Sounds riveting...
We are back!!!!
It's Monday!!!
Sounds riveting...
Pretty sure this just gave away like the first two acts that a real A? An actual A grade from our main man Zach?
*weird Larry Zbyszko salute*Welcome back Z-Man!
I got around to watching the start of the new X-Files season. If you're wondering how this is relevant, it appears that all these years Mulder worked himself into a shoot.
I got around to watching the start of the new X-Files season. If you're wondering how this is relevant, it appears that all these years Mulder worked himself into a shoot.
So yeah, Tanahashi is facing Omega for the IC belt.
As much as I want Omega to win, New Japan needs proven draws right now, which is why I think we're getting Tana winning and then going on to face Naito. I suppose Omega thanks to Los Ingobernables-fearance which leads to Tanahashi/Naito and Omega/Ibushi, but New Japan being New Japan they don't do a lot of bullshit finshes and upsets outside of the G1
As for the IWGP title, I'm thinking more and more that Goto might take it. He's also been going through a bit of a heel turn, attacking Okada during press conferences and after matches, due to disrespect of him. I think it's an interesting move, Goto having been disrespected for so long for being an utter loser - a similar path to what happened with Naito.
So yeah, Tanahashi is facing Omega for the IC belt.
As much as I want Omega to win, New Japan needs proven draws right now, which is why I think we're getting Tana winning and then going on to face Naito. I suppose Omega thanks to Los Ingobernables-fearance which leads to Tanahashi/Naito and Omega/Ibushi, but New Japan being New Japan they don't do a lot of bullshit finshes and upsets outside of the G1
You can't just say wrasslin' words to make random asides on-topic, Kaladin!
Which brings me to this: can we talk about off-topic items within our community if it is in moderation and the wrassle is still our overarching main focus? I asked a moderator but he didn't respond to this question specifically. So any insight, folks?
I watched that last week. I wasn't feeling it at all, sadly.
Dip Zoogler...
![]() 2016.
I would hope so, random asides that aren't offensive aren't a bad thing IMO and can often add to the community aspect of a community.
I don't know how I feel about it. It feels like they retconned the whole series but at the same time kept it within bounds?
I kinda liked the "PPV and RAW threads only" format of WrassleGAF.
Then Willy Ospreay comes in to take over the Jr division
Now we can finally discuss this week's biggest wrestling related story freely: Bret Hart taking over the rap game.
So TNA's uk tour seems to be going great.
Kurt Angle got a concussion in his first match.
Davey Richards blew out his knee
And Awesome Kong got sent home for strangling someone in the locker room.
1 show down!
Got tickets already? Cheapest are like 260 after fees.So myself and a group of friends are seriously considering flying to Dallas for NXT Takeover, partying all night and then flying the fuck home Saturday morning.
Main reason being I have commitments that I can't get out of on Saturday night, but also the fact that Mania is sounding reeeeeeal shitty right about now. NOTHING is topping that Takeover Dallas card.
24/7 WrassleGAF is like a 3h RAW, it's too much wrasslin
24/7 WrassleGAF is like a 3h RAW, it's too much wrasslin
Lt Kane Cronin didn't make his post by being a police force jobber like Ziggler, while Zigs is bumping all over the city to make the villain look good reliable Kane will be solving the mystery and losing a few pounds in the process.Film would probably be miles better if it centered around Kane's fat, out of shape character as he tries and fails to run around the city in this "race against time".
I'm sure this was probably discussed a lot in the Raw thread from last week but after screwing Reigns out of the title the authority just give him another shot of their own will, not even rematch clause, just straight up "we were impressed".I don't see how or why Roman deserves so many chances at the title. I would legit be shook if ambrose somehow gets the W and Roman takes his frustration out on him.
> talking about how shitty a long raw is to justify only allowing talk about the shitty thing
He's right, y'know. Always gotta leave the people wanting more.
Those review lists got fancier while still remaining completely useless.
Everytime I see this, I cringe - it's brutal.
The hell is this? Russo-style reboot? We spend two years, reading with anticipation, to see when you're going to dish out an A - and then suddenly like 20 of the fuckers turn up at once?
Zach = F
Got tickets already? Cheapest are like 260 after fees.
Everytime I see this, I cringe - it's brutal.
And the fact that Havoc isjust makes me a little sad. Easy money I know, but...appearing inalong with othersTNA
I'm catching up. I just wached All Night Long, going to try binge the rest this week so I'm caught up for next week.yo Lucha was god damn incredible last week, let's talk about that
Angelico is mah boy
yo Lucha was god damn incredible last week, let's talk about that
Angelico is mah boy
LU is the classic case of leaving people wanting more.
Fuck waiting until Wednesday is rough.
Glad we are all on the same page. This is my favourite since maybe Cult of Personality...... Maybe...?