit 40, thinking that box jumps and flipping tires will make them great. What happened to the art of talking them into the arena, dream? Don't they get it?
I remember when wrestlers were men that did manly things like ride horses, drive convertibles, have a entourage of women around them, and color their faces in a crimson mask to sell the drama of the match for the fan's enjoyment. The would tell a man like Vince McMahon to fuck off if he handed them a paper with a scripted promo on it.
They're lifting lines from frothy-brained mixed martialists that will be drooling on the side of the road in Albuquerque by the time they hit 40, thinking that box jumps and flipping tires will make them great. What happened to the art of talking them into the arena, dream? Don't they get it?
You have to realize that this generation has a short attention span. A five minute promo is simply too much to ask for, while a flippy dippy exhibition is enough to keep them entertained.
The more I think about The Four Horsemen, the more i realize that Bullet Club is a more fully realized version of the idea, with better wrestlers.


And don't get me wrong, Heel--I am a card carrying Hulkamaniac, and I believe that Hulk is the greatest of all time. But WCW was on the verge of becoming something very special in 1994. They had Flair in what was his last great run. They had Stinger in his prime. They had Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude. They had Cactus Jack. They had Barry Windham. They also had Steve Austin who, despite WWE's whitewashing of history, was very clearly about to emerge as a once-in-a-generation talent even in WCW.

Sure, they did dumb shit like have Paul Roma debut as a Horseman. Sure, their logistics were completely fucked, taping Worldwide six months ahead of time, locking themselves into angles that would be completely untenable due to things like injuries. But the wrestling was unparalleled, and it might actually be the last time a southern brand of wrestling was legitimately fantastic.

But now that's gone, replaced by kids chanting "marking out" while watching Adrian Neville wrestle Bull Nakano,
There were plans for Kane to turn on the authority and join up with DB based on some of the early scripts

CLOSE SHOT, BACKSTAGE- KANE is looking over documents in a backstage area

---Hold briefly for audience cheers

Look Kane we need to talk...​

Daniel we may have some history but right now I have nothing to say to you and there is nothing I can do about your match tonight​

This isn't about that Kane, I wanted to talk to you about the Mercury​

Hold on are you saying that...​

Yeah, I finally read your blog​

There just seems to be so much information that the CDC is hiding. Especially when we know there is a clear link between the mercury used in vaccines and autism. It's obvious what the government fatcats are trying to do to the population​

Even beyond that, why are we injecting diseases into healthy kids in the first place... Look I have to go get ready for my match but I hope we can talk more about this after the show tonight​



KANE shows a look of quiet approval


I have nothing to say to people who believe that an audience that chants "marking out" is anything but horrifyingly detrimental to the sport of professional wrestling.
Show and Kane were arguing over who gets to pin Bryan, for some reason. So maybe it's not a full turn

Good way to get Harper to replace him, even though I'd rather have him not be fodder.
The old men need to learn that the wrestling audience is changing, and that they need to learn to deal with it and adapt to it rather than trying to stifle these developments and risk losing their audience all together.


I wish that every now and then Dream and Heel would direct their posts at some of our younger up-and-coming posters.

I spent the better part of 2014 trying to save Duncan, all while making it clear to the WrassleGAF audience why Daniel Bryan ain't shit in the grand scheme of both wrestling's past and entertianment's present.

I think Duncan has since relapsed, though he does often show signs that he's still struggling with that demon inside. Sometimes they just don't want to be saved, you know? Bless him. I hope he finds peace one day.
NoRéN;151561772 said:
Why is Bryan better on total divas than on the mic on RAW?


Why am I watching total divas?

Because they force him to say yes over and over in the script they give him for Raw and Smackdown, while Total Divas puts these people in simulated situations for entertainment, but get to be themselves for the most part.

Better Call Saul. Now that is good entertainment.


Because you've clearly hit rock bottom and need to reassess your life decisions up til this point.
I would be lying if I said I didn't just spill my drink reading this.
Because they force him to say yes over and over in the script they give him for Raw and Smackdown, while Total Divas puts these people in simulated situations for entertainment, but get to be themselves for the most part.

Better Call Saul. Now that is good entertainment.
I agree with that.

Got the first two episode of better call Saul on the dvr. Am I in for some good stuff?
All I'm gonna say is that if you actually participated in WWE's online poll about who "deserves" a main event slot or whatever while simultaneously bemoaning the product, then you're the perfect WWE fan. You're exactly who Vince and Hunter want to aim for, because they know you're going to keep paying for something you claim to hate. And as far as I'm concerned, you forfeited your rights to complain about the product by participating in that poll.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to click on those links dream provided because I'm not a fucking mark.
I spent the better part of 2014 trying to save Duncan, all while making it clear to the WrassleGAF audience why Daniel Bryan ain't shit in the grand scheme of both wrestling's past and entertianment's present.

I think Duncan has since relapsed, though he does often show signs that he's still struggling with that demon inside. Sometimes they just don't want to be saved, you know? Bless him. I hope he finds peace one day.
Duncan, I feel, is a kid who could benefit from a heart to heart discussion about Ron Simmons.


I spent the better part of 2014 trying to save Duncan, all while making it clear to the WrassleGAF audience why Daniel Bryan ain't shit in the grand scheme of both wrestling's past and entertianment's present.

I think Duncan has since relapsed, though he does often show signs that he's still struggling with that demon inside. Sometimes they just don't want to be saved, you know? Bless him. I hope he finds peace one day.

Ever since I could remember,
Everything inside of me,
Just wanted to fit in (oh oh oh oh)
I was never one for pretenders,
Everything I tried to be,
Just wouldn't settle in (oh oh oh oh)

If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.

Can I clear my conscience,
If I'm different from the rest,
Do I have to run and hide? (oh oh oh oh)
I never said that I want this,
This burden came to me,
And it's made it's home inside (oh oh oh oh)

If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because,
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
A monster, a monster,
I've turned into a monster,
A monster, a monster,
And it keeps getting stronger.


Guys - I have a hankering to read a good wrestling book or biography. Any recommendations? I just got through Jerichos and Borks.
Guys - I have a hankering to read a good wrestling book or biography. Any recommendations? I just got through Jerichos and Borks.
I'm currently reading Adam Copeland On Edge and Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story. I would say if your looking for something fun and playful, go with Edge's book. If you want something spicy, substance abusie, and WCWy, go with Eddie.


I'm currently reading Adam Copeland On Edge and Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story. I would say if your looking for something fun and playful, go with Edge's book. If you want something spicy, substance abusie, and WCWy, go with Eddie.

Ok cool - I did think of reading the Edge book but now it obviously misses about ten years of his career. If it's a good read I will check it out though.

I started reading Shooters but it was a bit dry - will have to go back to it again. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for it.
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