Cesaro is doing one of those pretend my twitter was hacked things eh? Say what he really feels and then act like he didn't do it after.
goddam euros amirite?
So Cesaro is going to be jobbing to Mojo Rawley soon right?
Cesaro is doing one of those pretend my twitter was hacked things eh? Say what he really feels and then act like he didn't do it after.
Smh goddamn indy wrasslers
So extreme and cool. I bet this guy is going to be a star someday soon!
- Said no one.
Goddamit, Austin's ECW promos are censored on the network too. They even censor out the WWF parts. Could they not find the original tapes or something?
None of those tweets even sound remotely like Cesaro, though
Yeah, whoever's idea that was is a goddamn ass. It wasn't even delivered safely, crazy fuck jumped for the impact
They likely only got the broadcast masters, if that's how they were presented on original ECW TV. And they wouldn't go back and re-edit the masters.
Blue Pants was also a pokemon trainer:Blue Pants took Blue Pantsing to the next level last night:
So I started watching the current season of Total Divas last night when I discovered it was all on Hulu Plus.
WTF is this Eva Marie crap?
Damn Nikki, how you gonna do friend Cena like that?
The hell am I watching?
Darksiders 2: Definitive Edition
Total Divas is the most entertaining WWE show.
It's a lesson in what to do with the jobbers you have that barely get 5 minutes of TV time.
I didn't know Wade was down with the swirl.
After WK9 I predicted the NJ Cup final would be Okada vs Ibushi, with Okada putting Ibushi over in what would be their 3rd singles match, also allowing them to continue Okada's losing run, but I'm not so sure they're going that direction now. Naito & Ibushi being paired together smacks of "we don't have much for you to do right now" and Gallows going over Ibushi would be such a New Japan thing to do. I kind of feel like New Japan are just spinning their wheels for the first few months of the year, I could see Tanahashi winning to get another shot at Styles.
I think they're going to go the other way with it and have Yano beat Tana via some kind of fuckery. Tana's still their number one draw and they gotta keep him fresh for the big shows later in the year. New Japan should be able to fill Sumo Hall with Styles against Ibushi or Shibata and a strong second match with Nakamura.
People don't deserve cancer. It's a terrible accident of biology that happens to people, good and bad. When you talk about people deserving cancer, you're right in there with the people who wanted to tell me what I had done to deserve my cancer.
Can you elaborate further?
New Japan should be able to fill Sumo Hall with Styles against Ibushi or Shibata and a strong second match with Nakamura.
That's not Blue Pants, that's Denim Skort.Blue Pants was also a pokemon trainer:
I'm disappointed he didn't double down on it by smiling and licking his lips like HHH would.
A wasted opportunity here.
I wonder how often rapes happened back then. I remember reading that Moolah pimped out girls or something too.There was a female ring announcer back in the 80's that accused Vince of raping her in a limo. It was settled out of court and the rumor has always been that Vince paid her a ton of money to make it go away.
What's the deal with Takayama? He's ostensibly a member of NO MERCY and Suzuki-gun, but hasn't lifted a finger to stop Suzuki-gun from beating up his NO MERCY team-mates.
Sigh, it's depressing watching the "The Last Guardian will be at E3 this year or bust" thing get started up again. I admire their passion, but they need to accept that the game is dead.