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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Unpopular opinion time...

Okay, this is only my second exposure to Sasha Banks, but she is cheesy as fuck. Already has the acting ability of a typical main roster Diva. Cameron, Brie, Sasha...take your pick, friends. I know she has a lot of fans on here, but just based on two instant reactions, she doesn't seem all that special as a character. Charlotte on the other hand, is the real deal.

Charlotte's character is basically just "Ric Flair daughter" though. And she's not great of an actress either, backstage or live. Banks is 100% THE BOSS.

That match is great due to both, however


Unpopular opinion time...

Okay, this is only my second exposure to Sasha Banks, but she is cheesy as fuck. Already has the acting ability of a typical main roster Diva. Cameron, Brie, Sasha...take your pick, friends. I know she has a lot of fans on here, but just based on two instant reactions, she doesn't seem all that special as a character. Charlotte on the other hand, is the real deal.

you can stick it, brother



To me, the difference is that she actually has the wrestling ability and intensity in the ring to pull of the character she is playing. She doesn't just talk about being a badass, she goes out and shows it. With a character like Cameron or Brie, it's just laughable because they talk big then go in the ring and have no idea what to do. The character needs to always carry the swagger and intensity, and with Sasha it does.

We'll see. As long as Vince is making the final calls, I have 1% faith that the women's division on the main roster will ever be anything but bathroom break material. Doesn't matter how good these girls are in the ring, it doesn't matter when you've got an old horny boys club booking them in 3-minute matches.


Unpopular opinion time...

Okay, this is only my second exposure to Sasha Banks, but she is cheesy as fuck. Already has the acting ability of a typical main roster Diva. Cameron, Brie, Sasha...take your pick, friends. I know she has a lot of fans on here, but just based on two instant reactions, she doesn't seem all that special as a character. Charlotte on the other hand, is the real deal.

She has one of the most well defined characters on NXT. Shes also very talented in the ring. Comparing her to Cameron is ridiculous and makes you look like an idiot.

It should also be noted that the dude calling Sasha cheesy is a YB mark.

Spoilers, bro. :( Gimme a chance to pirate it the day after.
Snitches, you know what to do.
We'll see. As long as Vince is making the final calls, I have 1% faith that the women's division on the main roster will ever be anything but bathroom break material.

I agree. But what Vince does with her in the future is irrelevant to the quality of her character now. If you are saying she is a bad character now, I think you're crazy. If you are saying she will be on the main roster, then yeah we'll see.
Sounds like fun. How did Itami look? How were the tapings overall? Don't feel the need to smother them in praise just because it's NXT, brah.

The tapings were entertaining, but tiring. The four hour event plus two hours of travel each way would probably stop me from going every month. Jason Albert and Rich Brennan were surprisingly loud on commentary, to the point where it was almost like sitting at home watching the show.

Maybe the way the room mics are setup prevents you from hearing it often, but there were way too many smarks who think it's cute to yell out one off insults with the hopes of the rest of the crowd going along with it.

At the end of the Owens / Riley match during the first show, Zayn came out to brawl with Owens. Eventually, some referees came out to try and break it up and, when that didn't work, they brought out a bunch of security guards to separate the two. Normally, I'm against suicide dives, but watching Zayn dive into Owens and about eight security guards three feet away was a pretty entertaining moment.

The majority of the divas matches were solid. I'm guessing Emma is only on NXT for the time being? Dana Brooke wasn't that well received, but that's to be expected when she's going up against Blue Pants.
News on NJPW's AXS show

UFC fighter and NJPW on AXS color commentator Josh Barnett appeared on The MMA Hour this week, and had some optimistic news for fans of New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Barnett said that AXS TV will likely be announcing a renewal of the New Japan Pro Wrestling program, which is in it's first season on the network. The company has been airing matches from 2013 and 2014 to warm their fans up for more current matches.

It was also said that AXS is looking to bring at least two more seasons of the program. The current season, met with almost universal acclaim, runs through April 10. In addition to NJPW's excellent outlook on AXS, Barnett also mentioned that the company may be bringing pay-per-view back in July. NJPW is scheduled to run their "Dominion" show that month.

As of now, it's unclear which announce team NJPW would opt to go with. Mauro Ranallo and Josh Barnett have been handling the taped NJPW on AXS program, while Jim Ross and Matt Striker worked the Wrestle Kingdom 9 show last month.


Sasha is the posterchild of what NXT can do, she was a generic cookie cutter diva when she came in and it's like night and day compared to today, she's got confidence and charisma oozing out of her that you never could've imagined


She has one of the most well defined characters on NXT. Shes also very talented in the ring. Comparing her to Cameron is ridiculous and makes you look like an idiot.

It should also be noted that the dude calling Sasha cheesy is a YB mark.

Snitches, you know what to do.

What the heck, dude? I'm critiquing a wrestler, not a poster on this board. No need for that kind of hostility. If you like her, you like her. I said that my opinion was based on two times I've seen her. I find her speaking skills and mannerisms kind of cringe-worthy.

That said, this match against Charlotte is really damn good.

I agree. But what Vince does with her in the future is irrelevant to the quality of her character now. If you are saying she is a bad character now, I think you're crazy. If you are saying she will be on the main roster, then yeah we'll see.

Again, just based on two times I've seen her. Basically, I don't believe her at all when she comes onto the screen.

Just finished the Sasha/Charlotte match, and I dig Sasha in the ring. Might warm up to her after seeing her a bit more, but just based on her ring entrance, poses, and mic skills, I don't buy her.
Really there has been a change happening for women on the main roster. The pace has just been absolutely glacial. I mean, look at the women in 2008 compared to something like 2013. And then compare 2013 to now. Slowly but surely, they have given them time here and there. Hell, in 2008 there would barely ever be a women's title match on a PPV, and when it did happen it was terrible. Now they at least have matches regularly. I don't know that it'll ever be like NXT, at least not while Dunn is around, but I do think there has been at least some sort of change over the past 6 or so years.


