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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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could never
Only thing I know is that regins aint wining.



I'm legit excited for Reigns vs Bryan but I don't think there's a conceivable way for Reigns to not-lose without getting booed the fuck out of. If he wins clean he'll get massive boos. If he wins because someone interferes he'll get massive boos. If it's a draw he'll get boos, but less than he would in the other scenarios.


If it does reign down boos, and if WWE were smart, they would use that reaction to turn him full heel. How he worked so hard for the fans and they turned on him, etc... Now he fights for himself and not for the fans. Some shtick like that would work I think.


could never
I dunno man, Bryan coming of a little Heel right now. I really miss his slimeball act from 2012 lol.


Thete no reason to do this feud if Roman was going to win anyways. He should be as far from beayan as possible.

Vince logic = They tried to keep Roman away from Bryan during the Rumble and people booed Roman. Maybe if Roman straight up beats Bryan they'll accept him, damnit.


If it does reign down boos, and if WWE were smart, they would use that reaction to turn him full heel. How he worked so hard for the fans and they turned on him, etc... Now he fights for himself and not for the fans. Some shtick like that would work I think.
If wwe was smart he wouldn't have won the rumble.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If I remember correctly, a few years back the current owners of ROH were said to have zero interest in signing Samoa Joe. Whether that's changed or not, who knows, but it'd be cool to see Joe back in an ROH ring again. He's not in the best shape, but when I saw him last year at PROGRESS he put on a great match with Rampage Brown and seemed very motivated in front of such an appreciative crowd.

If Joe wants back in ROH all he has to do is go back to PWG for a few months, get popular thanks to PWG and then ROH will suddenly bring him in and act like he got popular again because of them.

That's a shoot, brother.
Game fans really can't get away from the belief a good game is long and a bad game is short.

The Order may be awful, I don't know. But we should dismiss a game because it's short.

When people say The Order if 5 hours, does that include everything and includes time for exploring a bit? Or is that if you just want to blaze through it? MY play time versus advertised playtime are usually drastically different.

I have zero interest in The Order, as I don't have any modern system, but I'm just wondering here.
Do people not rent games these days?


Do people not rent games these days?

A lot of rental stores over the years have gone under thanks to Netflix. And a lot of Redboxes don't carry too many PS4 games yet from what I've seen. I'm lucky to still have a rental place in my town cuz hoo boy I would have been pissed if I paid sixty bucks for the Devil May Cry reboot.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think I've said this before but whatever.

I've never ever liked the Rock. I get why people like The Rock, but I can't point to a Rock phase and go 'yeah, that's the Rock I like!' Because I don't like any of them. Going by shoots, IRL Rock is my favorite Rock.


When they let him be himself he fucking took off like a rocket.

That for me is the biggest lesson WWE can learn now. Trust in their wrestlers to be themselves. It's so much better than scripted promos, and if they forget a line it just looks worse. Give them all a shot and just being themselves, and if they fuck it up, at least they tried.


If Joe wants back in ROH all he has to do is go back to PWG for a few months, get popular thanks to PWG and then ROH will suddenly bring him in and act like he got popular again because of them.

That's a shoot, brother.
That's not a shoot, that's the established truth

Trevor Lee, future ROH champ!


Is the rock a good wrestler?, I never here about him when people talk about their matches

Rock in my opinion was always on the fringe between being a really good wrestler and being a great wrestler. From my memory he never really had any bad matches (Twice in a Lifetime being an exception) and when he was with another good wrestler he became great.


I think I've said this before but whatever.

I've never ever liked the Rock. I get why people like The Rock, but I can't point to a Rock phase and go 'yeah, that's the Rock I like!' Because I don't like any of them. Going by shoots, IRL Rock is my favorite Rock.


Is it fair to call Rock the most charismatic wrestler ever?

Dude was so successful he didn't have to crawl back to wrestling like Hogan.

Hogan pretty much had to make that nWo heel turn because Thunder in Paradise didn't get any ratings and Turner was not going to give him a new deal unless he did something that proved he was worth it.


could never
Man, looking back Hollywood Rock might be my favorite version of him.

He was certainly mine. I'll go as far to say he was and still is my fave Heel of all time.


Reigns was acting like a bigger heel though. Bryan might have been a jerk but Roman straight up cost Bryan a win

I guess, but don't forget Bryan had no reason to distract Roman with Yes chants really lol. Yet Reigns was speared outside.

Both are being cocks though, which is rather funny to watch.


Is it fair to call Rock the most charismatic wrestler ever?

Without question. The only person who I think is even remotely in Rock's league for natural charisma is Macho Man.

