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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Remind me why he's wearing a bra.

Do you really want to know because its a gif from age where the attitude era was over and the WWE couldn't admit it.

Steph lost a bet on some match or something. So her lost meant she had to engage in hot lesbian action. So after getting hot women, Eric Bischoff instead got this fat women instead to make out with Steph.

Instead it was a swerve and it was Rickishi under makeup and the result is the gif.


He was supposed to do HLA with Stephanie.

Man, wasn't the brand split just great?


Yes, it was.


He was supposed to do HLA with Stephanie.

Man, wasn't the brand split just great?

It gave Heyman a chance to run a production company.

It pushed Edge and the smackdown six as well as get Brock a stage to shine.

If Vince had kept his hands off of one of the brands we might look back on it differently.


It gave Heyman a chance to run a production company.

It pushed Edge and the smackdown six as well as get Brock a stage to shine.

If Vince had kept his hands off of one of the brands we might look back on it differently.

If Heyman could just let one little thing slide now and again, we may have had him longer. Also, not sleeping on conference calls until his phone dies.

Aince I just posted that Bischoff gif, I think it's time to bask in the glory of 3 minute warnings theme. http://youtu.be/L9TmoMYqSjQ

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really, really liked 3 Minute Warning a lot.

Like a lot a lot.
No he wasn't. He was pretty great on Smackdown and it wasn't until his injury return when he started stinking up the joint.

Great how? He had zero personality post-E&C. The closest thing they gave to him as a personality was when he started doing the You Suck shit. Which is as bad as face Sheamus.


Great how? He had zero personality post-E&C. The closest thing they gave to him as a personality was when he started doing the You Suck shit. Which is as bad as face Sheamus.

I can forgive a lot for terrific matches like he was having and hey, it's hard when you're coming off a run with Captain Charisma. I remember some entertaining stuff he did with Angle, like the photos with stuff written on them. Admittedly, I was younger...

Yeah. Smackdown during the brand split was reliably a much better show than Raw was then, and Raw is now.
If probably hold that Heyman era of Smackdown up against anything WWE has put out. Just a phenomenal amount of talent at his disposal and he got the best out of most of them.


If Heyman could just let one little thing slide now and again, we may have had him longer. Also, not sleeping on conference calls until his phone dies.

Aince I just posted that Bischoff gif, I think it's time to bask in the glory of 3 minute warnings theme. http://youtu.be/L9TmoMYqSjQ

Better yet why are you running a company where employee's feel the need to spy in order to get ahead?

I feel like for the histroy of WWE you take Vince out of the situation and things get better or you don't have shit like HBK vs god.

Meanwhile you take an outsider and have them run WCW and its a fucking mess. (At least pre-Nitro).

Years from now people will look at the Brand split and Cena as the lowest low of wrestling.

If HHH doesn't sign ROH's complete roster and create NXT what does WWE look like now? Would they fucking have Shaemus vs Hogan?


wwe creative rut wont last forever but thankfully there are alternatives if one were to indulge themselves on another flavor of pro wrasslin while the e figures out a way to get out of the slump its in


wwe creative rut wont last forever but thankfully there are alternatives if one were to indulge themselves on another flavor of pro wrasslin while the e figures out a way to get out of the slump its in

But there are issues that could prop up.

Lucha Underground is on a Network 5 people get
ROH is having financial problems (According to what I heard Meltzer say on a podcast"
NOAH is getting propped up by NJPW

MC Safety

Has the NXT woman whose nude picture leaked been fired yet?

Also, I'm not sure what NXT is doing with its recent emphasis on reclamation projects. I like it when WWE stars come in for a match every now and again, but it seems there's more and more of the "revitalize your career" theme with the TV show. I may be misreading things.


Has the NXT woman whose nude picture leaked been fired yet?

Also, I'm not sure what NXT is doing with its recent emphasis on reclamation projects. I like it when WWE stars come in for a match every now and again, but it seems there's more and more of the "revitalize your career" theme with the TV show. I may be misreading things.

Why would she get fired?
Update from Meltzer on the Brock situation

On the Lesnar question, Jim Ross, who is still in a position to know people who would know, wrote that sources are saying it looks more promising that Lesnar is staying due to concerns over the long-term heath effects of concussion oriented issues later in life. I’ve always believed that if Lesnar could keep his current deal, that he’d stay with wrestling. Perhaps he could make more in MMA, but in his case, the longevity isn’t there and reputation risks are higher. The only way I’d have figured he would go back to MMA is if he really felt he could do better because he was impaired by health problems the first time, even at an advanced age, and he had the need to take one last shot at competition sports, and if there was a significant difference as far as making more money at it. If WWE wouldn’t pay him what he’s been earning, I’d see him go, but if WWE would continue him on his current deal with his current schedule, WWE makes more sense. While the punishment for a full-time pro wrestler is likely greater than for an MMA fighter before of so many performances during the year, the punishment of three pro wrestling matches a year vs. two MMA fights and training camps before them, would make in his unique case, MMA far more injurious. WWE may not have been in the position to pay him his current deal the way things looked a few months ago, but WWE’s finances are a lot better off. Plus, after losing C.M. Punk to UFC, I don’t think as competitive as Vince is, he wants another of his top stars leaving. Those close to Lesnar have always kept things like this quiet. But if you look at the lay of the land with WWE, UFC and Bellator, his contract coming due in two months is incredible timing.

