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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mofucka it's single digits with 40 mph wind gusts, if I was outside I'd be dead

I'm givin' it!

Bronson & Friends:
When it's Angle, 'what a bunch of bullshit'

when it's Cesaro, 'oh yeah that other guy hacked him'. The only reason anyone believes Cesaro is innocent is because he doesn't have balls like Cindy Crawford.

Angle has a history of bullshitting. Cesaro has had a few choice words about the booking decisions in the past, but nothing like this. Of course it's certainly possible that he's working us like the marks we are, but I don't think it's particularly likely.
Don't say shit like that

He's a rapist, is responsible for the early deaths of a LOT of people, is greedy, is senile, lacks moral empathy and has proven this a thousand times over, etc.

Oh, and he's a dumbass. Without a doubt, there are worse people to wish cancer upon.
New japan cup 1st round

Makabe vs Homna
Ibushi vs gallows
Kohima vs Shibata
Yano vs tanahashi
Yoshi hashi vs Yujiro (loooool)
Okada vs fale
GOTO vs nagata
Anderson vs naito


Although why the fuck isn't Ishii in this tourney? I can only assume he's finally taking a couple months off to get his shoulder fixed, and he was replaced with YOSHI-HASHI.

I know a lot of people are picking Gallows over Ibushi, but I just don't see it. If they really want to build him up then a nice long run to the semis or even the finals of the NJC is the way to do it. The only potential change I can see is Anderson beating Naito.
He's a rapist, is responsible for the early deaths of a LOT of people, is greedy, is senile, lacks moral empathy and has proven this a thousand times over, etc.

Oh, and he's a dumbass. Without a doubt, there are worse people to wish cancer upon.

And the sonuvabitch pulled a hilariously mean-spirited rib on Zack Ryder.


Meltzer was texted during the show by a WWE employee stating that the reason Zack was not on the show is because "Vince hates the internet". Backstage, many, many people were upset that the person getting the most chants throughout the night was not brought out for a promo or even a quick appearance in his hometown who clearly wanted him there. Meltzer got some more information today on the thought process.

Quote : Evidently, it was indeed a rib/joke being played on Zack. Zack had spent his prior show talking up how he was in his hometown, how excited he was, how this could be his chance to finally shine and move up on the card. Zack was told a few days ago he would have a promo and a match on RAW and would turn face on RAW, even being able to acknowledge his youtube show and Internet Champion gimmick. This is why Zack was so excited the past few days.

The rib went so far as there was even a fake script and timeline alloted for Zack to come out and wrestle, besides Superstars, with his RAW promo and on air face turn. When the time came close for this to happen, Zack was informed plans changed and he would not be on air. This was literally during the broadcast. The entire rib was Vince's idea and was because Vince is not a fan of the "bashing" Zack does about WWE and sees it as "giving in" to someone who is visibly bashing the company with "dropping ball" clips, etc.

Meltzer comments that the real joke is on the fans, as the reaction to him not being on air is not pretty and as the rib is being revealed, even less people are happy. Multiple wrestlers have stated their public displeasure with the rib and John Cena was said to directly confront Vince over the situation and what he felt was a poor joke. Source: F4WOnline (Meltzer)

tl;dr They said he would have a promo on raw, turn face in his hometown. Gave him a script. During the broadcast, they told him plans had change. and he would not be on air. Vince had a laugh.


I'm not going to encourage Vince getting cancer but he definitely needs to be removed from his position in WWE. I think getting him out of there would have a ripple effect that would better the company and its image as a whole.
Although why the fuck isn't Ishii in this tourney? I can only assume he's finally taking a couple months off to get his shoulder fixed, and he was replaced with YOSHI-HASHI.

None of the singles title holders are included. Also, Ishii's not taking any time off, he's going to be working tags on the NJ Cup tour.

I know a lot of people are picking Gallows over Ibushi, but I just don't see it. If they really want to build him up then a nice long run to the semis or even the finals of the NJC is the way to do it. The only potential change I can see is Anderson beating Naito.

After WK9 I predicted the NJ Cup final would be Okada vs Ibushi, with Okada putting Ibushi over in what would be their 3rd singles match, also allowing them to continue Okada's losing run, but I'm not so sure they're going that direction now. Naito & Ibushi being paired together smacks of "we don't have much for you to do right now" and Gallows going over Ibushi would be such a New Japan thing to do. I kind of feel like New Japan are just spinning their wheels for the first few months of the year, I could see Tanahashi winning to get another shot at Styles.


I'm not the type of person to wish cancer on anyone because that's fucking shitty, but I especially wouldn't double down on it when a person who has actually had cancer and beat it calls me out.


He's a rapist, is responsible for the early deaths of a LOT of people, is greedy, is senile, lacks moral empathy and has proven this a thousand times over, etc.

Oh, and he's a dumbass. Without a doubt, there are worse people to wish cancer upon.
Can you elaborate further?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, finally getting to Quiet Storm.

He's so bad oh god but I love it
None of the singles title holders are included. Also, Ishii's not taking any time off, he's going to be working tags on the NJ Cup tour.

After WK9 I predicted the NJ Cup final would be Okada vs Ibushi, with Okada putting Ibushi over in what would be their 3rd singles match, also allowing them to continue Okada's losing run, but I'm not so sure they're going that direction now. Naito & Ibushi being paired together smacks of "we don't have much for you to do right now" and Gallows going over Ibushi would be such a New Japan thing to do. I kind of feel like New Japan are just spinning their wheels for the first few months of the year, I could see Tanahashi winning to get another shot at Styles.

Ah, yep, just found the match cards. Looks like Sakuraba is officially a full-time member of CHAOS since he's teaming with Nak and Ishii and no longer just Yano's bro. Still, I just worry about Ishii since he's going all out so much...his match with Honma was fucking spectacular, but I'm really worried about his physical well-being. A ****1/2 probably did his shoulder no favors (even if, once again, he did it with Honma. HONMA.)

I could see the winner being one of four guys. Makabe (who would challenge Ishii for the NEVER belt, thus elevating it like Nakamura did with the IC belt last year), Tanahashi, Okada, or if they have the balls, Shibata. Goto's won it too many times so he's not taking it. Tanahashi vs. Okada would draw the most and makes the most sense so that's probably what they'll do.
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