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Fess up! who's seeing 'it'

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Please state your reasons for seeing 'it' & home address, so I can hunt you down in my Black Interceptor & murder you horribly.

Thankyou :)
There's no way I'm paying money to see it, but in a year or two it will be an entertaining trainwreck to watch on HBO2 at 3 in the morning. Sorta like Showgirls.
Trevelyon said:
Please state your reasons for seeing 'it' & home address, so I can hunt you down in my Black Interceptor & murder you horribly.

Thankyou :)

You have alot of people to kill. Get to it!




J2 Cool

wtf? screw that. I wouldnt even see it with the free movie ticket I got. I wouldnt waste the 2 hours I could use for sleeping or rolling in the grass


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Not a chance in hell I'd support this with either cash or my mere attendance. Just like Fahrenheit 9/11. *zing*
I'll see it if it's free. I'm a film person, so I at least like to give it a chance. My prediction for it's success however... I'm going to project at a $5million dollar loss, or more.

I do not think it's going to be good.


Banstick Emeritus
Guess what, kids!

Halle's stunt double for all the crazy fight scenes is a GUY!

That's right!

A man, baby!

Who put on the lipstick, shrugged his booty into that outfit, then proceeded to kick ass!

You can't tell from the trailers because the edits are too quick! But the secrets out!

Did you pop a stiffy during the trailer, even if you don't want to see the film?

Did you get wood over Halle's sexy body in those ripped up pants?

Did you think, "I don't care how crazy that bitch is, I'd still hit it for great justice."?

Did you?

The joke is on you! Enjoy the cock, fellas!


Rabid Wolverine said:
No fucking way ill be seeing this trashfest.

Batman Returns on DvD here I come.

Ugh... Batman Returns still had the nice dark feel of the first movie, but they royally fucked it up with all those stupid gadgets.
(The quacking penguin radar, and the batarang with a setting for poodle.)


The live-action Batman movies from 1989 to the Shmfucker ones are poorly written softcore dominion porn. You haven't been watching Batman, that's a farce. If you want a real Batman, do yourself a favor and do some reading. Same for Catwoman.
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