I'm going to be needing someone uber macho to make up for this month of Breeze.
So far my options are looking like Kasai, Brody, Takayama, Suzuki, or Sugiura.
Does Daniel Bryan get mad when fans call him by his real first name as opposed to his stage last name?
Does Daniel Bryan get mad when fans call him by his real first name as opposed to his stage last name?
new beging title match makes me hopeful for the new japan cup
Just most of the songs from Yeezus.Is Bound 2 the worst Kanye song?
Are Maria and Christy Hemme the only women from the Divas Searches left in the wrestling biz?
Looking back those were like trial runs for Total Divas.
He doesn't care because in an interview wrestling fans call him Daniel Bryan and total diva fans call him Bryan Danielson.
On the network they still haven't put up the newest countdown dealing with wrestlers with job gimmicks. I wonder if they are editing out the Seth Rollins comment before putting it the archive.
I'm curious, why does JR get blasted on this forum so much?
Wrasslin GAF, is 50 shade of grey a porn?
A few reasons.
-He came off like a horny old man in his interview with Lita
-He seems slightly homophobic
What Seth Rollins comment?
I'm not sure you understand how important being on WrestleMania is to a pro wrestler
Caption this:
¡HarlequinPanic!;151623587 said:I wanna try and sell something on the gaf board cause fuck ebay's seller fees but I'm nervous about gettin' ripped off/doing it wrong and getting got. Has anyone ever sold anything there?
According to Wikipedia, ken anderson's kids are named Pearce Remington and Prescott Liberty. Decent pro wrestler names.
Is Bound 2 the worst Kanye song?
Does everybody poop?
People are fake.Wrestling Is Fake
Yup, you'll be fine as long as you check feedback. Whatcha sellin pal?
Of all the talent, the two people that helped Daniel Bryan get over the most...
were Miz and Kane.
Wrestling Is Fake
I'm ready for Takeover.... But it just seems so soon...
Also my birthday is on Sunday!