It is practically the same, but minus Kelly Kelly. In those years you had Mickie James, Natalya pre-fart, Beth, and Gail Kim. TV time, PPV appearances and match length, all the same. Bellas pushed hard atm, like McCool was for a while.
I'm frankly amazed WWE has held off on Orton this long. He's been doing house shows for over a month now.
Creative has nothing for him.

Glad to see TBK make an appearance at NXT. Love him.

Shame Drew has chosen TNA. Guy could've been a star but wasn't ready when they pushed him. When he was ready they never pushed him. Huh.
It is practically the same, but minus Kelly Kelly. In those years you had Mickie James, Natalya pre-fart, Beth, and Gail Kim. TV time, PPV appearances and match length, all the same. Bellas pushed hard atm, like McCool was for a while.

I went back to look for a title match on a PPV in 2008 to compare. Of the fourteen PPVs that took place in 2008, only four of them had a match that was for the Women's or Divas Title. And one of those was Night of Champions where they were basically forced to put the title on the line in a match. By comparison, looking at last year, of the 12 PPV events, 11 had a Divas title match.

So no, they did not have the same collective level of talent and did not have the same amount of appearances or time.


It perfectly complemented his look, and it'll be a great story to tell on his career retrospective DVD.

There must be a way to use stage blood or something. Blading isn't really necessary anymore.

nah bruh adam fucking cole smeared some paint on his forehead and tried to pass it off as blood the last roh show there was a few months. shit smeared off immetdiately

all it made me think was that he was a pussy when brisco is taking staples to the dome
I'm frankly amazed WWE has held off on Orton this long. He's been doing house shows for over a month now.

the guy is beyond stale. shaemus is in the same boat.

I can't think of a single feud that either would be remotely fresh or good with them in.

how about shaemus vs randy orton at wm 31. both winner and loser retire forever...

cena is a drain but the mixed reactions he gets makes for some decent work when he is booked against guys that can carry him in the ring.
Have BNB feud again with Orton. Have it a hardcore match since they dislike each other from the previous feud

E: Do you guys think would do side gigs like Disco's group, Future Stars of Wrestling? Hardy wrestles along with Cage, Mack and Ricker

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Orton has never fought Brock and has barely interacted with The Shield outside of those two Evolution matches. He's actually got more fresh opponents now than he has in years.
Orton has never fought Brock and has barely interacted with The Shield outside of those two Evolution matches. He's actually got more fresh opponents now than he has in years.
They really should've had Brock/Orton at survivor series. Could've been damn good. It was in St Louis for fuck sake. The F5 countered into an RKO would've made the crowd lose their shit.
The tapings were entertaining, but tiring. The four hour event plus two hours of travel each way would probably stop me from going every month. Jason Albert and Rich Brennan were surprisingly loud on commentary, to the point where it was almost like sitting at home watching the show.

Maybe the way the room mics are setup prevents you from hearing it often, but there were way too many smarks who think it's cute to yell out one off insults with the hopes of the rest of the crowd going along with it.

I've heard the Florida crowds can be pretty disrespectful. Glad that most of it doesn't make it to TV.

How did Hideo Itami look? His progress is one of the most interesting things to me. Can't explain why lol.
Unpopular opinion time...

Okay, this is only my second exposure to Sasha Banks, but she is cheesy as fuck. Already has the acting ability of a typical main roster Diva. Cameron, Brie, Sasha...take your pick, friends. I know she has a lot of fans on here, but just based on two instant reactions, she doesn't seem all that special as a character. Charlotte on the other hand, is the real deal.

I sort of agree with you about her character being a typical Www Diva type. She'll stink when she goes to the main roster where someone like Paige retains a vague speck of respectability despite being turned into a typically titillating joke most of the time.

The matches I've seen of her have generally been good though which has won me over and in NXT she isn't one of 5 women exactly like her at least, so she's won me over just by being fun to watch in the ring. Wrestling is an inherently cheesey thing though so you can't really ever get away from that. She does cool moves and is good at the in ring character work.


Unpopular opinion time...

Okay, this is only my second exposure to Sasha Banks, but she is cheesy as fuck. Already has the acting ability of a typical main roster Diva. Cameron, Brie, Sasha...take your pick, friends. I know she has a lot of fans on here, but just based on two instant reactions, she doesn't seem all that special as a character.

I agree with this. She looks awkward doing her entrance poses especially, buuuttttt

To me, the difference is that she actually has the wrestling ability and intensity in the ring to pull of the character she is playing. She doesn't just talk about being a badass, she goes out and shows it. With a character like Cameron or Brie, it's just laughable because they talk big then go in the ring and have no idea what to do. The character needs to always carry the swagger and intensity, and with Sasha it does.

I also agree with this. When she gets in the ring, it's an entirely different story and she is a kickass machine. She won't have time to show it on the main roster, but it works if she gets ring time.
Wow that episode of NXT felt like it was "elevated".

Total package episode, such a perfect show, with perfect themes for guys like Owens and Banks... so awesome.

If guys like Samoa Joe and
become regulars, it'd be so fucking cool


Dr. Chris with the heel promo.

"Zayn had multiple concussions but I let him go to Abu Dhabi anyway because I don't give a fuck".
I mean the 'boss' thing is so corny and appropriative of shitty pop culture, but it's wrestling. It isn't cool, it's lame, but Sasha Banks is decent in the ring so who cares.
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