Who in your is the most undeserving champ in WWE history.
And of said champ? How long did they stay at the top?
Maybe Rey Mysterio? Vince McMahon?
Who in your is the most undeserving champ in WWE history.
And of said champ? How long did they stay at the top?
I love watching Ikeda vs Ishikawa. These mother fuckers hate each other so much.
Your face is so stupid.God , his gimmick is so stupid.
God , his gimmick is so stupid.
God , his gimmick is so stupid.
QFTVince has a history of fucking over fan favorites, of pushing 'the wrong guy', of his guy getting booed. And he has that while still being number 1. Everyone booed Hogan eliminating Sid. Guess which wrestling company was still number 1? Everyone booed John Cena beating Kurt. Guess which wrestling company was still number 1? Some people say it's lack of competition for Vince that makes him not come up with anything creative. I think that's giving Vince and Creative a little too much credit. But the reality of it is, why should he? Why should he try when suckers keep watching? Ratings go up and down, but ratings ALWAYS go up and down. There's never going to be another Attitude Era spike so until Vince starts doing under a million, there's no worries about if WWE will still be here. It always will be.
Because people will still watch. They'll tweet memes, they'll tweet hashtags, they'll do whatever it is. But they will still watch. Why? Look at this very forum. There will be that ONE Raw, that ONE superstar you like and that will somehow make you justify the weeks and weeks of garbage before and after. If you don't like indie wrestling, if you don't like lucha libre, if you don't like puroresu, and if you don't like the modern WWE product, I don't know why you follow to be honest. For the 'chance' of something great to happen? I don't watch WWE but I read this thread enough to know that it will be pretty god damn obvious if something great happens.
I just don't see the point in watching WWE when the product is constantly antagonistic to you and when you know your opinion doesn't matter. It never will at the end of the day when it comes to the WWE. It's not 'fun to pick apart' because it's bland. Old CZW is fun to pick apart because it's so awful in such varying ways. Usually WWE's awfulness is just 'oh they did the predictable thing. oh this feud doesn't mean anything. oh.' that's not a fun thing to rip on. Kinda like Stro said, like Bootaaay has said and othersi n here have said in the past, I don't really get the point of watching something if you hate it and it proves that you hate it time and time again. And that's not to say that people should stop watching WWE if they enjoy it. I'm happy people enjoy it. I really do try my best not to shit on it if they like it. I only do that for stuff like The Young Bucks. but really, I've been trying to be better about it.
but yeah, I don't get it.
God , his gimmick is so stupid.
God , his gimmick is so stupid.
I can't get into BattlARTS even though I've been watching a bunch of it. I just don't have time for it. I'm currently sitting onBoth guys were so good, it makes me sad that they couldn't make a success of BattlARTS and Futen. And that Munenori Sawa retired.
Speaking of Gary Hart, I see Court Bauer confirmed that the reprint of his book most likely isn't going to happen - seeing as an original copy will cost you anything from $200 to $1000 and that a PDF version is now out there in the wild, I'd say it's fair game. Can't wait to read it, so many people have talked it up.
Well Zayn just posted on twitter thathe is off to the middle east. So he won't be at the taping tonight. So he is going to be gone 3 or 4 weeks.
i'm waiting for the inevitable dick joke promo by Cena sometime this year
but yeah, I don't get it.
Speaking of Gary Hart, I see Court Bauer confirmed that the reprint of his book most likely isn't going to happen - seeing as an original copy will cost you anything from $200 to $1000 and that a PDF version is now out there in the wild, I'd say it's fair game. Can't wait to read it, so many people have talked it up.
move over uggo
"You have good vein coverage. I respect that."
but yeah, I don't get it.
"uggo"? Is that really what he says? You guys are insane for liking this. INSANE.
You have a really good knack for making things sound fucking disgusting![]()
I've been looking for it as well though I wish they had some sort of way to donate to the estate or something. Gary Hart never got what he deserved as a manager. He could have easily been considered one of the best of all time if he worked for Vince. He even made the Brody/Abdullah feud bearable. Which, to this day, I hold is Brody's only bad feud. Ironically, it is Brody's most famous feud.
You don't complain every week though. You genuinely find joy in the show, and that's a good thing.I don't hate the product. There is nothing for me to literally hate. I can't get worked up about stuff like this, it's just silly. Sure every once in awhile they will do something that is just insanely baffling like the RR, but I am not gonna start a movement or write WWE an angry letter.
Sometimes a movie or tv show will simply be not good, Or a sporting event won't be good. But shit..I'm still gonna watch NFL. (maybe my team will win next week)
But yes if I literally hated the product I would not watch it.
You don't complain every week though. You genuinely find joy in the show, and that's a good thing.
Dragonzord's post was about people who consistently complain and still watch. It's a weird thing to see, but I understand it because I fell in that trap for a couple years.
Also sorry Dragonzord but you'll always be Dragonzord to me.
Yeah, Abby stabbing Brody in the eye was pretty gnarly looking, though. Apparently Hart's family want to see the book republished, the roadblock is with the co-author who doesn't believe there's enough interest in a reprint or even an ebook, in spite of the fact that second hand copies are selling for silly money.
That cuts deep man.You're the gaf version of people who chant husky harris.
Google 'Gary Hart PDF', it's available at the second link down.
Yeah, Abby stabbing Brody in the eye was pretty gnarly looking, though. Apparently Hart's family want to see the book republished, the roadblock is with the co-author who doesn't believe there's enough interest in a reprint or even an ebook, in spite of the fact that second hand copies are selling for silly money.
After thinking about it for a few more minutes I actually think a big reason I still stick to WWE is because of WrassleGAF. Last time WWE got to unwatchable levels in the mid/late 00's I didn't have you guys for enhancement talent.
After thinking about it for a few more minutes I actually think a big reason I still stick to WWE is because of WrassleGAF. Last time WWE got to unwatchable levels in the mid/late 00's I didn't have you guys for enhancement talent.
Why is it you don't try any of the alternatives? What are they lacking in your eyes?
Honestly? I think part of the problem is that WWF/WWE is something I've always watched since I was a kid, so there's a bit of a nostalgic attachment. I do seriously need to start watching Lucha Underground though, I hear nothing but positive things.
Who in your is the most undeserving champ in WWE history.
And of said champ? How long did they stay at the top?
How long is his trip? Their next taping after that is the 18th.
So it's because you pretty much already know and are familiar with the cast - gotcha.
Guys, just saw a news story speculating that Undertaker is set to return on the first Raw after Fastlane, which is probably pretty likely, based on the last couple years.
Question is, how would y'all book him against Bray considering where he's at right now?
You don't complain every week though. You genuinely find joy in the show, and that's a good thing.
Dragonzord's post was about people who consistently complain and still watch. It's a weird thing to see, but I understand it because I fell in that trap for a couple years.
Also sorry Dragonzord but you'll always be Dragonzord to me.
The woman who hopped the guard rail during NXT Takeover: Rival last night and jumped on Tyler Breeze was Gionna Daddio. Daddio is a former Hooters model and has been signed with WWE for a few months.
Who in your is the most undeserving champ in WWE history.
And of said champ? How long did they stay at the top?
Sgt. Slaughter
Any Hogan reign after Warrior
It's not bad but I like belts to look more old timey. Block text and ornate designs make them look fancy and prestigious. That sort of looks like someone inscribed the company logo into the side of a tuba.WAVE title, y/n?