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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


"You're pushing Roman to the top too soon."
"Push this guy in developmental to the top spot"

The difference is "too soon" for Roman means Roman is not ready for that spot, under any standard. Bálor basically walked in as a ready made top star.

It's not a question of literal time. Kevin Owens just won the top title in NXT two months after his debut, and there are no complains, because he's ready for it already.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The difference is "too soon" for Roman means Roman is not ready for that spot, under any standard. Bálor basically walked in as a ready made top star.

It's not a question of literal time. Kevin Owens just won the top title in NXT two months after his debut, and there are no complains, because he's ready for it already.

Full Sail is not the WWE universe.


What has Full Sail got to do with it? Bálor is a ready made star.
He has the experience, the look, the charisma, the wrestling skills, and thus far in NXT, the presentation.

Reigns lacks all of those things other than the look and presentation.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Lol Let's ignore his entire New japan run. Or the fact dude has an amazing presence.

Roman is just a samoan CAW,

You mean his New Japan run where he was a vanilla babyface for 90% of it? And let's compare NJPW crowds to WWE crowds because they clearly look for the same thing.


"You're pushing Roman to the top too soon."
"Push this guy in developmental to the top spot"

Not to jump on you, Data, but there's a huge experience difference between the two. I agree that there's also a difference between being over in other places and being over in the WWE, but I'm sure that with the right push, a guy like Balor could be main event ready in 6-12 months on the main roster, if not quicker.


You mean his New Japan run where he was a vanilla babyface for 90% of it? And let's compare NJPW crowds to WWE crowds because they clearly look for the same thing.

You're right dude. There's no way WWE crowds will like a prettyboy with super abs that has crazy theatrical entrances and super exciting matches.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Remember how Bryan and Punk drastically changed their wrestling style to fit the WWE style rather than how they used to wrestle? Remember how they had to have a lot of mid card runs to get over with the WWE audience on a long-term basis so that the fans could grow familiar with them?

But sure, go ahead and throw Balor straight into the main event and focus of the company and see how that works out.


Are you guys being serious about putting balor in the main event right now? You can't right?

No one is literally saying "Have Bálor win the WWE title tomorrow". They're saying WWE is rushing Reigns to the top spot despite him not being ready because they're desperate for a new top guy, but Bálor is a far better candidate for that push, and ready right now. Debut Bálor after WM, give him a big push out of the gate, and you'll have a new big star.


Last time I checked Balor was under 6 feet tall and less than 200 pounds. Vince/Dunn would rather push Baron Corbin based on that alone.
No one is saying hit shot Balor. They are saying Roman needs at least a year plus in the oven. While Balor is cooked and ready to eat.

Armani exchange model will make money



Belarus feuding with Russia.

Rusev must feel conflicted.


Remember how Bryan and Punk drastically changed their wrestling style to fit the WWE style rather than how they used to wrestle? Remember how they had to have a lot of mid card runs to get over with the WWE audience on a long-term basis so that the fans could grow familiar with them?

But sure, go ahead and throw Balor straight into the main event and focus of the company and see how that works out.
No one is literally saying "he must main event WM right now".

Also, Bryan does not have a look WWE likes, and Punk doesn't have a good look, period. Bálor does. Neither of them had WWE's support behind an upper midcard level, either, while Bálor is immediately being presented as a major star. HHH couldn't scream louder that Bálor is his favourite down in NXT.
As to the talk that Bryan and Punk had to modify their styles, Bálor is already tuned to the WWE style, anyway. He had it down pretty much immediately, like Sami Zayn did. His signatures, his selling, the pacing of his matches, it's what WWE likes.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't want to be confused on this one.

I don't think Roman should be hot shot either. I don't think either of them have the character to be hot shot. Even when Bret Hart had everything WWE liked, how many years did they wait to give him the WWF title? Ric Flair got a world title early in his career and he, retrospectively, said it wasn't a good choice. That he wasn't ready for that. And there is a big difference between WWE crowds and the ones Devitt is used to. Part of why Bullet Club worked so well was that they were so used to Devitt being this cookie cutter babyface that kids and girls loved and then he went full heel. Sheamus, another example, had everything the WWE wanted and now he's a floundering midcarder who can just kind of go past most midcarders. He's a Jericho or RVD when he could have been a permanent main event guy.

Rusev's character works well with a hard, immediate push, but the jurys' still out on Rusev because the fact of the matter is 'what happens when he loses.' He's also an amazing talent but so was Umaga and we saw what happened to Umaga once he lost to Cena. Midcard, midcard, good Jeff Hardy feud that didn't draw, midcard again, face turn and released.


Ok.. COUNTDOWN is great. Yes it's true.

Bo Dallas during the job gimmick episode putting over IRS was incredible.

And Vince talking about Isaac Yankum. GOLD.
Sheamus failed,because they failed to turn him heel after that match with Bryan. And then he was thrown in a endless,fued with del rio

I love this hope that arises after every Sheamus injury where ppeole hope he turns heal and just comes,back as Irish cena.

Dude really should replace Kane in the authority

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If only there was some sort of mid-card title that was well protected and could be given to an aspiring star who would then prove their worth with it which would signal to the fans and the world champion who was coming up next in line..

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why don't you guys be patient and let people organically make their way to the top? The cream always rises.


Are you guys being serious about putting balor in the main event right now? You can't right?

I think Balor can reach Rey Mysterio levels. Great character look, good wrestler. Cena levels...I just don't see it at all. Punk and D. Bry levels would be great though, but not sure about that charisma just yet.

Granted I don't know anything about his independent work, but I assume it's mostly based on wrestling and not promos and skits.
Balor has great presence for sure, but a big part of the reason why that's been so noticeable in NXT is because the audience are already aware who he is, know that he's a big deal and are freaking out for everything he does. The average WWE fan won't have that same excitement or anticipation, they'll have to rely on Cole & JBL to provide that for them.


