Normally that kind of ending would mean that Owens verse Zayn next match should be an I quit match but unfortunately both are french so it would be a tie before there was even any fighting

I shouldn't laugh, but it is funny.
Normally that kind of ending would mean that Owens verse Zayn next match should be an I quit match but unfortunately both are french so it would be a tie before there was even any fighting
French W-L-D record;
118 / 60 / 12
Who's the cheese eating surrender monkeys now, huh?
How many French victories involved outside interference?
Loved everything about the last 3 matches of Rival.
I know they won't as Zayn has marketable value to NXT at the moment, but I'd love it if we just didn't hear from Zayn for a couple of months until the next special and after KO murders Balor, have Zayn come out with a weapon and just destroy Owens from behind leading to a street fight at the special afterwards.
Is it just me or does Becky's ring gear not fit her gimmick?
I concur.
When Steen held ROH hostage, and he received the parcel at the end of one of his defenses, opened it up and it was Generico's mask... that was special.
With Zayn and Steen working with Dusty, you know they're going to come up with something good.
Well they can't all be winners.
It's unfortunate because it didn't have to be bad. They didn't use the no DQ stipulation at all, and that's the one thing that would've helped them tremendously. Also that botch by Dempsey was so fucking stupid.Also Corbin and Dempsey was bad, as was the tag match. Well they can't all be winners.
I get that, but another concussion angle for Sami? I would have been fine with it if they mentioned the other one(They even had the guy that was involved in the last one on commentary), instead they ignored it.At the moment I can't think of a better way for Zayn/Owens to end. Going into that match I was kind of worried because Owens shouldn't lose his first major match and Sami shouldn't get pinned yet and they certainly shouldn't have some fuckshit ending with a DQ or interference. They booked that brilliant and made both guys look great.
It's unfortunate because it didn't have to be bad. They didn't use the no DQ stipulation at all, and that's the one thing that would've helped them tremendously. Also that botch by Dempsey was so fucking stupid.
You know they only building Owens into an unstoppable beast for Baron Corbin to beat right?
I hope not.
Looking forward to Seth addressing his personal issues on screen next week, and for fans to think he's shooting.
He should really just be glad Russo isn't around in WWE anymore.
Is it just me or does Becky's ring gear not fit her gimmick?
Looking forward to Seth addressing his personal issues on screen next week, and for fans to think he's shooting.
Doesn't make any sense to me. Balor hasn't even debuted on the main roster yet, and there's simply not enough time to build a program for Mania with those two. Weird tweet.![]()
I concur.
Doesn't make any sense to me. Balor hasn't even debuted on the main roster yet, and there's simply not enough time to build a program for Mania with those two. Weird tweet.
Doesn't make any sense to me. Balor hasn't even debuted on the main roster yet, and there's simply not enough time to build a program for Mania with those two. Weird tweet.
I'm nervous about the talks of Russo potentially getting his hands on Lucha Underground.![]()
I'm nervous about the talks of Russo potentially getting his hands on Lucha Underground.![]()
Wait, what!?
No way they are gonna let the racist twat Russo be in charge of Lucha Underground. Didn't he have a class action lawsuit against him in Dubya Cee Dubya by the foreign talent because of his racism? No way he gets put in charge of a show featuring Alberrrrrrrrto El Patrooooon.
i'm waiting for the inevitable dick joke promo by Cena sometime this year
There was an Observer report saying he's going to check out the show or something. The report says it doesn't seem like LU would be interested in hiring him, but that he might approach them...which doesn't mean much, so I'm hopeful nothing happens here.
"I know it's a stiff subject so I won't mention it... wouldn't want to rub you the wrong way, Seth"
Ah, well I'm sure LU guys won't fuck up that badly. They really do not need him as it stands currently.
Christ... just think what shit he'd put on a pole in LU.
'I got Stephanie's phone here and it says something about hating her husband and wanting to run away with you, Seth? Weird.'
"I always thought you were a huge dick Seth, but it looks like I've been proven wrong"
Seth is H-A-W-R-D
Or he photoshops Seth's head onto a rooster.
NO NO NO. I don't want to go down this road.
Cena doing Dusty Rhodes' voice:
"Getting caught with your pants down. That's hard times, daddeh."
Nothing to see here, just testing the results of a gif program; judging by the avatars in this thread I'm sure only uggos will mind.
It doesn't, but then she just changed it. Her prior gear fit it.
That gimmick doesn't suit her anyway, it needs a change.
I look forward to his promotion to RAW and eventual demotion to WWE Superstars.