For years, fans begged WWE to push young talent. They pleaded for the company to bring forth Superstars of youth that could supplant the John Cenas, Triple Hs and Undertakers of the world and carry it into the future.
When Reigns put forth a dominant showing in the 2014 Royal Rumble, fans reacted favorably, and it appeared as though the company had done right by them. When he received such a strong pop for beating Triple H and leading The Shield to a victory over Evolution later that year, the juggernaut was firmly established as the future face of WWE.
But as the push became a reality, fans turned on Reigns, booing him because he suddenly and inexplicably did not represent what they wanted in a top star. It was hardly the first time that had happened. In the age of the Internet, fans had a history of building up a Superstar through tremendous cheers and incredible pops, only to reject them when it was no longer cool to cheer WWE's chosen one.