That moment with The Hurricane is still hilarious :lol
everything about that The Hurricane is amazing.
that program with the rock was perfect
That moment with The Hurricane is still hilarious :lol
If you didn't PM me your results, that shit's on you
Jesse Ventura just going for it like he always does on this Starrcade.
Tony Shiavone: "The Natural Dustin Rhodes, set to go against, Stunning Steve."
Ventura: "I know one thing you can't call that hooter girl over there natural."
Tony Schiavone: *voice cracks* "There you see the belt in the air."
- awkward silence -
Tony Schiavone: "And there goes the bell."
Ventura: "Whaddya think Tony? Natural or not? Or Synthetic?"
Oof, I have time between work and school on Tuesdays. Im free between 2-5:30pm on Tuesdays. Wednesday and Thursday night I'm free.Tuesday night is my best bet for free time brother.
das it mang
I did not have a lot of experience with Ventura commentary until recently. It's tremendous. Motherfucker is hilarious.I remember this. Ventura was suuuper entertaining. Second only to Heenan.
Oof, I have time between work and school on Tuesdays. Im free between 2-5:30pm on Tuesdays. Wednesday and Thursday night I'm free.
I did not have a lot of experience with Ventura commentary until recently. It's tremendous. Motherfucker is hilarious.
That was the best."You would like that Limbaugh wouldn't you JR"
What better way to go out than to have one of your good colleagues and friends toss you out of the building.It's a tough call for me for my top two announce teams. Gorilla & Heenan or Gorilla & Ventura. They're both great in different ways.
For some reason this made me think of Bo Dallas having to be captured and forcibly carried away from the NXT facilities because he wanted to stay so badly. He was right to resist itWhat better way to go out than to have one of your good colleagues and friends toss you out of the building.
Yep! I eagerly anticipate his return. Shit is going to be epic.
Seth is main eventing summer freakin slam because he's Seth freakin Rollins
I didn't understand we needed to do best 2/3...five times. FE and I played one 2/3. I jobbed to that fool like Double J to Hogan.
Dear Mahonay,
You have the wrong Mahoney avatar to be posting in the WrassleGAFs
and the girl he was with
He always seems like just the worst person in shoot interviews.Fuck Balls Mahoney. Dude came in to my bar and I was all "Hey! You're Balls Mahoney from ECW!" and I was all set to buy his sushi for him and the girl he was with and he was like "No. That's not me."
Dude, you're obviously Balls Mahoney. Get the hell out of here with that 'You got the wrong guy' shit.
God was a lot kinder to me with my looks. Please help me end my life if I ever start resembling Balls Mahoney.This makes me question if it was Mahoney
As hilarious as it would be to delay the coronation of Roman Reigns for another year, I really really REALLY hope they don't. Vince and co aren't going to see that he's not "the guy" until they actually go with him for an extended period of time and see it not working. Another year of them trying everything imaginable to get him over prior to winning at a WM, and failing, would be just about the worst thing.Is it possible we could see Seth return at wrestlemania and cost romam Match ? Keeps roman safe. Sticks to vince bullshit of reigns. N keeps to original plan off seth vs triple h. Summerslam then turns into triple threat
In MarchWhere the March OT at, fam?!
Where the March OT at, fam?!
Already set it up, just waiting until Raw ends to post it.Where the March OT at, fam?!
Already set it up, just waiting until Raw ends to post it.
Striker with that MMA physique.Might go to this. I love me some Mr. Nasty.
By that time he'll be defending his title.Seth is main eventing summer freakin slam because he's Seth freakin Rollins
We need a seth freaking rollins shirt.
Please make sure it's not something stupid and gimmick like Shane-o-march. You did well for the debate, make me proud pal.Already set it up, just waiting until Raw ends to post it.
Entertainment.Why does crap like this still happen? I know it's an indie show and they need to do whatever to bring people in, but c'mon.
Why does crap like this still happen? I know it's an indie show and they need to do whatever to bring people in, but c'mon.
Big ratings draw: Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Sting, Big Bossman, Kevin Nash, Bill Goldberg, Vince McMahon, Mick Foley
Somewhat of a ratings draw: Undertaker, Marcus Bagwell, Rock, Billy Gunn, Jesse Jammes, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, Diamond Dallas Page, Perry Saturn, Steve McMichael, Chris Jericho, The Giant, Eric Bischoff, Terry Funk, Bret Hart, Marc Mero, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Chris Benoit, Juventud Guerrera, Konnan
No real power one way or the other: Brian Adams, Edge, D-Lo Brown, Chavo Guerrero Jr., X-Pac, Jacqueline, Mark Henry, Rick Steiner, Raven, Dean Malenko, Owen Hart, Scott Hall, Paul Bearer, Droz, Gangrel, Hawk, Ken Shamrock, Stevie Ray, Head Bangers, Sable, Golga, Animal, Kidman, Giant Silva, Dan Severn, Barry Windham, Eddie Guerrero, Kurrgan, Rey Misterio Jr., Al Snow, Goldust, Curt Hennig, Christian
Somewhat of a turn off: Scorpio, Booker T, Luna, Faarooq, Steve Blackman, Scott Norton, Kaientai, Godfather
Major turn-off factor: Jeff Jarrett, DOA, Val Venis, Taka Michinoku, Chainz, Bradshaw, Dennis Knight, Bart Gunn, Mark Canterbury, Debra McMichael, Bob Holly, Tiger Ali Singh
Might go to this. I love me some Mr. Nasty.
I was disappointed that WWE doesn't offer an Arn shirt.Really good back issue of the Observer up now.
Arn Anderson Big ratings Draw!!
Hahahaajust make sure they sell a german version
its for history
Really good back issue of the Observer up now.
Arn Anderson Big ratings Draw!!
Really good back issue of the Observer up now.
Arn Anderson Big ratings Draw!!
-Steve Austin[Here we are now and I mean just quite frankly, it is what it is. [The Wyatt Family] dont mean what they should to [WWE]. And Bray Wyatt, being the leader of this faction, is taking a huge hit. And thats a travesty of booking right there because, again, these are some very talented guys within The Wyatt Family structure.