Stop talking about Brayden Walker like that.
Sorry, just bitter because I'm still waiting for Glacier to get his shot in the E.
Stop talking about Brayden Walker like that.
Mortis would've been a great opponent for The Undertaker. Even though you say Glacier buy since they both were drafted from the same idea, that's why I say Mortis too.Sorry, just bitter because I'm still waiting for Glacier to get his shot in the E.
Mortis would've been a great opponent for The Undertaker. Even though you say Glacier buy since they both were drafted from the same idea, that's why I say Mortis too.
Shit tier according to Professor Beef.
Real talk, at this point I'd be ok with the Dungeon of Doom combing back. Terribad promos and all.
Speaking of the Monday Night War...
I just got to the episode of Nitro in '96 where the Outsiders attacked everyone with baseball bats and it stalled the whole episode for about 30 minutes as they covered the aftermath.
That right there was genius booking that even today still holds up. You kind of felt like up to this point, they had been working an angle, but when they did that brutal attack angle they wanted to make it more real. They sold the seriousness of it very well and it did come off as an unscripted act of violence that disrupted the show.
My only complaint is that in that same episode they had the nWo break in with this cheesy promo about Hog Wild. They at least tried to cover it up by saying nWo bought the time, but it still came off as cheese in the middle of a serious moment.
Didn't that make it to where Greg Valentine was now in the main event? I loved hat episode too. Anything could happen at the time.
The best part about Dungeon Of Doom was right after the nWo formed and the Task Master hated Hogan even more because he destroyed Hulkamania on his own after the Dungeon had worked so hard to do it.
If they told me I had to take a chair shot from Taker, I would rather quit the business than take those disgusting shots
Caught this on Reddit. Probably the darkest and most brutal wrestling GIF I've ever seen.
With Kharma released from TNA, can they just bring her back to finally get her revenge and destroy the Bellas into "retirement". Reintroduce Kharma to the Universe and Bella(s) do the job on the way out. It's the carny way.
presented without comment
Kick out at 2.
I'm outraged that the WWE Network has ruined Austin Appreciation Night from 2001, the Raw episode most commonly remembered for Kurt's milk truck was missing a crucial segment, the completely off key Alliance sing-a-long of wind beneath my wings complete with Austin head bobbing across the lyrics.
I'm absolutely gutted.
Even if they choose to ignore the TNA incident I'm not sure she would even pass a physical based on the last few months of TNA.
Thanks for reminding us of the Kelly Kelly Era. Ugh.i don't get the hate for Brie. you're telling me that in a world where Kelly "how do i run ropes" Kelly was a Divas champion, giving the belt to Brie for her last match is the worst thing?
Copyright song....that shit is expensive.
She just gets more and more adorable with each gif I see.
Those puns, Gross.
Could someone repost the GIF of HBK giving Flair Sweet Chin Music? I saw it earlier last week. Thanks!
WowCaught this on Reddit. Probably the darkest and most brutal wrestling GIF I've ever seen.
Who ever ends up marrying her will be the luckiest guy in the world, bar none.
What's the TNA incident? Was that what Saraya Knight was posting in reference to the other day?
Thanks for the gif. Saved
Hadn't seen it in a while. Not sure why we had to post it here again.That reddit gif is literally the worst.
She loves puns as much as I do!
Have her retire the Divas title
That shit was hilarious
Hadn't seen it in a while. Not sure why we had to post it here again.