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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Welcome To The New Era (Beta Version 1.0)

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I'm not going to scoop you. I'm not a scooper. But I made some great lariatooooo gifs and a Lou Thesz gif, so I think I win the Network already. I've seen a lot of giffable things in WM 2 and 3 that I'll go back and do if whoever has them misses them.


Even though I suspect nothing of consequence will take place over the next month, I'm entertaining the idea of popping my F4W subscription for another 4 weeks just to hear Bryan Alvarez rant. He never ceases to be entertaining.

This one from Tuesday's Bryan & Vinny Show is simply on point when it comes to the WWE's deliberately sabotaged booking philosophy.

Vinny (referencing last Friday's Smackdown): Main event was Sheamus vs. Christian. They're 48 hours before the Elimination Chamber - I guess the taping is 5 days but still - the most brutal match of the year and they're doing things like rolling firemen's carries on the floors and all that stuff. So they had a very long main event. Sheamus is really great at selling an injury. His arm was being worked over and especially when the ref went to check on him Sheamus pushed him away and turned aside because he didn't want the match stopped. And eventually Sheamus just hit White Noise and won. I enjoyed it.

Bryan: I wrote, "Good match. Nothing special. Forgettable." That's about what it was.

Vinny: Sheamus was celebrating on the ropes and what I hate the most about this is Christian runs over and shoves him off to the floor and the screen goes black like 3 seconds later.

Bryan: Of course. Ummm... so. I don't know. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter but the idea that Sheamus beats Christian on Friday, Christian splashes Sheamus and pins him on Sunday and then Sheamus goes and beats Christian again on Monday. I mean, why bother? Why don't you just have Sheamus beat him every time? Did you have to throw Christian a bone? Why? Because he would have no credibility if he didn't get that win over Sheamus that you immediately took away on Monday?

I just don't understand. I don't get it. You know? 'Cause here's the deal. Like, it's very clear that there's only a few people that WWE is going to have be main eventers. Like, guys don't actually ever lose. You've got John Cena, you got Randy Orton and then you got like Undertaker and Brock who are never around anyway. But as far as like people who are on the show every week? There's a couple of guys who almost never lose, right?

Vinny: A few.

Bryan: So then everybody else is just mired in the mid-card or lower, right?

Vinny: Yeah.

Bryan: So are you trying to make some of those guys stars or are you happy with them just being in the mid-card? Like, what's the idea here? 'Cause if you're happy with them all being in the mid-card then who gives a shit if Christian ever beats Sheamus? Why even bother? I mean, who do you want to be a star - like Sheamus or Christian?

Vinny: Well, I think the answer is neither.

Bryan: Okay, so if that's the case... well, they're doing everything right then if that's the idea.

Vinny: Yes, they're going out of their way to ensure nobody gets over.

Bryan: How about you decide that one guy is more important than the other guy so, like, he wins all 3 times? I'm not just picking on this particular example here. It's just in general with WWE.

It seems like there's a concerted effort to make sure that the guys on the undercard stay there by just having them all beat each other all the time. There can't be any concerted effort to elevate anybody because as noted with Roman Reigns and guys like that I know they know how to get a guy over. It's called "he never loses", right?

Vinny: You're right.

Bryan: The only time the guy loses is when he's going to turn like with Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns is about to do a big ass babyface turn. He's going to go on a long win streak I would guess afterwards. So it doesn't matter if he does a job or two to Bray Wyatt right now. 'Cause you're all going to forget about it when he turns. But, aside from that, the last time he lost was like a tag match in like August. The idea is simple. Don't ever beat Roman Reigns. We want him to get over.

So it almost seems to me like they're actively trying to make sure that there's a pecking order and that none of these guys - I don't even know why they would want this - but nobody threatens that top position by getting over or popular. I don't even know. I'm just completely befuddled when I watch this. Like, what's the point? Why did Sheamus beat Christian Friday and then get pinned by him Sunday and then beat him again on Monday? Why?

Vinny: To ensure there's nobody to threaten the top guys.

Bryan: Okay.

Vinny: You asked a stupid question. I gave you a stupid answer.

Bryan: But there's part of me that thinks that's not really why I just don't know why. I don't get it. I'm just befuddled. And annoyed. I wish I could add "and inebriated" but I'm completely sober.

So there you go everybody, that's Smackdown.

Vinny: That was Smackdown. It was a show.

Bryan: Road Dogg did good in the Uso match, too. He should just be a regular. Billy Gunn is another story entirely.

Vinny: He's been a regular for months now!

Bryan: He's been a regular for months but, you know, at Wrestlemania he'll come and you'll never see him again. He'll be an agent. But, he's fine being on television. He doesn't look like an old guy. He works great. He's got a catch phrase that's over. You know? Great.

He can trade wins with all sorts of people. And also not get over. What a mid-card we've got!


So not worth it
Dave Meltzer did not appreciate Cameron's athleticism:
6. Cameron beat A.J. Lee via DQ in 3:58 so A.J. retained the Divas title. This was so bad. Lee went for a spin kick and it looked stupid since Cameron was totally out of position. Cameron mistimed a hair mare like move. She nearly broke A.J.’s face with a mistimed clothesline. Then there was an A.J. clothesline that looked so bad because it was supposed to be a miss, and Cameron was in another zip code. Fans were chanting C.M. Punk here. Tamina Snuka went to superkick Cameron, but she moved so Snuka nailed A.J. But Snuka broke up the pin. Snuka then clotheslined Cameron for the title saving DQ. -*


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Even though I suspect nothing of consequence will take place over the next month, I'm entertaining the idea of popping my F4W subscription for another 4 weeks just to hear Bryan Alvarez rant. He never ceases to be entertaining.