Other than the "faggot" thing, I don't see anything that makes her a terrible person. An idiot? Absolutely. But lots of people are idiots and still employed.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Katsuhiko Nakajima & Taiji Ishimori vs Takeshi Morishima & MAYBACH Taniguchi
Some great talent in here, some so-so talent in here. I was interested to see how this would go. The match is right flat in the middle of the card where one might put some divas matches if they booked divas. It's very thrown together. The only real 'storyline' in it is that Morishima's Army is feuding with everyone, and Taiji and Nakajima count as 'everyone.' Heels attack the faces(Taiji and Nakajima) before the bell starts in usual Violent Army fashion, but the faces get some heat back and run the heels off for a while. Mostly Taiji taking a lot of beatings at the start of the match.

Taiji gets thrown out of the ring and suddenly Kenou appears from out of fucking nowhere and beings attacking him before throwing Taiji back into the ring. A couple seconds later, Ohara has shown up at ringside too. Where did they come from? They weren't out there for entrances, and now they've suddenly showen up. Taiji takes a lot of a beating and gets little in before tagging Nakajima in. Nakajima goes hog on Morishima and proceeds to kick the crap out of him. Kenou and Ohara just blatantly run into the ring to beat down Nakajima(which isn't a DQ) and Nakajima ends up taking down all four members of Violent Army by kicking them in the chest/stomach. Nakajima ascends the top rope and nails Morishima with a nice dropkick.

Nakajima keeps the pace going and looks really great. The camera keeps cutting to an elderly couple in the crowd.

Yep, pretty sure that's the angle they're going with for Nakajima. Nakajima's hubris gets to him when he attempts to backdrop Morishima who turns the tides by using his weight and falling on Nakajima mid-backdrop. Thought it looked really cool. Taiji gets a much needed tag and finally gets to show some offense, but he's eventually cut off by Taniguchi who hits him with a chokeslam.

Taiji kicks out but gets a gutwrench powerbomb for his trouble, and Taniguchi pins Taiji.
Violent Army all come out at the end and cut a promo. It will be very interesting to see them confront Suzuki-gun, as it's obvious that'll be the end-game.

I thought this match was perfect for what it was. Easily the match of the night so far over the two 6 man tags. It was brief, but it did everything it needed to do. Morishima didn't do a ton, but he helped Nakajima look great. 'The Young Master' Nakajima looked the strongest out of this, and I'd love to see him and Sabre win the GHC Jr. tag titles. But he wasn't the only one I thought looked great. Taniguchi looked much better than he had in the past. He didn't look like a star or anything, but he justified his spot with Morishima, Ohara, and Kenou by being very effective. Calling Taniguchi 'solid' might give him too much credit, but he works well in short bursts, and he's got a great look, so they booked to his strengths. He's got a pretty decent moveset as well, even if he's not the best at performing them, so that helps spice up some of his faults. Even with the outside interference, I thought this match was very, very well paced, and I wouldn't be surprised if Gedo booked it. Better than I expected. No one looked bad at the end of it.
Hard to turn down a ton of money. If anyone big gets popped by UFC again they could be bidding for Brock as high as bellator.

Plus Brock wanted to work more dates this year and WWE didn't want to pay him.

WWE's financial situation is much better this year than it was last year. They can afford to use Brock. Money's good in MMA, but Brock also isn't stupid and knows his long-term health is much better if he stays with WWE. Plus, if he stays with WWE and keeps up the level of performance he has been, he'll maintain the deal he has. If he goes to UFC and gets beat in his first fight back, which is highly likely at this point, then his value to WWE is diminished. Staying with WWE is the lowest risk proposition by a mile.


WWE's financial situation is much better this year than it was last year. They can afford to use Brock. Money's good in MMA, but Brock also isn't stupid and knows his long-term health is much better if he stays with WWE. Plus, if he stays with WWE and keeps up the level of performance he has been, he'll maintain the deal he has. If he goes to UFC and gets beat in his first fight back, which is highly likely at this point, then his value to WWE is diminished. Staying with WWE is the lowest risk proposition by a mile.

They will book an easy win for Brock wherever he goes in MMA.
They will book an easy win for Brock wherever he goes in MMA.

If Brock is the fighter he was in his first run pre-diverticulitis, and there is no reason to believe he isn't, he would get beat by any of the top ten heavyweights in the UFC. And you ain't headlining a show with Brock Lesnar vs. Brendan Schaub. And for as much as people want to talk about Bellator, I don't see a chance he goes there. If Brock goes back to MMA at all, it won't be about the money. It'll be about proving that he can still do it. Every single report on the possibility of him going back has said as much.


I'm waiting for the day when blue pants wins the title by accident. She deserves it for jobbing with such exceptional performance.
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