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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

Yeah right after it all went down, that gif made its rounds.
Really has no point or need for that.

On the contrary, I think the people who were pining for Daniel Bryan to risk his health just to sate their bloodlust need to be shown the real damage they cause. Vince McMahon may be blood monger but he's just filling the demands of wrestling fans.
It's interesting when I go back to look at the WWF vs Alliance period.
It's full of moments of booking that watching now as a joyless smarky fella I'd immediately hate.
Really the entire Rock and Booker T feud is Book looking like a chump as Rocky overcomes the odds, the alliance is general is basically a bunch of mooks that even with corrupt refs and a bevy of interference always come up short.

You've got the Booker T midget segment and Heyman's commentary is perfectly encapsulating why none of it is actually amusing yet back at the time I lapped this up and heavily disliked Heyman on commentary.
At this moment I realise that if I was a young'un again watching modern WWE I'd almost certainly be on the Reigns train buying into the storyline where he's being screwed on the regular despite being given more chances and a push further than anyone on the roster.

This is a cruel trip down memory lane.
All that said Austin/Angle is still a dope feud, completely forget about Angle acting like he was gonna push Austin off a bridge only for it to be a paddling pool, even at the time I thought that was grim, enough for me to feel sorry for Stone Cold.


On the contrary, I think the people who were pining for Daniel Bryan to risk his health just to sate their bloodlust need to be shown the real damage they cause. Vince McMahon may be blood monger but he's just filling the demands of wrestling fans.

I tried to thiink of something fantasticlly brilliant and witty...but I can't find any flaw in this logic at all honestly.
I have to agree.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seth-kun needs to connect with Uncle Dana and get some of that there platelet-rich plasma spun up in Germany, uce.

If Seth talks to Dana, Seth ain't coming back to the WWE

He already wrestles his fake opponents like they're real ones

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seth asks Vince if he needs to come back soon too, Vince pulls up the ratings from Seth's reign, 'nah we definitely want to make sure you get a full recovery'


With Cena having been gone so long. And Ambrose and Reigns getting big with the marks and kids. I think we can finally see a Cena heel turn soon. To help elevate Ambrose or Reigns. Preferably Ambrose.
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