Holy fuck it's DDP!Really worrying hole in WWE security or The Vigilante, Orton?

Holy fuck it's DDP!Really worrying hole in WWE security or The Vigilante, Orton?
mystery guest at ringside
"The Miz is awesome"
first time that has ever been said
Even in this mark city, Sin Cara is more over than Reigns
Bryan/Rollins losing time for a fucking Miz/Sin Cara match.
Dumbasses'll probably turn him heel again as soon as he breaks free from Miz Cage.Mizdow is standing still and he is over as fuck.
Really worrying hole in WWE security or The Vigilante, Orton?
Dumbasses'll probably turn him heel again as soon as he breaks free from Miz Cage.
RKO outta nowhere
as if it's still october 2014
It's almost time.
Well, when you put it that way.I think he needs to turn heel hard as fuck.
Talk about how the only way he could entertain the monkey brained fans was by trying to imitate somebody and get on their level.
Sin Cara on the come up.
That spot is so dangerous wtf. His head misses by about 2 inches.It's almost time.
yes bray!
who's he talkin to
Bray calling out undertaker?