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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)

Ugh. Just spent big money buying a new PC thinking it would give me good performance on newish games for a while, and the choppiness when moving around cities is definitely putting me off a bit. Really hope this gets fixed up in 2.0.

Well, you still need the horsepower of a good gaming rig regardless. Why not splurge just a little bit more and buy a 60GB SSD for under $100?


I'm apparently (?) stuck on the tutorial "Souls Gone Wild" quest in Gridania. I'm even resorted to following a guide I found (http://www.ffxivorigin.com/guides/1024-souls-gone-wild-walkthrough.html).


"Now head back to the Carline Canopy in Gridania and speak to Miounne again. You most likely will need to speak to her twice. Note: Always select the Color of Sin choice when given the option.

Miounne now tells you to head to the Stillgalde Fane to perform the purification rites. Using your map, this will be the Conjurers Guild at the upper part of the map. Head up to the Conjurers Guild and speak to the NPC Soileine first, then proceed to the back of the chamber for a cut scene."

This just won't pop for me, no matter what I do. Miounne won't say anything, I'll run back and forth between Stillgalde Fane and talk to everyone there - nothing.

been so long i cant remember the starter quest , you can try checking other walkthroughs, maybe that one on ffxiv origin is incorrect. try this http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Souls_Gone_Wild. also , be sure to bring up your menu and check your journal, sleect the quest and hit map to see map markers


Another thing is some of the main mission story lines require you to talk to an NPC through the special NPC linkpearl you get, that is usually needed to update the map in your journal. (Thankfully tutorial and beginning missions is one of the things getting a huge overhaul in 2.0, they made it better then it was at launch at least, just not good enough yet). I know you needed to use the linkpearl 2-3 times during the first quest in the Limsa Story line as the caretaker of the guild will require you talk to him through the pearl after you get the first set of tasks done.


I can't speak for TERA but I've been playing the GW2 beta & I would honestly rather play that at this point.

SIMPLY because as I had mentioned earlier, I don't believe there's enough content in the game to warrant ANY sort of monthly fee.

You can switch classes on the fly & level something else if you are out of leve quests or out of rested exp if that's your thing but I enjoy playing one class/job & sticking with it & not grinding when I can.

After you run out of leves you have to look for a leve party with other people to gain the most benefit of leveling your character. I really hope 2.0 changes a lot of this because I don't mind the game, it's just there's not a lot for me to do. Can't even PVP until 2.0 because again, the content isn't there. There IS no PVP. When you're maxed out, you need to grind it out.

(My character is a level 30 Monk now, so I hope that helps you with your decision.)

There's more to leveling than just leve parties or leves. If you can find an XP party, it's actually the fastest and most effective method. Not to mention it also teaches you how to play your class properly in a full on situation. (Which is essential to end game) Also, there is a bunch of quests starting from 25 with the grand companies and your job quests to keep you occupied. It really only takes roughly a week to get a class/job to 50. 35-50 blazes by real quick once you reach that zone.

Ala Alba

So, I played for a few hours last night. FPS were mid-20s in that port town, up to the mid-40s in some places outside. Is this normal performance, or should I turn down some settings?

Also, I'm a little bit lost. I gather that the general game progression is Story Quest->leves/grinding->Story Quest, correct? So, do I just do my best to gain levels until the next story quest, or are there other non-leve quests I should be looking for?

Generally, what should I be doing?

(I'm new to MMORPGs in general, so any other tips would be cool.)


My PLG is currently at level 11. I will continue on to level 30 so I can get my Goobbue mount, but I think I would like to become a Bard. Love how the AF looks, and it reminds me of being one in XI. Just need to level up the crafts necessary to make my own arrows.

Every time I see someone come up from behind me riding a goobbue, I get so startled. Just not used to seeing them be good guys XD.


So, I played for a few hours last night. FPS were mid-20s in that port town, up to the mid-40s in some places outside. Is this normal performance, or should I turn down some settings?

Also, I'm a little bit lost. I gather that the general game progression is Story Quest->leves/grinding->Story Quest, correct? So, do I just do my best to gain levels until the next story quest, or are there other non-leve quests I should be looking for?

Generally, what should I be doing?

(I'm new to MMORPGs in general, so any other tips would be cool.)

