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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)


when i came back i had about 2mil on me, but then again i quit for like 6 months, so i missed all the gil grabbing opportunity, as of now it's pretty balanced, quests give decent amount of gil, but you'll find yourself spending on traveling, repairs, food, crafting...etc. I've been on a downward trend, the equipment i bought for my lowbies aren't selling :/


Any word on signing up for PS3 beta? Very interested in that. Omg reading the FFXI anniversary thread makes me really eager to play this game.


lol wtf you have 10m?!?! I don't ever bother finishing the craft leves is the thing. I just grind out the items and get another leve.

Crafting leves give you gil, you know...

Also, you're giving up the turn-in exp. dollop and the mats. Like, GSM40 leves give 3+ Electrum Ingots, which are worth 10k a pop now. And I've sold a few stacks of those now.


Yeah, you should be thinking about this. It's not really super necessary before L50, but if you want to jump into jobs and other things right away, you'll at least need one other class to 15 to start that quest chain. They can also equip actions from one other class, which may or may not be strategically necessary, but are always useful.

Here they are - I've italicized the required classes.

Bard: Archer, Conjurer, Thaumaturge
Black Mage: Thaumature, Pugilist, Archer
Dragoon: Lancer, Pugilist, Archer
Monk: Pugilist, Lancer, Archer
Paladin: Gladiator, Marauder, Conjurer
Warrior: Marauder, Gladiator, Pugilist
White Mage: Conjurer, Gladiator, Pugilist​
Ah, thanks, that's nice Ravi! So basically if I want to be BLM I need Pugilist at 15. I might as well just level Pugilist, Gladiator and Archer to 15! I'll do that once THM is at 30 though, lol. Want to at least hit that milestone!


Never played this when it first came out, but I might bite on the $8 Amazon deal. Any tips for a noob to this game? (Or any reason I shouldn't get it?)


Or any reason I shouldn't get it?
The game is bonkers. It flies past any reason and sanity and propels itself into a gaming pedestal that defies logic.

I just managed to wrestle 10 minutes at the game's account page, trying to resub. But they don't even call it resubbing! Instead you reactivate the service of a character or some shit.

Once you do get into the game, it works. But you also need a PC that has a Megatron penis.
Alright! I got it working by using a different card. Now I'm in.

I'm very very novice when it comes to mmos. Also I kinda have a hectic schedule so I'm not considered a very consistent player. But it would be nice to have a linkshell that I can chat and help out when I can.

I'm on Ragnarok. Name is Thousandmaster Springfield. If there's other gaffers on that server wave when you see me around. ^__^)/


This might be a question that was asked before, but have they said anything about other classes/jobs in the future? I obsessively played as a samuari for over a year in FFXI and loved it so, so much. I was hoping they would eventually add that to XIV.


Wait, Bards are in FFXIV? Is that new or have they always been in it?
It seems to be quite different than FFXI bards though. More like Corsairs, I guess. Small set of songs and is like a hybrid Bard-ranger. So more like support/DD.


I think I'll put down money to get the legacy stuff. I have been kinda enjoying coming back even though I've just been soloing leves and I think I'd like to play it some more after the free return stuff.


This might be a question that was asked before, but have they said anything about other classes/jobs in the future? I obsessively played as a samuari for over a year in FFXI and loved it so, so much. I was hoping they would eventually add that to XIV.

More classes and jobs are coming. Right now there is one job per class, but in the future they will probably branch. So, say, your Gladiator could turn into a Paladin or a Red Mage, or your Marauder could turn into a Warrior or Dark Knight.

The system can kind of be thought of like Final Fantasy Tactics: classes are the bases, and jobs come from combining different classes.

It's hard to say if this actually means anything any more, but Samurai has been in the DATs since launch.

Wait, Bards are in FFXIV? Is that new or have they always been in it?

As people noted, it's new as of a few months ago.

Archer turns into Bard - it's still a strong damage dealer, but also has a few support songs: MP regen, Acc/M.Acc, and TP regen. It's 15 minute ability (the equivalent of XI's 2 hour ability) is Battle Voice, which increases everyone's max HP and improves songs.


Does the FFXIV account system tie into the old PlayOnline system at all? In other words, do I need to dig up my old PO account info?

Also, does this game still play well, or is optimized for controller (360 pad) play? I loved that about FFXI - being able to lay back rather than lean over my keyboard.


More classes and jobs are coming. Right now there is one job per class, but in the future they will probably branch. So, say, your Gladiator could turn into a Paladin or a Red Mage, or your Marauder could turn into a Warrior or Dark Knight.

The system can kind of be thought of like Final Fantasy Tactics: classes are the bases, and jobs come from combining different classes.

It's hard to say if this actually means anything any more, but Samurai has been in the DATs since launch.