This one from Tuesday's Bryan & Vinny Show is simply on point when it comes to the WWE's deliberately sabotaged booking philosophy.
It's been like this for a really long time and I largely tune out anything that isn't related to the main event or any individual wrestler I care about. I don't get why they made it this way, but it really is just bizarre filler material.


Off all the things that piss me off about the Honky Tonk Man (which is pretty much everything), it's that after nearly 30 years with the gimmick, he never bothered to learn how to play guitar. Not even how to pretend play. That stupid fucking cunt. How is he still alive but Owen, Eddie, Boss Man, and Macho Man are dead?


Off all the things that piss me off about the Honky Tonk Man (which is pretty much everything), it's that after nearly 30 years with the gimmick, he never bothered to learn how to play guitar. Not even how to pretend play. That stupid fucking cunt. How is he still alive but Owen, Eddie, Boss Man, and Macho Man are dead?

chill out Stromonster


chill out Stromonster




Off all the things that piss me off about the Honky Tonk Man (which is pretty much everything), it's that after nearly 30 years with the gimmick, he never bothered to learn how to play guitar. Not even how to pretend play. That stupid fucking cunt. How is he still alive but Owen, Eddie, Boss Man, and Macho Man are dead?


I watched that Rumble 93 finish after someone mentioned it earlier, properly hilarious.
I doubt it had anything to do with staying in character. Tully was a true dick head back then and it is likely the driver of the car was drunk or on coke.

One of the original ECW referees (Jim Molineaux I think) did an AMA on Reddit recently. He was asked who the biggest asshole was he ever worked with. His answer was Tully Blanchard.
So they released some new themes on Itunes, and obviously they're up on Youtube already.

Paige's new theme


Eva Marie's

Summer Rae's

and they released the full version of Bo's theme
I like Summer Rae's NXT one better, this one doesn't fit as much. Paige's theme could grow on me. Rusev's, of course, is boss



Coming tonight. I imagine this will be the first time seeing anything NXT for many Network subscribers, hence why they're pushing it hard on WWE.com.

Paige is the most eye-catching of all the people there (second is Cesaro), you can see why they are grooming her to be a big deal.


So not worth it
Paige is the first time in ages they actually gave a woman a proper theme, instead of some bubbly generic pop-song that has nothing to do with their character.


When I hear the name Adrian Neville, this is the first image that comes to mind:


<sniff> He's all grown up! <wipes away a tear>

Also, why didn't they airbrush out the "A" on Cesaro's trunks? What does the "A" signify? I'm a moron and easily confused.
I demand that somebody at WWE airbrush out all of the As on Cesaro's wrestling attire in all of his matches and promotional photos.
C"mon, hop to it! Chop chop!


Nooo!! Summer Rae's theme!! Her NXT theme was SO GOOD. :(

It suited her enough, but they prefer to make new WWE themes for the main roster, since they just use music from production libraries in NXT. Only Emma and Bray kept their themes lately, and they were special circumstances.


At the airport on my way to Florida for NXT ArRival tonight. Will be doing a Mixlr audio stream on the 2 hour drive to Full Sail this afternoon to discuss the show and take sign ideas. Also will be posting stuff on Twitter @TheHeelTurn from the arena.

REALLY interested in experiencing that crazy NXT crowd in-person.


Pretty cool match concept happening in an ROH main event between Chris Hero and Adam Cole.

From prowrestling.net:

Ring of Honor has announced Adam Cole vs. Chris Hero in a Ringmaster Challenge match for the ROH Championship will headline the March 8 event in Chicago. Read the official announcement at ROHWrestling.com.

The first fall will be decided by pinfall. The second fall will be submission only. The final fall will be a 15-minute Iron Man match with overtime if necessary.


I can dig it.



Coming tonight. I imagine this will be the first time seeing anything NXT for many Network subscribers, hence why they're pushing it hard on WWE.com.

Paige is the most eye-catching of all the people there (second is Cesaro), you can see why they are grooming her to be a big deal.

Are all three of those matches actually happening on NXT on one show? Goddamn. This one might stay on my PVR for a while if it turns out as explosive as I think it might!


At the airport on my way to Florida for NXT ArRival tonight. Will be doing a Mixlr audio stream on the 2 hour drive to Full Sail this afternoon to discuss the show and take sign ideas. Also will be posting stuff on Twitter @TheHeelTurn from the arena.
My sign suggestions...


Coming tonight. I imagine this will be the first time seeing anything NXT for many Network subscribers, hence why they're pushing it hard on WWE.com.

Paige is the most eye-catching of all the people there (second is Cesaro), you can see why they are grooming her to be a big deal.
Nothing plastic about Paige goddam. I must be better.


So not worth it
My sign suggestions...


If you do this and get it on TV, I will be forever grateful.


Are all three of those matches actually happening on NXT on one show? Goddamn. This one might stay on my PVR for a while if it turns out as explosive as I think it might!

Yes, the announced card so far is:

Bo Dallas vs Adrian Neville in a Ladder Match for the NXT title.
Sami Zayn vs Antonio Cesaro in a 2/3 Falls match
Paige vs Emma for the NXT Women's title.

Two hour show, so there will be other matches.


The Ascension will have a match and it'll probably be a jobber match because there are no other teams in NXT.

Unless the Usos show up or something.


So they released some new themes on Itunes, and obviously they're up on Youtube already.

Paige's new theme


Eva Marie's

Summer Rae's

and they released the full version of Bo's theme

Damn this is a good bunch of themes, sign me up for the future

Outlaws will be there.

Are The Ascension not heels?
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