It hasn't meant anything since Cena had it.
edit: ok MVP was not bad.

It hasn't meant anything since Cena had it.
edit: ok MVP was not bad.
Best thing going today.
Best thing going today.
Again, Benoit's death and Rey's chronic knee issues were not at all issues when they were in line for a top push. If you want to point at shit, you can do that with every guy ever. Hell, Cena has been hurt multiple times, does that mean he fits #1? Then why didn't his push get yanked? Same with Triple H. Same with Orton. You can go on with this BS reasoning all day. The bottom line is that some guys get opportunities, and some guys don't. The guys that don't very, very rarely can, and even when they do it is half-hearted.
Cena has been hurt but he keeps coming back. HHH came back. Orton came back.
Some guys don't come back.
I don't see anything wrong with my list. These are things that have gotten in the way of proper WWE runs. Some can ...
overcome the odds!
brrrrrrrrrrrrrr appledough!
If only it had a worthy OT.
Find a new schtick friend, it's over and done.
Damn. Sandman just sent me 3 rows back.
HHH got overshadowed by an old man at mania x-8.
He was never a good champion.
Mick foley as mankind in 97 had really good psychology. He was pretty good as a wrestler too.
Did you not see my updated list?
Based Haitch overcame point no.8!
Nakawho?That guy who got beat by Nakamura?
It only took every other main eventer on the roster leaving because they wanted to do something else between Mania 18 and 19.
That guy who got beat by Nakamura?
Seriously guy, chill. I don't use an ignore list for a reason, but you're seriously making me consider it.
It's getting rowdy rowdy and bout it bout it in here, homies.
Was it something I said?
So heel commentator jerry lawyer is supposed to be a psychopath right?
I'm guessing the repeated ribbing ain't going down well, lets reel that back in lest we truly become a bigtop of carnies in here under ringleader Sunny Mac.
His HOF speechwhere is that cryin MJ pic from?
I appreciate Vampiro putting over Konnan huge on commentary yesterday. I know that won't mean spit in this community because you actually believe the b.s. Strobogo types but it meant a lot to me.
I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
I've only seen the first season. I wish I would have watched the first five episodes and then like the last four and nothing in between. The middle is unbelievably boring.I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
I'd like to make WrassleGAF discuss Attack on Titan and how much bullshit it is
We Anime now
That's exactly where I quit.I watched the first however many episodes and thought it was some dumb bullshit, and then I got to the reveal whereand lol'd right the fuck out of ever watching it again.that dude who got eaten became a titan and lived in its neck
Only watch it if you want to be depressed, then bored, then slightly intrigued.Cowboy Bebop/Berserk level?
Can't be wasting my time man.
Is it the real?
Anyone seen the shitty movie Trog from the early 70s? That's what Briscoe reminds me of in that picture. Yeesh.
That's exactly where I quit.
On the other hand Space Dandy is amazing.