Well the stuff in the DATs is probably irrelevant these days but Yoshida did say he wanted Katana's in the game at some point and likely a new class with it. Red Mage is probably going to be its own class though since there was already a class that was in the datafiles since the beginning that used Rapier as its main weapon (Fencer). My guess is that Fencer will come out in some capacity and become a melee mage and RDM becomes the job that branches off it. We are still missing a ton of crowd control, enhancement and mob debuff spells since the big action/magic overhaul we had in 1.20 so there is plenty of abilities and magic for new classes to branch off of and have their own identity. Having said that Yoshida already mentioned the two class types that are likely to come next. A pure mage class and a pet class.


It's not that much for someone that's been playing for a long time, but seems to be a lot compared to most everybody else. Maybe because I leveled off of leves and made my own stuff, I've currently got 10M+... and all of that was AFTER they nerfed the amount of gil awarded from leves and things. People that have played (and crafted) consistently since launch have significantly more, though.

We have a lot of level 50 people who somehow say they can barely afford to get their gear repaired, and... I'm just kind of baffled? Most of my gil came from selling crystals and crafting leve rewards, which everyone should have access to.

But, yes, 5.5M is good - the accessories from Aurum Vale and Cutter's Cry are some of the most expensive items now, and most are under 500k. The Mage's Choker is around a million, maybe? And there are some expensive materia, too... but those seem to top out around 500k for the very best ones.

Cool, thank you. I played from launch until maybe a month after the dev team changes. I don't recall when that happened though. I would just craft, do leves and sell things.

I'm hesitant to get back into the game right now. It seems like 2.0 will have a ton of changes that obviously aren't in the game currently. Plus, everyone seems to be at cap for the most part. I'm one of the few (?) people who really liked the forced partying of FFXI, and even if partying is better in XIV now, it seems like there are few people around my level. :(

make leather, then make leather into straps, vamps or spetches

look at http://ffxiv.yg.com/ for recipes, farm those ingredients, make use of rested bonus, there's no easy way at the beginning, but i'd recommend to get the skill "maker's muse" from Blacksmith first to make your life easier on synthesis 10+ levels higher.

What's "rested bonus"? Is that new?

Is there any resource that tells me what I need to catch up from not having played for so long? I'll check out the link you posted, but I have no idea what Materia is, or the usefulness of the new jobs.

I currently have just about every class between 16 and 26. Now it looks like I need to get at least some of those classes to 30 so I can start the job quests?

Archer turns into Bard - it's still a strong damage dealer, but also has a few support songs: MP regen, Acc/M.Acc, and TP regen. It's 15 minute ability (the equivalent of XI's 2 hour ability) is Battle Voice, which increases everyone's max HP and improves songs.

Any word on this changing in 2.0 or new support jobs? I played BRD in FFXI because it was 100% support. When I wanted DD/support, I'd play COR. I don't mind how you've described BRD in XIV, but it would be nice to have a job that's 100% support, similar to BRD in XI.


What's "rested bonus"? Is that new?

Is there any resource that tells me what I need to catch up from not having played for so long? I'll check out the link you posted, but I have no idea what Materia is, or the usefulness of the new jobs.

I currently have just about every class between 16 and 26. Now it looks like I need to get at least some of those classes to 30 so I can start the job quests?

Any word on this changing in 2.0 or new support jobs? I played BRD in FFXI because it was 100% support. When I wanted DD/support, I'd play COR. I don't mind how you've described BRD in XIV, but it would be nice to have a job that's 100% support, similar to BRD in XI.

Rested bonus came in the 1.21 update and it acts like Rested EXP you might see in other MMO's. The two main difference between other MMO's rested EXP and this one is 1) You can only earn it if you log out or wait in an Inn (Can't just log out anywhere and receive it) and 2) It is a hard coded EXP bonus rather then one based on percent it takes to get to the next level. In other MMO's you only get one class to level so it makes sense to make it percent based but in FFXIV you can level more then 1 class at varying levels they decided to make the function similar to the old Empress Rings and Anniversary Bands from FFXI. You get free EXP on top of your normal EXP and it comes in at a rate of 50%. Once you hit the rest EXP threshold for your bonus it disappears. So a full days rest might get you say 7k Bonus EXP, but it will take 21k EXP to lose rested EXP since you only get that 7k at 50% the rate of your normal EXP. The great thing about it is that this means rested dramatically speeds up low levels as the 7 day rested EXP cap seems more tuned for high level, leveling (Like 150K EXP needed to leave rested EXP). I know that sounds convoluted but its easier to understand in practice. It replaced Guardians Favor as a form of bonus EXP gained over time. Leve EXP got boosted to compensate the bonus lost from it and in the end you get more EXP faster then you did before. (Rested EXP + Leve bonus stacks).

