Sibersk Esto
All post heel Bryan AJ angles sucked.
Good. Guy was a cunt.
I see Cruise Missile finally got got.
Good. Guy was a cunt.
I see Cruise Missile finally got got.
in tears about this unaware motherfucker
holy shit are people like this real jesus fuck jeeezus.gif
what kind of job application asks for your hobbies?
Because he puts gaming as an hobbie in a job application or because he makes a thread on a gaming forum about it?
what kind of job application asks for your hobbies?
what kind of job application asks for your hobbies?
Punk won
Edit- After the HHH/Austin podcast, do you think HHH would actually welcome Punk back or was that HHH just trying to look good?
Triple H either sucks at holding grudges, or he's the greatest spin master ever.I like HHH a lot but the one thing I don't believe from that podcast is that he doesn't ill feeling towards Punk. He was probably just being diplomatic about it.
Again, he's marketed to kids, who tend to be a lot easier to sell to than adults. It's a chicken or egg thing there with which comes first, but they do everything in their power to make his merch appealing to kids, and lots of it. I mean, you want to buy the new Cena t-shirt? You can't just buy the t-shirt, Cena wears more than that. So you gotta bug your parents to buy the wristbands too. Then the hat. And the towel he's waving around in his entrance.
Every new round of merch he has is like a complete set, not just a t-shirt.
Lots of them. Used to weed out fuckin' idiots. It still works, as evidenced in that thread.
Wow. Both, now...
I also don't see what's wrong about listing "gaming" or "playing games" on an application. Would you look down on someone who put "movie enthusiast" on an application?
What applications ask you for hobbies?
Triple H either sucks at holding grudges, or he's the greatest spin master ever.
Jury's still out on that one.
I also don't see what's wrong about listing "gaming" or "playing games" on an application. Would you look down on someone who put "movie enthusiast" on an application?
I haven't had that on any applications I've ever filled out, thankfully.
If I did have it on an application I would leave that area blank though. What I do in my spare time is none of their business.
because in a perfect world it wouldn't mind, but in the real world, people are dumb and gaming is still stigmatized
gamers are perceived as "lazy" for some reason
Ziggy/Lee/Big E was good fun
I like how AJ no sold the hell out of that mistake. Truly a natural.
my hobbies include video games, masturbating and crying on the internet about sports entertainment.
because in a perfect world it wouldn't mind, but in the real world, people are dumb and gaming is still stigmatized
gamers are perceived as "lazy" for some reason
Six weeks sprawl training with honda housey and she'll beat cookie monster and be the new strawweight champ, no doubt.She can take a hit, put her in UFC.
Fucking hate that word "Gamer"
Serious question....
If Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan is a legit awesome match and Reigns wins, would we still be mad?
Bryan would have gotten a fair shake, and Reigns would have had to go through him to get to Lesnar, a bit more legit than coming into the Rumble and breezing through.
No because movies are a more legitimate artformI also don't see what's wrong about listing "gaming" or "playing games" on an application. Would you look down on someone who put "movie enthusiast" on an application?
I have no idea who Cruise Missile is. Who is he and what did he do?
What he do?
Fucking hate that word "Gamer"
Fucking hate that word "Gamer"
Serious question....
If Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan is a legit awesome match and Reigns wins, would we still be mad?
Bryan would have gotten a fair shake, and Reigns would have had to go through him to get to Lesnar, a bit more legit than coming into the Rumble and breezing through.
I'm not a gamer. I'm a customer.
Lurker who only made drive by posts to insult community regulars like Fox and Alucard. He made the original "This community is really bad" post
There are a lot of immature people that game.
You just need to take a look at Gaming Side and even the OT or the tons of controversies surrounding gaming.
I love video games and even would like to pursue game dev as an activity and I think less of people who call themselves "gamers".
She can take a hit, put her in UFC.
I would imagine it depends on what happens post match. Plenty will be upset regardless, but if they try and have Bryan put him over with a hand raise/shake, you will definitely see some righteous fury even if it's a 5 star clinic.Serious question....
If Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan is a legit awesome match and Reigns wins, would we still be mad?
Bryan would have gotten a fair shake, and Reigns would have had to go through him to get to Lesnar, a bit more legit than coming into the Rumble and breezing through.
You are not a Gamer?Fucking hate that word "Gamer"
I was okay with the word until it got dragged through the dirt with all of that GamerGate shit
She would actually fit right in...I see her getting chiseled into a beast by the Gracies since her submission move actually have credibility.
Fucking hate that word "Gamer"
what kind of job application asks for your hobbies?
Punk won
Edit- After the HHH/Austin podcast, do you think HHH would actually welcome Punk back or was that HHH just trying to look good?
Haha sounds horribly hilarious, anyone care to give an abridged version?
Until he has a really good match with Cena, I will never accept Reigns.Serious question....
If Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan is a legit awesome match and Reigns wins, would we still be mad?
Bryan would have gotten a fair shake, and Reigns would have had to go through him to get to Lesnar, a bit more legit than coming into the Rumble and breezing through.
I'm an experiencer of digitally interactive world©.
yeah I know but I mean, you could say the same thing about pretty much every hobby...
sports : lots of scumbags and trashtalker
movies : lots of elitist and negative people
music : lots of lezy people
fitness : lots of cocky assholes
wrestling : all idiots
hahaha. The Merch on a date is the best part.... hahaha.I may be mixing up the timeline, but in short: AJ was GM, Cena and AJ starting flirting, Vickie Guerrero found security cam footage of them dating (revealing that Cena wears his own merch on dates) and going back to the other's hotel room. AJ uncontrollably lusted after John as revealed through voicemails that Vickie acquired, AJ was ousted as GM and replaced with Vickie. Something something Ziggler and Cena came to blows since Ziggs was still managed by Vickie, AJ turns on Cena at TLC '12 and sides with Ziggler (who dumps Vickie), Ziggler's finishers get no-sold by Cena a few weeks later, and to cap it off