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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

This goof has no momentum. It might as well be two separate moves.

In this instance, the context of him keeping the guy away from his tag partner works fine. It's not like he always does that long pause.

Guys I'm watching Lucha Underground and I saw that triple tag team championship match. Oh my goodness that was perfect. Angelico spot, Son of Havok and Ivellise were all awesome. LU is so damn good.
But I thought Sasha was the Boss?
j/k :p
Sasha who?

All this talk of concussions and whatnot had me reading a bunch about the Benoit stuff and listening to a bunch of interviews of wrestlers talking about it the years after.... A tragedy. Dude clearly seemed like he had mental issues for years prior.

Anyway here is the GAF thread about it from 07. Well before my time on here but sure enough some regulars where around then.


The news of murder / suside breaks around page 7/8. I forgot about the early reports of it being because of a gas leak.

And a thread for the press conference that followed after the truth was learned.


Interesting time capsules.

Did the murder stuff break during the tribute RAW? Thats makes that entire thing extra awkward.

It wasn't too long afterward. There was certainly discussion while the tribute RAW was underway due to the suspicious nature of the deaths. I will always remember Regal's comments during that episode. Dude knew something was up.
I wasn't by the Web at the time(off for tge summer) but last month I read the entire WZ thread all 60 pages and that moment when everyone figured out what happen was a 360 turn. Funny, earliet in the thread someone mentioned what if that was the actual cause.
In this instance, the context of him keeping the guy away from his tag partner works fine. It's not like he always does that long pause.


Wow that looks great. Rose should go for a high impact style for his in-ring stuff. Take the mongoose thing to 11 and just act batshit crazy, beat the shit out of people.


could never
Wow that looks great. Rose should go for a high impact style for his in-ring stuff. Take the mongoose thing to 11 and just act batshit crazy, beat the shit out of people.

Problem is... even if he did that he is far too skinny now. Doesn't look intimidating at all these days lol...
Absolutely hate this Goldust lite in 97. They messed my boy up.

A lot of people around WWF 1996 said that they were getting shit tons of external heat due to Goldust and advertisers threatened to pull their ads, so Vince started toning him down in fall 1996 and eventually turned him babyface at the end of the year by having him suddenly act offended by Jerry Lawler calling him a queer.

There was speculation at the time that Goldust was originally going to be the one to end HBK's title reign at Survivor Series '96 and that Goldust was going to go all out with the gay stuff since HBK was kind of a flamboyant character. If you notice after SummerSlam 1996, HBK and Goldust start working with each other on house shows and stuff until it suddenly gets aborted.
Don't make me link up a Brock UFC promo on ya.. Hehehe

taz ain't shit
Don't get worked guys, I saw the promos with Taz in the back alleys. I know that he'd stab a guy if he really had too. Everyone from ECW could probably be legit killers.

A lot of people around WWF 1996 said that they were getting shit tons of external heat due to Goldust and advertisers threatened to pull their ads, so Vince started toning him down in fall 1996 and eventually turned him babyface at the end of the year by having him suddenly act offended by Jerry Lawler calling him a queer.

There was speculation at the time that Goldust was originally going to be the one to end HBK's title reign at Survivor Series '96 and that Goldust was going to go all out with the gay stuff since HBK was kind of a flamboyant character. If you notice after SummerSlam 1996, HBK and Goldust start working with each other on house shows and stuff until it suddenly gets aborted.
Yep, I know that. Mind games was supposed to be a Goldy v HBK. Then buried alive was the PPV Shawn would defend the title; they fault in the dark match. If only Vince knew that he was going to usher in something that would be a big middle finger to those people though. Then we got TAFKAG lmfao!

Son Of D

When the hell were Batista, Goldust, and Vader in the same ring together?
Taboo Tuesday 2005. Batista vs Coach in a no dq match. Was originally going to be Stone Cold vs Coach but when Austin was told that Coach was going over he refused to work the match meaning Batista was a last minute replacement.
Fuck!!! I could only hope that she walks out to this during Wrestlemania

And put the confused crowd to sleep. I have no idea what's going on in this or how it at all actually relates to Sasha and her personality in the way entrance music should, it's tribute I guess because he uses her music to underline it and maybe I gotta check the lyrics but it sounded more like the dude is crushing on her a bit.


Watching the rest of this first Smackdown on USA. It's recapping Roman vs. Sheamus w/ Vince as ref from the previous RAW. Even the edited recap is unbearable. How do you guys watch this trash? I remember seeing posts about Roman improving. He is atrocious. The more he speaks, the less charismatic he is. Just terrible.

And it's hilarious that Vince acted like he had something in his eye a la Gerald Brisco refereeing Austin vs. Goldust from the '98 RAW I just watched. They really want this dude to be Austin. But that storyline's time has passed. It won't work any more, even if Roman was charismatic.

FUCKING HATE THIS SONG and the chant during the matches. Makes me cringe

I hate this too, but the kids absolutely love it and I much prefer "LUCHA, LUCHA" to "WHEN I SAY UH, YOU SAY OH". God dammit the USOs are vanilla white bread boring as hell

Daaaamn, now that is an indie crowd. Gym bleachers: check. Entrance through sheets: Check. Barely filled gymnasium: Check
*Checks off list*

Yep, I cover all of those.
So you gotta be The Blue Meanie then.

Official story as reported and repeated by a well renowned journalist : JBL realized what really happened and was with Regal as Regal was fixing to do this shoot . JBL said " Oh my God did he murder his little boy ? "
Regal responded " I really believe he did ." Totally freaky because you can tell Regal knew .
WWE and at least Vince McMahon were told by Georgia law enforcement it was a murder suicide and Chris was indeed the killer earlier in the day . With plenty of time to tell the other Wrestlers and scrap the show nothing was said . Most still thought all were killed in a home invasion but there were a few that knew there were only two likely options and they were home invasion murders or murders/suicide . A few figured out what the truth was and talked amongst themselves . I am just wondering if Chavo and the other wrestler Benoit sent the creepy texts to told a few people as well . To most people the texts/calls seem very common with messages people leave others on how to get to their bodies after they have taken their lives . He sent texts off his and

That's some freaky shit


I hate this too, but the kids absolutely love it and I much prefer "LUCHA, LUCHA" to "WHEN I SAY UH, YOU SAY OH". God dammit the USOs are vanilla white bread boring as hell
I always look at them and see two guys trying to be tough. Takes me back to Steiner's promo on Samoa Joe about painting his face and thinking he's a tough guy. Headshrinkers were more entertaining and interesting these those two.


Friends, I have just watched the 1999 Half-Time Heat match between The Rock & Mankind.

I have a cunning plan on how Vince can avoid Roman getting booed in future.


I always look at them and see two guys trying to be tough. Takes me back to Steiner's promo on Samoa Joe about painting his face and thinking he's a tough guy. Headshrinkers were more entertaining and interesting these those two.
At least those guys had Afa talking to his shrunken head, cackling nonsensically or randomly eating some food in their corner. Afa was always entertaining.
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