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Federal judge grants stay on Trump ban for people who landed in U.S. with valid visas

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FYI guys the next 4 years are going to be a brutal fight through every means necessary. Protest, court action, pressuring congress, voting in the midterms, etc.

I hope the left has the will to continue the fight. Also please learn a little about how the govt works. This place can be ridiculous at times, from people asking for Obama to issue an EO to delay inauguration to asking the SC to bust into the white house.
I understand what you're saying but time isn't really on our side. The longer he is in there and this shit goes on, the worse it'll get.
There isn't really another option with the legal system like you're arguing. So unless you plan on marching to Washington yourself to kick him and his goons out of the Oval Office, this is what we've got.
he's allowed to submit illegal orders

he's supposed to stop enforcing them once they're judged to be illegal though. that's the troubling part of this

Their silence suggests to me that they know this is unconstitutional, but they're gonna ignore it for as long as possible to drag it out.

They likely knew this would happen, so that's probably why they did it on a Friday to stall the pushback over the course of the weekend.


IF the CBP continues to enforce the EO against the order of the stay, then we are in full constitutional crisis territory and impeachable offenses.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Holy fuck, I hope that is not true. Why why why?

If I had to guess, I'd say for similar reasons to law enforcement officers who entrap, bully, pressure, and lie to people in order to get them to incriminate themselves or surrender their rights: speed things up and process the offender smoothly to close it out.

Everything in this shitshow involving actual green card holders should be extremely chilling to everyone. Getting a green card is often no small matter. For many or most it takes a huge investment of time and money. Those with a card are very integrated members of the United States. One step away from conventional citizenship.

For them to be treated this way displays a fundamental hostility towards any and all immigrants. It is also a complete betrayal of the supposed value of "doing things the right way" by "getting in line like an honest person". If a green card is worthless, and officials will even try to trick people into giving theirs up just to get rid of the foreign trash, what right does anyone have to look down on undocumented immigrants?

The entire system becomes a sham. (More of a sham than it already is.)


Cooper Rummell ‏@KNXCooper 49m
49 minutes ago

#BREAKING - Police are blocking @CityAttorneyLA Mike Feuer from entering customs section at #LAX to speak with #MuslimBan detainees @KNX1070

continues to be insane


Even better reasons to get your legal system off their asses and actually standing for what they're supposed to stand for. Promptly.
It's going as fast as it can. We've already got a court issuing a stay. The courts naturally are going to take time because there is a legal process to go through. Love it or hate it all you want but it usually works pretty well. Once a ruling is made, and let's say the ruling overturns the ban, now the ban is lifted but the ruling is likely appealed to a higher court. Then that court will hear the trial and make a ruling either to affirm or overturn the lower courts ruling. Then maybe it get appealed again. This goes on until it gets appealed to the Supreme Court. It takes a while. No exceptions. If you want the Supreme Court to make a ruling then buckle up because we're in for a long ride. Sorry if you don't like it but that's how it works.
Even if every court cleared its docket to make room for the case, it still wouldn't happen overnight. Each side would want and need time to prepare arguments and rulings would take time to be handed down. I understand it's a pressing thing that's happening right now, but it does not behoove anyone to actually rush this along.


So Trump can move as fast as he wants yet the other branches of government have to adhere to the rules and take their time. Pretty fucked up.
Congress can stop him if they wanted to. At least to a certain extent. Congress can only do so much. Checks and balances and what not. Unfortunately congress is the branch of government that likes to sit on its ass the most. Mostly because people don't like working together in Washington.

The courts take a long time. That's just how the legal process works.


So Trump can move as fast as he wants yet the other branches of government have to adhere to the rules and take their time. Pretty fucked up.

welcome to the court system. while you wait for things to sort out i recommend checking out a book on the three branches of government from the library
So Trump can move as fast as he wants yet the other branches of government have to adhere to the rules and take their time. Pretty fucked up.
Typically, doing things the wrong way is quicker than following the Rule of Law and adhering to standards of justice and common sense, yes.


So Trump can move as fast as he wants yet the other branches of government have to adhere to the rules and take their time. Pretty fucked up.