As for resources the lodestone has a good starting point.

http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/topics/detail?id=6e98d1a3aefe8aada0696c16ca430a565e1cc028. Patch notes from 1.19 till now (1.22a)

As for a pure buffing class coming. Its up in the air. The only thing we know for sure is what class types are likely to be coming next: A pure Mage class (Most including myself speculate it will be Arcanist) and a Pet Class. Everything after that is up in the air at the moment.

Chris R

Bah, can't pass it up for 7.99. Probably won't play beyond the free first month but at least I'd have an account for later use, kinda like I did for FFXI.


Any word on this changing in 2.0 or new support jobs? I played BRD in FFXI because it was 100% support. When I wanted DD/support, I'd play COR. I don't mind how you've described BRD in XIV, but it would be nice to have a job that's 100% support, similar to BRD in XI.

There isn't much word on what's coming in the future, but... the way the job system works, I'm not sure there could even be a "pure support job?" Classes need to be able to solo, which means they need to be able to do damage. And jobs come off of classes.

That said, there may be jobs where you would never actually use DD abilities, even though you have them.

Like, from the looks of things, Arcanist will be a support mage with buffs and debuffs. It'll likely have Water as its token damage spell for soloing purposes, but would likely never use Water in a party and focus purely on its support functions.

That doesn't seem active enough for this game's play style, though? I'd love to see Arcanist maybe get an ability like Quick Draw, where they can use an elemental spell to "reinforce" a debuff and also do a little damage. Or something where they can forcibly purge a debuff and convert it into damage.


There isn't much word on what's coming in the future, but... the way the job system works, I'm not sure there could even be a "pure support job?" Classes need to be able to solo, which means they need to be able to do damage. And jobs come off of classes.

That said, there may be jobs where you would never actually use DD abilities, even though you have them.

Like, from the looks of things, Arcanist will be a support mage with buffs and debuffs. It'll likely have Water as its token damage spell for soloing purposes, but would likely never use Water in a party and focus purely on its support functions.

That doesn't seem active enough for this game's play style, though? I'd love to see Arcanist maybe get an ability like Quick Draw, where they can use an elemental spell to "reinforce" a debuff and also do a little damage. Or something where they can forcibly purge a debuff and convert it into damage.

I'm curious what they plan to do with Arcanist if it is next. In the DATs when the game first came out it was very much a mage class but its dynamics seemed to be something closer to a Shaman with the animated staves getting dropped on the ground in various places for either traps or party buffs (Based on what little we could see of their extremely unfinished form and stuff in game at the Arcanist Guild). If the class is released I wonder if it will function anything like that as several facets of the old magic system was done away with in the big ability combat overhaul, namely the fact the magic classes used to have a very specific AOE range (THM conal but farther, CON circular around the target,) and the focus was based around the unique nature of how magic classes used magic rather then what they learned to define themselves.


make leather, then make leather into straps, vamps or spetches

look at http://ffxiv.yg.com/ for recipes, farm those ingredients, make use of rested bonus, there's no easy way at the beginning, but i'd recommend to get the skill "maker's muse" from Blacksmith first to make your life easier on synthesis 10+ levels higher.

Thanks, this helped. It's still a bit expensive to get some of the materials, but I guess it just seems like this to me since I just started. :p


Thanks, this helped. It's still a bit expensive to get some of the materials, but I guess it just seems like this to me since I just started. :p

Don't forget to do the crafting leves, they give you the mats for the leve objectives.


God I want to try this. Need to dig up my PS3 beta sign up, hope it's not too late lol or I might have done it, can't remember.

Also, hope they implement a Summoner job. Never got to be that in XI, want to now.


Started a few days ago. I've been going pretty casual compared to how I played XI, but I've been having a blast so far. Just doing the quests around town and leveling a couple of classes up together at the same time.

I'm not sure if I could really recommend it to friends yet though. It still feels somewhat incomplete and occasionally janky, and hopefully 2.0 will fix that.

I feel like it takes some will to enjoy the game as it is. I want to love XIV as much as I loved XI, and that probably contributes somewhat to my enjoyment. The anticipation of the future XIV, and the potential which is already quite evident,

Either way, I'm definitely enjoying it. I have to give props to SE for introducing the Legacy Campaign. I started playing XIV to get my mounts and my discount, expecting to trudge through a broken mess for those things, and instead found quite a pleasant experience. The Legacy Campaign was a really good way to get me to pay for something I didnt think I wanted.


Started a few days ago. I've been going pretty casual compared to how I played XI, but I've been having a blast so far. Just doing the quests around town and leveling a couple of classes up together at the same time.

I'm not sure if I could really recommend it to friends yet though. It still feels somewhat incomplete and occasionally janky, and hopefully 2.0 will fix that.