Yeah pretty much, then once you hit 50, the real fun begins.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I was wondering when and how do I get a subclass? Level 14 Pug atm and if anyone wants to throw me some help or w/e I'm Keala Mahelona on Sargatanas.


So, I played for a few hours last night. FPS were mid-20s in that port town, up to the mid-40s in some places outside. Is this normal performance, or should I turn down some settings?

Also, I'm a little bit lost. I gather that the general game progression is Story Quest->leves/grinding->Story Quest, correct? So, do I just do my best to gain levels until the next story quest, or are there other non-leve quests I should be looking for?

Generally, what should I be doing?

(I'm new to MMORPGs in general, so any other tips would be cool.)

For your performance comment make sure you have Ambient Occlusion off. It is a resource hog with minimal change to the look of the game. (The effect is VERY subtle and only on players, does nothing to environment right now). Depth of Field effect can also bog the game down and the 'look' it provides to game is really preferential rather then something that innately makes the game look better.

Also check your drawing quality. Keep it at or around standard quality. All drawing quality does is super samples the current resolution and then converts it to the normal resolution. Standard means it draws at resolution quality, anything below standard means its sampled at less then resolution and then converted up.

As for content, the basic flow of the game is leveling to hit a specific milestone that aids your growth. You level to do the mission story lines, you level to open up new gameplay options (Grand Companies and mounts at lvl 25+, access to lvl 25 dungeon and primal fight). You level to 30 to get access to your class job, and at every 5 levels you get new quests for your job. At level 45 you open up the raids and the hard version of primals. (This is only for combat classes). You also gain access to hamlet which all classes can participate in at lvl 45. Alongside this you level up for gear, you level up other classes for new abilities to round out your main's repertoire. For your classes you also have the class specific stories which happen at lvl 20, 30, and 36 (Must have beaten the main storyline mission that activates Parley Play which you gain access to around lvl 18 now a days I think). On top of this little one time only side-quests open up as you gain levels which supply EXP, and either an item or gil. They are supplemental diversions but are not core gameplay. They do not act like modern MMO's where they guide you on a level path, they are there for your convenience only. If the item or reward doesn't suit you, its probably not worth it do it. Their main purpose is to give small stories within the world.

The game does not have a linear flow, it has a milestone flow where you focus on a specific goal you want to accomplish and work toward that, but at any point of playing you can drop your goal and work on something completely separate (level a craft, or even a 'new' craft, level a gatherer for money or supplying a craft, level a combat class to make personal use of your craft or vice versa.) The nice thing is whatever you level doesn't immediately become useless to you even if you decide to do something else. Abilities get shared between classes including gathering and crafting (Between the disciplines at least, can't share crafting abilities on a combat class :p).

I was wondering when and how do I get a subclass?

If you mean jobs, you get access to the quest at lvl 30 on a combat class alongside another specific class that is lvl 15. Bard for instance is Archer 30, CON 15. The NPC that gives you the first quest usually hangs out near the class guild but after that the quests send you all over the place. Jobs act like a spec for partying as it gives you abilities that help more in a party setting (And on some classes, become way better even for soloing or in small parties). Bard = Archer + Buffs, WHM = CON + a Ton more healing abilties and spells, BLM = More damaging spells but less utility (Can't access cures anymore but gets access to sleepga for Crowd Control) and so on and so on. When you use a job you get locked out of using shared abilities from other classes with the exception to two very specific classes balanced for your new play style. Bard for instance gains access to THM/CON to support the new buffer and support role. PLD = MRD + CON for more tanking utility and additional heals to support the party.


Will armor and other accessories change your class or is it just weapons?

Just your main hand. Your main hand = your identity in this game, this also means if you equip a pickaxe you become a miner, if you equip a sowing needle, you become a weaver. On top of this for the combat classes you get access to job stones which give your base main hand class a sub identity. Right now its only 1 job stone per class but the producer hinted about it eventually expanding to more then one stone per class (Like Paladin and Dark Knight stones on the Gladiator class, right now its just Paladin).


Just your main hand. Your main hand = your identity in this game, this also means if you equip a pickaxe you become a miner, if you equip a sowing needle, you become a weaver. On top of this for the combat classes you get access to job stones which give your base main hand class a sub identity. Right now its only 1 job stone per class but the producer hinted about it eventually expanding to more then one stone per class (Like Paladin and Dark Knight stones on the Gladiator class, right now its just Paladin).