My grades for NXT Rival
Hideo Itami vs Tyler Breeze : B
This was a really solid opening match. I actually think Itami and Breeze work really well against each other and I'd like to see one more match between the two. I know they're saving Itami doing the GTS for a massive spot, but he needs a different current finisher.

Bull Dempsey vs Baron Corbin : C
I can't not like Bull Dempsey for some reason. Also Baron needs to never come out to the ring in a t-shirt ever again, I think it ruins his intro somehow. Match got a little sloppy and honestly Corbin and Bull don't work that well together.

Lucha Dragons vs WUBWUBWUB - NXT Tag Titles : D
Match was surprisingly sloppy, and more surprisingly it was almost entirely due to the Lucha Dragons. I know Sin Cara 2 is a little long in the tooth but he was screwing up spots he normally does well, and even Kalisto was screwing up. I hope this means the end of the Lucha Dragons, Kalisto needs to start his singles run and actually develop a character. Sin Cara needs to retire.

Finn Balor vs Adrian Neville : A-
This is my early Match of the Year for 2015 (I doubt it will stay #1 though). Balor seems ready for the main show, which is actually something I fear because I know Vince and Dunn are going to ruin everything cool about his Demon Balor character. Balor's flying double stomp onto Neville's head and Neville taking the dropkick into the turnbuckle spot were both JEEZUS moments for me. I actually thought we might see someone kick out of the Red Arrow finally.

Bayley vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte - NXT Women's Title : B+
I don't want Charlotte to go to Raw. I don't want anyone from the NXT Women's Division to get promoted. NXT has made me care about women's wrestling again. All 4 women in this match came out looking pretty good, even Becky Lynch who I'm personally not fond of. Happy to see that the #AgeOfBoss is upon us.

Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn - NXT Championship : A
This is one of those matches I actually kind of wish Jim Ross was calling, because he would have made Owens' destruction of Sami Zayn feel like we just witnessed the crucifixion of Christ. I think this is the first time I've seen a championship change hands via a Mortal Kombat Fatality. Owens becoming the Brock Lesnar of NXT is something I am 100% okay with and Sami Zayn is the best seller in NXT and possibly WWE as a whole. I'm willing to bet that the aftermath of Owens/Zayn is going to be the story we should have gotten from Cena/Lesnar after SummerSlam
Real question:

Can Cena levels ever happen again?

I think its indicative of media in general. I don't think an original IP in film for example could come out anymore and do Avatar numbers, I don't think another football player can be as big as say, Payton Manning again, I think it is so with wwe as well. They've said a long time ago that the brand sells, not the stars.


¡HarlequinPanic!;151744937 said:
Real question:

Can Cena levels ever happen again?

I think its indicative of media in general. I don't think an original IP in film for example could come out anymore and do Avatar numbers, I don't think another football player can be as big as say, Payton Manning again, I think it is so with wwe as well. They've said a long time ago that the brand sells, not the stars.

Cena's not even to Austin or Rock's level in my opinion, so yes it can happen again.

and Peyton Manning is going to get surpassed by Aaron Rodgers


Balor has great presence for sure, but a big part of the reason why that's been so noticeable in NXT is because the audience are already aware who he is, know that he's a big deal and are freaking out for everything he does. The average WWE fan won't have that same excitement or anticipation, they'll have to rely on Cole & JBL to provide that for them.

I go back to D.Bry. The wrestling is not really what got him over. I mean yes, the hardcore fans knew he was a good wrestler, but it was stuff with Miz, AJ, and Kane that got him over.

Miz helped the regular fans feel sorry for him. Like, "why is Miz being so hard on this poor guy?"

The AJ deal helped become a great heel. Just a total jerk.

And then the comedy stuff with Kane put it over the top.

Sure now we think he got to the top just being "a wrestler", but all that other stuff had to happen first.


¡HarlequinPanic!;151744937 said:
Real question:

Can Cena levels ever happen again?

I think its indicative of media in general. I don't think an original IP in film for example could come out anymore and do Avatar numbers, I don't think another football player can be as big as say, Payton Manning again, I think it is so with wwe as well. They've said a long time ago that the brand sells, not the stars.

Not sure. I know in music hardly anyone sells millions of anything anymore. With the internet there are so many niche groups now. It's not like the days of Micheal Jackson and Madonna.

And yet you still have Katt Perrys and Taylor Swifts. BUT...who will be the next Kary Perry or Taylor Swift????

I don't know man.

edit:They had an interview with Obama talking about politics and how shit is so divided now. Back then there was like one news channel and people had more of a middle ground in their point of view. But not anymore.
It's one extreme or the other.

um....I've lost my train of thought.

Anyhow. I think they can come up with something that everyone can like. Maybe it doesn't just have to be one guy that encompasses everything though.


I'm more than aware of how it works. I'm just saying the old "grab the brass ring", "cream rise to the top", "make a name for yourself", it's just meaningless guff in current WWE. You either get picked or you don't.

I think Balor can reach Rey Mysterio levels. Great character look, good wrestler. Cena levels...I just don't see it at all. Punk and D. Bry levels would be great though, but not sure about that charisma just yet.

Granted I don't know anything about his independent work, but I assume it's mostly based on wrestling and not promos and skits.

Not exactly (04:20).


I think Balor can reach Rey Mysterio levels. Great character look, good wrestler. Cena levels...I just don't see it at all. Punk and D. Bry levels would be great though, but not sure about that charisma just yet.

Granted I don't know anything about his independent work, but I assume it's mostly based on wrestling and not promos and skits.

He'll be a new Dust brother in no time.
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