He was certainly mine. I'll go as far to say he was and still is my fave Heel of all time.


Hollywood Rock could get nuclear heat with seemingly the snap of his fingers. Even Corporate Rock couldn't do that.

He was good. And he cared for small details that made him spectacular to watch... for exemple the way he would kick his leg during the Rock Bottom

And yet his Sharpshooter always looked like shit


Is the rock a good wrestler?, I never here about him when people talk about their matches

He was good. And he cared for small details that made him spectacular to watch... for exemple the way he would kick his leg during the Rock Bottom


A Macho Man in his prime feuding with the Rock in his prime would be the bee's knees.

Them promos though...


Without question. The only person who I think is even remotely in Rock's league for natural charisma is Macho Man.

I think turning him heel after fans thought he was being shoved down their throats helped him a ton.

And just when he was starting to become slightly babyface with the nation of domination they turned him heel with the corporate champion.

Big risk that panned out big time. I think Austin saw looked at that and that's why they did his heel turn at X-Seven (which was stupid).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hogan did shitty movies and knew he had a better chance at making money wrestler. Not really a fair comparison of charisma because Rock just had a lot more going for him in terms of looks. Hulk Hogan ALWAYS looks like Hulk Hogan. The era he became big in was ridiculous cartooniness aimed at younger kids. He didn't have a lot of options from the start for an acting career. Rock had a lot he could go do due to his era being one with a little more range.

And keep in mind, being successful in Hollywood has fuck all to do with charisma and more to do with who you know.


The Rock was a great seller man. Not the best technical wrestler but it didn't matter. Just Incredible charisma and energy. And back in the day he didn't get gased.


I think turning him heel after fans thought he was being shoved down their throats helped him a ton.

And just when he was starting to become slightly babyface with the nation of domination they turned him heel with the corporate champion.

Big risk that panned out big time. I think Austin saw looked at that and that's why they did his heel turn at X-Seven (which was stupid).

Austin's WM17 heel turn feels like it should be on the Mt Rushmore of bad WrestleMania decisions.

  • Austin's heel turn at WM17
  • Hogan at WM9
  • Brock beating Undertaker


Hogan did shitty movies and knew he had a better chance at making money wrestler. Not really a fair comparison of charisma because Rock just had a lot more going for him in terms of looks. Hulk Hogan ALWAYS looks like Hulk Hogan. The era he became big in was ridiculous cartooniness aimed at younger kids. He didn't have a lot of options from the start for an acting career. Rock had a lot he could go do due to his era being one with a little more range.

And keep in mind, being successful in Hollywood has fuck all to do with charisma and more to do with who you know.

Still Rock made it with his success as an actor. He fucking played a gay man in 2005. Vince let his WWE contract expire because he didn't want any wrestler of his doing anything like that.

Rock definitely had some connections but that can only get you so far.


Austin's WM17 heel turn feels like it should be on the Mt Rushmore of bad WrestleMania decisions.

  • Austin's heel turn at WM17
  • Hogan at WM9
  • Brock beating Undertaker

I agree with the first 2 but I actually like Brock winning.

What they fucked up on was not resigning him and not using him more.

He has wanted to work more dates he just doesn't want to work their stupid house show schedule.

3rd one is a tough call.


I agree with the first 2 but I actually like Brock winning.

What they fucked up on was not resigning him and not using him more.

He has wanted to work more dates he just doesn't want to work their stupid house show schedule.

3rd one is a tough call.

I'd be more okay with Brock winning if the build up for it wasn't so ungodly one sided. They did nothing to build Brock up as a threat for that match. So it came off as one of those Vince "NOBODY WILL EXPECT THIS LOL" moments


Reigns was acting like a bigger heel though. Bryan might have been a jerk but Roman straight up cost Bryan a win

Problem is they are both half heels. They divided the audience (kinda since Reigns is almost full booed every time he attacks Bryan) so even if you turn one of them you'll get mixed reactions.

It's a really weird build overall.


I still feel they haven't tried to do ANYTHING interesting. Why are there no stories in wrestling anymore?

Right now its because they have to produce too much content.

NXT is able to do a slow burn because they have a large enough roster and they don't over expose guys. Plus they only have a PPV type event every 2 months.

The brand split was a perfect idea that they fucked up because Vince was jealous at Heyman's success with smackdown. Each program was on TV once a week and had a PPV every 2 months with potential mega PPVs like Mania and Summerslam.

Right now their roster is too small since they make at least 7 hours of content a week.

There was a main event where Kane beat Erik Rowan only for him to come out in a 3 on 3 tag match and have a big spot. They made him look weak then when he came out again nobody cared. It's 50/50 booking in short term bursts.
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