Also , i noticed you don't need the Signet for enemys to drop crystals like FF11. How time consuming is it to take up a craft compared to FF11?


Item Affinity, sorry. I have a Maple Wand I can't equip because of it.

When Yoshida took the helm he made a lot of newer and renovated items into level required. If item level says "Required" then you need to be at or above that level to use it, if it says optimal, that means you can equip it at any level, but you won't get all the stats for the item till you are either on or closer to that level. This is also true for class affinities too. If it just says "Affinity" with specific classes (Like Affinity: ARC, FSH, BTN), then that means you get less durability degrade if you use those classes while the armor is equiped, but if it says "Required" next to the affinity, then you must be on that class to use the item in question. Maple Wand is a CON only main hand tool but since it automatically changes you to CON anyways the only requirement stopping you is the level of the item.

Also , i noticed you don't need the Signet for enemys to drop crystals like FF11. How time consuming is it to take up a craft compared to FF11?

A lot easier, especially after the last couple patches. Use crafting leves (Called Local Leves, they are next to the regional leve administrator at the Adventurers guild) if you don't want to farm/buy ingredients. First 30 levels go by extremely fast thanks to the new EXP system they implemented a couple patches ago where the more quality you gained during a synthesis gave you more 'bonus' EXP. This means you can control the rate of EXP you get and thanks to the last big update the EXP now gives a crap load for bonus quality, and the new abilities make it a lot easier to manage how much quality you get during synthesis. It uses the same EXP progression formula from level to level that the combat classes have but a single synthesis could give you potentially 2.4k-3.4k EXP depending on the level of the synthesis item and the amount of quality you can extract out of it before a synthesis completion while balancing durability vs progress. In FFXI leveling was dependent purely on luck and grinding synths just to have a 'chance' at a skill up. Chance is now only a small part of your leveling process and it now depends on your abilities and crafting stats you gain from gear. Furthermore right now you can level all crafts to max cap and none of them are gimped like FFXI. I'd like to believe this will last but its unknown where exactly the 'growth' future of crafts is going in 2.0 other then HQ Components, materia and housing will become the primary gameplay for crafting going forward.


When you complete a spiritbond with your gear you can turn it into materia right? But what else does it do? Do stats get enhanced?


Item Affinity, sorry. I have a Maple Wand I can't equip because of it. Or do I need a level 1 wand(this one is 11, I am a 14 pug)?
Maple wand I believe is conj/thm I forget. So you wouldn't be able to equip it on your PUG if you haven't leveled those classes to the required level. But once you do, equipping the wand will change your class from PUG to Conj/THM at anytime. Thing is all classes have their own levels.


When you complete a spiritbond with your gear you can turn it into materia right? But what else does it do? Do stats get enhanced?

Correct it turns into materia, the quality and tier of the materia depends on the level of the item in question and specific piece of gear only convert into specific types of materia. The item is destroyed doing the materia conversion process though so make sure you don't need the item anymore. So in other words stats don't get enhanced. It is an item a crafter uses to enhance another piece of gear so if you don't have a craft, just sell the materia on the markets.


I'm having a good time, but playing this made me nostalgic for xi, so i went and listened to some music.

The Sarutabaruta and Yuhtunga Jungle theme bring it all back so strong, and reminded me of one thing in particular missing; I haven't died yet. I'm level 8 and haven't even really come close to dying. By this time in xi, i'd probably died 20+ times. That utter fear of death in xi, does that ever happen in xiv? All of xi's masochistic game play really is what made it such a rewarding experience to me.
I'm having a good time, but playing this made me nostalgic for xi, so i went and listened to some music.

The Sarutabaruta and Yuhtunga Jungle theme bring it all back so strong, and reminded me of one thing in particular missing; I haven't died yet. I'm level 8 and haven't even really come close to dying. By this time in xi, i'd probably died 20+ times. That utter fear of death in xi, does that ever happen in xiv? All of xi's masochistic game play really is what made it such a rewarding experience to me.

Oh yes. Death awaits, but you really aren't at imminent threat doing properly scaled solo leves.


I'm having a good time, but playing this made me nostalgic for xi, so i went and listened to some music.