All things considered the original stay order was pretty quick. There's a shit ton of legal work to file a suit, get a hearing and hand down an order. This all happened in a few hours.


All things considered the original stay order was pretty quick. There's a shit ton of legal work to file a suit, get a hearing and hand down an order. This all happened in a few hours.

That provides clarity, and thank you for not being an obnoxious smartass, but the idea that a President blatantly violating the constitution (you know, the one he swore an oath to uphold only a week ago) has to be vetted in a process that could take months is, quite frankly, terrifying.


Junior Member
Thank god the judiciary is stepping up ... I personally don't think there will be much blowback from senate or congress given the republican majority . IMO the only hope right now is even the republican judiciary to step up . Judges are moral ppl who uphold rights . I honestly feel they are the last and only line of defence .

Edit I mean if the ppl we trust to be upholders of laws and morality and entrust in them don't stand up no one will . Best hope is the American judiciary . Period given current circumstances
That provides clarity, and thank you for not being an obnoxious smartass, but the idea that a President blatantly violating the constitution (you know, the one he swore an oath to uphold only a week ago) has to be vetted in a process that could take months is, quite frankly, terrifying.
I mean duh.

I'm outraged. I want a military coup at this point. We're ALL outraged. But your targeting in these posts seems really misplaced.


I'm outraged. I want a military coup at this point. We're ALL outraged. But your targeting in these posts seems really misplaced.

No you don't.



So Trump can move as fast as he wants yet the other branches of government have to adhere to the rules and take their time. Pretty fucked up.

The executive branch has power because it is authorized to tell lots of people what to do to achieve goals. It can get things done quickly.

The judicial branch can only tell people what to do based on the law. The judicial branch does not have an army or a police force. People listen to them only because they believe they legitimately and accurately interpret the law. If they did not follow the law, they would have no reason to exist and would be completely powerless.

The law is slow, generally. The fact that anything at all happened in twenty-four hours is incredible.


That's it. I have considered it but never committed to it. I am going to buy myself some guns and when a revolution eventually breaks out I will join in.

me and my family are legal citizens but we are in the minorities and I fear for what's going to happen in the next days ahead.


Maybe he had to order the CBP to defer the order?
And hasn't done that.
Placing them in unknown territory.

Customs and Border Patrol know well enough once a Federal Court order comes in that they have to comply. If anything the Agency is playing stupid and not sending messages down the chain of command which allows renegade agents do their thing.


The executive branch has power because it is authorized to tell lots of people what to do to achieve goals. It can get things done quickly.

The judicial branch can only tell people what to do based on the law. The judicial branch does not have an army or a police force. People listen to them only because they believe they legitimately and accurately interpret the law. If they did not follow the law, they would have no reason to exist and would be completely powerless.

The law is slow, generally. The fact that anything at all happened in twenty-four hours is incredible.

Trump and his whole team of loony toons just prove the American system is completely broken and all checks and balances is just superficial. These people should have been stopped from taking power long ago. And here we are scratching our heads without any clear path to destroy them. And if we have to wait yeas for anything to happen, that is WAY too late. Remember, this is his first week!


I mean duh.

I'm outraged. I want a military coup at this point. We're ALL outraged. But your targeting in these posts seems really misplaced.

Uh, no you don't friend. Looking at World History, you can more or less count with your own two hands how many times one of those didn't end up in something even worse. It's drastic, yes, but it's also something very easy to be usurped by all the wrong people.
I mean duh.

I'm outraged. I want a military coup at this point. We're ALL outraged. But your targeting in these posts seems really misplaced.
no you don't. That will just give trump an excuses to declare martial law.

That's it. I have considered it but never committed to it. I am going to buy myself some guns and when a revolution eventually breaks out I will join in.

me and my family are legal citizens but we are in the minorities and I fear for what's going to happen in the next days ahead.
Chill let's try to be rational.


Gonna be a long fight.


3 a.m.

The Homeland Security Department says a New York court order temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban will not affect the overall implementation of the White House executive action.

The agency said the court order affected a relatively small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon their return.

The department's statement said: "President Trump's Executive Orders remain in place— prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety," according to the DHS statement.

