bean breath
If onlyLose Bryan.
If onlyLose Bryan.
Also the crowd wasn't at full strength. I suspect foul play.Fuck yeah! Daniel Bryan wins. Unfortunately the only way he won is because of Reigns.
Stop putting down my friend, FallingEdge.did you guys see that one creepy looking fan with the just bring it shirt booing bryan and chanting no?
Yeah, I definitely see Bryan turning first. I think it's fairly obvious going by the way he keeps saying "I am doing this for you, I will beat Reigns for you"
Some fans don't want that, and it's antagonistic for a face like Bryan.
It's an easy, but lame set up to have him turn if that is what they want to do to his undying fanbase. The diehards will always cheer, but they can give him mixed reactions to water his perception down to Reigns/Cena level.
And awesome for Rusev...but he wont win cleanly, and will probably lose clean at Mania.
As Ithil pointed out a year ago, "Internet fans" is bad terminology because everyone is on the Internet. They should just call them what they really want to call then: the cunts of the WWE Universe.
Thank you bean breath for drawing my attention to all those posts where people were angry because real wrestling fans weren't booing the person they inexplicably need to have booed. Embarrassing.
To me it feels more like they're building a standard "fans turned their back on me" heel turn for Roman. I think a lot will depend on the crowds going into Fastlane though.
It isn't Dean Ambrose's job to put over talent that way?
What was the deal with Curtis Axel and John Cena's busted up faces?
You know what the best way to get your new top babyface over is? Have him get pinned in the middle of the ring by the fucking Big Show.
I love how two weeks ago when Bryan lost to Bray off of interference, everyone was saying "they wouldn't do that to Reigns!" Well tonight proved they absolutely will.
You know what the best way to get your new top babyface over is? Have him get pinned in the middle of the ring by the fucking Big Show.
I love how two weeks ago when Bryan lost to Bray off of interference, everyone was saying "they wouldn't do that to Reigns!" Well tonight proved they absolutely will.
The only guys who have actually been booked decently are Bray and Rusev and they are heels.
if you guys think for a moment that reigns/lesnar isn't going to be the main event of WM...
look at the bg image here. enough said.
that was almost a full year ago, he's been booked strongly ever since and is still super overI wouldn't exactly say Bray is strong either after running into the Cena train.
They fell off their bikes.
Seth #TheFuture
Okay, The Miz was legit awesome in his backstage segment with Mizdow.
They really need to make this Stone Cold thing a monthly or even bi-weekly two-hour deal.
Plenty of talent in WWE, both wrestlers and backstage workers, you can keep that going for years and it's really something that will sell Network subs and cost them next-to-nothing to produce.
They really need to make this Stone Cold thing a monthly or even bi-weekly two-hour deal.
Plenty of talent in WWE, both wrestlers and backstage workers, you can keep that going for years and it's really something that will sell Network subs and cost them next-to-nothing to produce.
They just need to buy out his weekly podcast and put it on WWE Network. Austin's stuff is so good.
I loved HHH's reaction when he asked who was in Austin's ear and he said, "Kevin Dunn." HHH was like, "lol fuck him more time now"
Holy shit this thread exploded. Was only like 22 pages 12 hours ago! Was Raw good? Was Raw worth watching guys?
I can't keep up lately, work has been too damn busy lol. The off days are usually okay, just when Raw/PPV hits it tends to go crazy.The post-Rumble stats were ridiculous - something like 160 pages in two days. Adding in OT 1, the Rumble and WK9, we hit 864 pages. WrassleGAF is reaching for those brass rings.
Yeah, we easily smash through 2 threads a month during Mania season. Started early this year with the CM Punk ratings boost in December.
Yesssss, Gabe's booked Tommy End for the Mania weekend EVOLVE shows. Can't wait to see who he faces, Tommy's one of the very best in Europe and has improved a lot since the last time he was in the US (for CZW, I believe).
Ooooh, wonderful. Who else is booked on that show?
Here's the talent roster so far;
. Drew Galloway
. Johnny Gargano
. Chris Hero
. PJ Black (Justin Gabriel)
. AR Fox
. Chris Hero
. Timothy Thatcher
. Tommy End
. Caleb Konley
. Brian Cage
WrassleGAF is approaching "CM Punk is 'shooting' because he said 'Ring of Honor'" territory.
Here's the talent roster so far;
. Drew Galloway
. Johnny Gargano
. Chris Hero
. PJ Black (Justin Gabriel)
. AR Fox
. Chris Hero
. Timothy Thatcher
. Tommy End
. Caleb Konley
. Brian Cage
A few matches already booked;
March 26th - Non-Title: Drew Galloway vs PJ Black
March 27th - Ricochet vs PJ Black
March 28th - Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs Ricochet & Uhaa Nation
So, what's the current WrassleGAF opinion towards CM Punk? A talented but bitter ego maniac and pathological liar? That's where I'm at.
So, what's the current WrassleGAF opinion towards CM Punk? A talented but bitter ego maniac and pathological liar? That's where I'm at.