The Sarutabaruta and Yuhtunga Jungle theme bring it all back so strong, and reminded me of one thing in particular missing; I haven't died yet. I'm level 8 and haven't even really come close to dying. By this time in xi, i'd probably died 20+ times. That utter fear of death in xi, does that ever happen in xiv? All of xi's masochistic game play really is what made it such a rewarding experience to me.

There is a fear of death... if you walk to far in areas close by that will decimate you XD, but then you just hit return and go back to your homepoint. Basically without EXP loss and the game had a slower pace battles ended up becoming this long drawn out battle of life and death, and then you died you had to go to a home point and lose EXP and since the world was so large and no decent form of fast travel (Unless you were a WHM, or had most the outposts) you felt that much more cautious about dying.

Death does happen in FFXIV, the end game content is filled with it but since you usually just get raised quickly (And without raise sickness at higher level by WHM's) the only time it becomes annoying is when you are out soloing and are forced to eat a return which damages your gear and 'may' force you either teleport back to a spot or choco/run back to where you died to continue your content. But make no mistake, you venture off into places that are 6-7 levels above your level and you get aggro, they will likely kill you unless you haul ass, and in some areas if you get aggro the mobs will out right one shot you. This doesn't get much more frightening and intense then when you do the starter quest for the moogle battle. You are surrounded by lvl 99 trees called Grove of the Ancients which aggro you if you run near them. This becomes tense as you must fight NM's around these trees constantly walking through where you are fighting, so you got to be careful of AOE, you got to be careful not to start walking in the middle of a battle (Walk mode automatically disables when you are engaged with your weapon out). If you want the feeling of death at any second that is where its at XD.


haha i was just listening to the music for windurst in xi, and one of the youtube comments was "Ahhh - this is the sound of pure gamer addiction- ignoring my RL friends, loosing [sic] my gf and my mortgage because of a game. Good times :)"

anyone addicted to xi probably understands

i need to get in the gaf linkshell btw. i'm on the sargatanas.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
When Yoshida took the helm he made a lot of newer and renovated items into level required. If item level says "Required" then you need to be at or above that level to use it, if it says optimal, that means you can equip it at any level, but you won't get all the stats for the item till you are either on or closer to that level. This is also true for class affinities too. If it just says "Affinity" with specific classes (Like Affinity: ARC, FSH, BTN), then that means you get less durability degrade if you use those classes while the armor is equiped, but if it says "Required" next to the affinity, then you must be on that class to use the item in question. Maple Wand is a CON only main hand tool but since it automatically changes you to CON anyways the only requirement stopping you is the level of the item.
Maple wand I believe is conj/thm I forget. So you wouldn't be able to equip it on your PUG if you haven't leveled those classes to the required level. But once you do, equipping the wand will change your class from PUG to Conj/THM at anytime. Thing is all classes have their own levels.
Ah okay, thanks.

Any idea where I can get the level 1 weapons for the classes?


Ah okay, thanks.

Any idea where I can get the level 1 weapons for the classes?

You can get a 'dated' equiped weapon or the lower level weathered weapons from some of the NPC venders in town. If you want to go CON, you can buy the weathered weapon from either the CON guild vender (In Gridania) or at the magic weapon vender in the other 2 cities. The weathered Cane can be purchased in the second floor shop near the Blacksmith Guild in Limsa but I forget where it is in Ul'Dah.


Finally getting to post on Gaf hehe, yeah I have a char on Balmung that I just started last week(about lvl 27 now) but can re-roll on Sargatanas np(might have been planning to re-roll anyways depending on 2.0) if you guys would let me.


Level 15 lancer now yey. Still enjoying the game despite my last post. Killing stuff became much easier when I decided to also level some of the other classes so I can self heal. Should have done that much earlier heh.

I tried messaging some of the people on the OP last night to join the linkshell but I don't think they were on or I still don't know how to whisper lol. My name on the server is Agrias Aran

Ala Alba

Level 15 lancer now yey. Still enjoying the game despite my last post. Killing stuff became much easier when I decided to also level some of the other classes so I can self heal. Should have done that much earlier heh.

I tried messaging some of the people on the OP last night to join the linkshell but I don't think they were on or I still don't know how to whisper lol. My name on the server is Agrias Aran

Huh, I've seen you a few times.

@Allard: Thank you for the advice.