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to the White House, said that nothing in the judge's order "in anyway impedes or prevents the implementation of the president's executive order which remains in full, complete and total effect."
Genuinely: we have the ability to see the past, to see where these actions would lead us. We have slavery, the trail of tears, Japanese internment camps. We vow we will never let these things happen. We would never let something like Hitler rise. But here we are. Has democracy failed? Are people that incompetent and driven by fear and ignorance? How do we fix this?...


I read a headline the Washington state is planning to challenge the whole thing in court. Looks like America is fighting back a little. I wonder how the manchild will react.


Genuinely: we have the ability to see the past, to see where these actions would lead us. We have slavery, the trail of tears, Japanese internment camps. We vow we will never let these things happen. We would never let something like Hitler rise. But here we are. Has democracy failed? Are people that incompetent and driven by fear and ignorance? How do we fix this?...

Stop playing nice.


DHS statement is on their site:


Department Of Homeland Security Response To Recent Litigation
Release Date: January 29, 2017
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security will continue to enforce all of President Trump’s Executive Orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people. President Trump’s Executive Orders remain in place—prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety. President Trump’s Executive Order affects a minor portion of international travelers, and is a first step towards reestablishing control over America's borders and national security.

Approximately 80 million international travelers enter the United States every year. Yesterday, less than one percent of the more than 325,000 international air travelers who arrive every day were inconvenienced while enhanced security measures were implemented. These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States, consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders.

The Department of Homeland Security will faithfully execute the immigration laws, and we will treat all of those we encounter humanely and with professionalism. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security will comply with judicial orders; faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement President Trump’s Executive Orders to ensure that those entering the United States do not pose a threat to our country or the American people.
Referring to CBP's actions towards people trying to legally re-enter the country with valid visas and greencards as an inconvenience is beyond offensive.


I am fucking terrified for my Girlfriend's safety right now. She's not white, is Jewish, and a foreigner (from Brazil). She's separated from her husband (who is a US citizen) who she's been married to for over a decade and has lived in the US that long, but not divorced yet (we were hoping to work that out soon). She never got her US citizenship because she didn't want to give up her Brazilian one. I have no clue what would happen to her if the divorce was finalized and well, just by her Ethnicity I'm fearing for someone coming after her - government or otherwise.

It sucks for our relationship too because at this point I think it'd better for her to just keep her head down and not go through with something that could jeopardize her legal status.

I'm also now crazy paranoid of the people around us even though I'm in Washington state, because I'm in one of the only counties that went Red in Western Washington and surrounded by fucking shitty, awful human beings.
DHS Statement said:
Yesterday, less than one percent of the more than 325,000 international air travelers who arrive every day were inconvenienced while enhanced security measures were implemented. These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States, consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders.
oh fuck off.

Intercept said:
Although DHS issued a statement saying it would comply with the court orders, at Los Angeles International Airport, Sara Yarjani, an Iranian citizen, was told by CBP officials she had to board a flight to Copenhagen, despite the nationwide stay and against the protests of lawyers and two U.S. Congresswomen who were present. The representatives, Rep. Judy Chu and Rep. Nanette Barragan, asked over the phone to meet with CBP officials, who refused. When asked who they were reporting to, the officials said ”Donald J. Trump," then hung up on them.

The Intercept was not able to confirm whether Yarjani was on the flight when it took off or whether she remained detained at the airport.

While a judge issued a stay on the order on Saturday night, as of press time, it only applied to visa-holders and green-card-holders who were already in the U.S. or en route—not to those who were set to arrive later this week.

"Thanks to Mr. Trump I'm homeless," said Youssef*, a 35-year-old who began working with coalition forces in 2004. "We don't deserve to be left behind… This is not the American ethic."

After receiving a special visa designed for those who have assisted American forces in December, Youssef sold the small house he lived in with his two-year-old daughter and his wife to pay for the flight to the United States. It had taken him close to three years to receive a visa.

He was planning to fly to the U.S. on Monday.

"I sold all [that] I have to buy the ticket," he told The Daily Beast. The presidential order has left him stranded in a country where he receives regular threats from those virulently opposed to the United States. "They wrote on my door, 'traitor.'"
Daily Beast: The Iraqi Heroes Left Behind By Trump's Immigration Ban
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