I feel like it takes some will to enjoy the game as it is. I want to love XIV as much as I loved XI, and that probably contributes somewhat to my enjoyment. The anticipation of the future XIV, and the potential which is already quite evident,

Either way, I'm definitely enjoying it. I have to give props to SE for introducing the Legacy Campaign. I started playing XIV to get my mounts and my discount, expecting to trudge through a broken mess for those things, and instead found quite a pleasant experience. The Legacy Campaign was a really good way to get me to pay for something I didnt think I wanted.

Yep its how I feel about current game as well, and I have been playing since Alpha without any big stops (Just small hiatus's between patches but the last patch has had me playing almost every day XD, something just 'clicked' and I haven't stopped play since, think it was the changes to crafting).

The biggest complaint I had at the start of launch still hasn't been fixed, but it is also something we know is coming. I felt from the start the world felt lifeless or lacked heart to it (especially compared to FFXI world, even pre-Zilart expansion), and that came from the uninspired out door areas and the feeling that it wouldn't get any better over the life of the game. Even before they announced 2.0 we knew they were working on 'some' overhauls to the maps to make them less repetitive and allow jumping, but the map reveals for 2.0 (Just the 4 we have gotten) has more then wowed me on the potential which is a far cry from what I was feeling before the announcement. When 2.0 comes out that is when I will tell people who have never played to jump in. Even though its fun right now, I want to get people involved in the game when it will hopefully showcase exactly what the game should play like for the rest of the games life.


God I want to try this. Need to dig up my PS3 beta sign up, hope it's not too late lol or I might have done it, can't remember.

Also, hope they implement a Summoner job. Never got to be that in XI, want to now.

If they add a SMN and actually make it on par with current/late XI SMN then I think I'll get super hooked again. I LOVED SMN in XI. I hope XIV gets a pet class, not really a fan of BST but I'd probably settle for something like PUP too. I do get that a SMN class might not actually use the traditional summons like Garuda and Ifrit because of plot reasons and I'd be fine if we got like, either new ones or even things like special elementals.


Cool, thank you. I played from launch until maybe a month after the dev team changes. I don't recall when that happened though. I would just craft, do leves and sell things.

I'm hesitant to get back into the game right now. It seems like 2.0 will have a ton of changes that obviously aren't in the game currently. Plus, everyone seems to be at cap for the most part. I'm one of the few (?) people who really liked the forced partying of FFXI, and even if partying is better in XIV now, it seems like there are few people around my level. :(

What's "rested bonus"? Is that new?

Is there any resource that tells me what I need to catch up from not having played for so long? I'll check out the link you posted, but I have no idea what Materia is, or the usefulness of the new jobs.

I currently have just about every class between 16 and 26. Now it looks like I need to get at least some of those classes to 30 so I can start the job quests?

Any word on this changing in 2.0 or new support jobs? I played BRD in FFXI because it was 100% support. When I wanted DD/support, I'd play COR. I don't mind how you've described BRD in XIV, but it would be nice to have
a job that's 100% support, similar to BRD in XI.

Doc, I'm pretty sure there's a ton of new folks around your level. Only the vets are capped out.



so for AFs
are they drops from the summons or other NMs?
or can they be solo quested?
my friend is telling me ARC requires darkhold first?


so for AFs
are they drops from the summons or other NMs?
or can they be solo quested?
my friend is telling me ARC requires darkhold first?

They're found in boxes that sometimes can be solo quested, but they can also. Be found in instances/strongholds. You can sneak into some strongholds, but you'll need a party for Darkhold/Aurum Vale/Cutters Cry


Ok. So for $8 one month free, I bite the bullet.

First, positive notes:

1. The graphic is actually not bad. Even with my 525m I was able to at least play the game with OK framerate at 720p.

2. Sound is OK. nothing memorable or anything, but not ear piercing bad either.

3. Feels kinda like FFXI. Nostalgic.

4. leveling in the beginning is rather fast and enjoyable. Let's see if this trend continues.

now for the negative note:

1. Wow. This world is EMPTY. There are hardly anyone there. (and I'm supposed to be in most populated server, Sar... something)

2. UI is clunky and just not very user friendly. If what I saw was an improvement, I salute those who endured the 'horrible' UI during the launch year. Holy Sh, it's bad.

3. Why does every NPC speaks like sailors? It's very hard to understand what they are saying.

4. WTF do you mean I have to repair my weapons and armors?! So If I don't have skill then I have to constantly farming the material and pay for it? Shitty way to suppress inflation, Square.

I only played for like 3 hrs, so I can't say anything definitely. We shall see.


3. Why does every NPC speaks like sailors? It's very hard to understand what they are saying.
'cause you're in Limsa. All the people congregate in Ul'dah by the way.
4. WTF do you mean I have to repair my weapons and armors?! So If I don't have skill then I have to constantly farming the material and pay for it? Shitty way to suppress inflation, Square.
NPCs will repair your armor to 99% for gil (100% required for resell.) Repair materials have been changed from specific items to "Level X Dark Matter" through patching.
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