I can't see myself dedicating too much time to the game as-is, but I'm enjoying myself enough to drag my friend into it and getting legacy status. :) Will be pinging one of the GAF sackholders for a pearl eventually!


Just want to say, I moved the game to my SSD and the difference is amazing. It is now absolutely smooth running through town, don't think I've ever seen a game have this much improvement when moved over. Definitely worth picking up an SSD if you plan to play this long term.


I'm apparently (?) stuck on the tutorial "Souls Gone Wild" quest in Gridania. I'm even resorted to following a guide I found (http://www.ffxivorigin.com/guides/1024-souls-gone-wild-walkthrough.html).


"Now head back to the Carline Canopy in Gridania and speak to Miounne again. You most likely will need to speak to her twice. Note: Always select the Color of Sin choice when given the option.

Miounne now tells you to head to the Stillgalde Fane to perform the purification rites. Using your map, this will be the Conjurers Guild at the upper part of the map. Head up to the Conjurers Guild and speak to the NPC Soileine first, then proceed to the back of the chamber for a cut scene."

This just won't pop for me, no matter what I do. Miounne won't say anything, I'll run back and forth between Stillgalde Fane and talk to everyone there - nothing.

Go to your journal and select the map button, it will show you where to go.

There is no need for walkthroughs this isn't FF11, everything is in your journal.

You can find all Lv1 gear from the npc in the market wards in the battle section. He's in the middle.

For those asking where to buy low level gear

There are NPC's in the adventurer guild which sell weapons and armour, look on the map for Bag icons with stars next to them.

Make sure you check the level requirements before buying otherwise you can't use it.


So there was this Miqo NPC in Gridania shouting about Archons... new event?

EDIT: Oh, it led me to Urianger

EDIT: For the event where you turn in papers(you get from the Garlean raids) Urianger will accept one in the cave between Humblehearth and The Tam-Tara Deepcroft.

Ala Alba

So, I tried some crafting tonight, and it's annoying.

Trial-and-error to find something to make is terrible. I know there are recipe lists at Lodestone, so why can't those lists be in the game? Gathering the materials needed to craft already takes a lot of effort, but it's so much more frustrating when you don't even know what you need.


So, I tried some crafting tonight, and it's annoying.

Trial-and-error to find something to make is terrible. I know there are recipe lists at Lodestone, so why can't those lists be in the game? Gathering the materials needed to craft already takes a lot of effort, but it's so much more frustrating when you don't even know what you need.

Could just ask someone



While that certainly seems to be an excellent database, it still pretty much requires going back and forth between the game and a webpage (pretty much asking the game to crash).

Thank you, though.

In 2.0, you'll have a recipe book, and you'll fill it out by leveling up, completing quests, etc.

Unlike it is now, you will not be able to make anything that you don't know the recipe for, basically.

In general, 2.0 seems to be headed to be played without a browser open at all times.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
So many new members in the Linkshell, haha.

You get them from NPC's, what city are you in?


There is a list of vendors that sell the lvl 1 Conj weapon, you can click on their names to see their position on the map.
You can get a 'dated' equiped weapon or the lower level weathered weapons from some of the NPC venders in town. If you want to go CON, you can buy the weathered weapon from either the CON guild vender (In Gridania) or at the magic weapon vender in the other 2 cities. The weathered Cane can be purchased in the second floor shop near the Blacksmith Guild in Limsa but I forget where it is in Ul'Dah.
You can find all Lv1 gear from the npc in the market wards in the battle section. He's in the middle.
Go to your journal and select the map button, it will show you where to go.

There is no need for walkthroughs this isn't FF11, everything is in your journal.

For those asking where to buy low level gear

There are NPC's in the adventurer guild which sell weapons and armour, look on the map for Bag icons with stars next to them.

Make sure you check the level requirements before buying otherwise you can't use it.
Thanks everyone.

@Conceited, Gridania.


Does this game have jobs/plan to add jobs in 2.0?

I was thinking about playing this as my first MMO but my friends tell me to play XI since it has jobs, which makes it sound like this game doesn't.
It does have Jobs, they branch off from the classes. For example, Gladiator becomes Paladin, Pugilist becomes Monk, and so on. You have to hit level 30 with the main class and level 15 with another class, which varied based on the Job.
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