Remember when Paige was going to save the Divas devision?
Remember when Paige was going to save the Divas devision?
Remember when Paige was going to save the Divas devision?
Did Paige poop this week?
"Dubba Dubba E Fah-st lane"
Brie wears it better. Yo.
You know Paige has a long career ahead of her. Girl is what? 21 or so and can wrestle up a storm and cut a good promo. I actually really like watching her wrestle.
I would hope so
Remember when Paige was going to save the Divas division?
Did Paige poop this week?
Remember when Paige was going to save the Divas division?
I read his lips.
"I got all the dickpix right HERE!! *points at briefcase*"
She still could if both the Bella's got pregnant or left....
Happy Black History MonthNew Jack said:New Jack talking about Terry Taylor's Red Rooster gimmick
New Jack: Terry! I love you, Terry, but I've gotta say this there's a little story that goes behind it. There was a promoter in Georgia called Sammy Kent and he wanted me and Mustafa to come to WWF and tryout as THE ORIGINAL RECIPES and he was going to be Sammy, Colonel Sammy like Colonel Sanders. We were supposed to do what you did with the rooster gimmick and i'm sorry bruh, but it wasn't happening. It sucked, it sucked ass
Really? Damn, when did she say that?Which is exactly why Brie of all people said she wouldn't even want to be promoted if she were in NXT.
She still could if both the Bella's got pregnant or left....
Her accent. Goddam.
Do you like watching her wrestle or like watching her "wrestle"?
Did Paige poop this week?
The only thing that will save the divas division is this...
I know right, Nikki has one of the more annoying accents.
Nikki is great you punk.
Oh boy... Sheamus.
Really? Damn, when did she say that?
"On TV we get so frustrated when we get three minutes. We want more time."
"If I was an NXT Diva, I wouldn't want to be called up"
"Wrestling Nattie on RAW because we had an issue over a painting Total Divas? Really? Come on"
"We told the writers that making matches out of stuff that happens on Total Divas is confusing for fans."
"We had to go on at WrestleMania after Undertaker losing? Really?"
People who attended the Q & A also said The Bella Twins wanted to do more high risk moves but trainers are against that.
Wow. My respect for the Bella's continue to go up.Interview at one of the Wizard World Conventions. From Brie.