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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)

Well, just started the game - first time playing and my first MMO since I had returned to FFXI a year or two ago after a two year hiatus. Just getting through the tutorial stuff, and once I'm done that will send a tell to join the linkshell. Look forwarding to playing with you guys. Character name is Jack Wilde btw.


So if I want to do a lot of guildleves in a row, I need to keep running/warping between the guild at Ul'dah and the camp outside Ul'dah? Kinda sucks that you can't just try the same leves over and over. Also, will more than 4 leves per 'recommended level' ever be offered? Or to get a full 8 leves, do I have to get some from lv1, some from lv10, etc?


Neo Member
Been trying to log in a few times over the last 24 hours but it keeps saying my password is wrong. Ive reset it about 8 times and made new ones but it still doesnt work then blocks me for 15 mins or so :(( At least Ill have a few guild leves when i finally get back on.
Hey guys, I was in the beta but never really continued after the released... I bought the game. But it's just been left unopened.

So fast forward to now, I moved and no longer have the box with me. So I decided to buy the digital copy on amazon. I did all the beta transfer and what not... but when I tried to update my card payment, I keep getting error#601. Did anyone else had that issue when they rejoin?

Boss Man

Does this game have jobs/plan to add jobs in 2.0?

I was thinking about playing this as my first MMO but my friends tell me to play XI since it has jobs, which makes it sound like this game doesn't.
It didn't, but it does now, and they're adding more.
Played with BlazingDarkness Yesterdaing. He started out as an archer, I was a conjurer. We ran into some hiccups (my internet was wonky) but once we fixed that problem it was smooth sailing.

One issue that i hope Square fixes in Patch 2.0 is allow us to ALT-Tab out of the program without having it to be terminated. I had to disable windows key because i accidently pressed it :\


Speaking of crafting, I remember one of the many shitty things in the game was how like a level 7 blacksmith hammer required half a dozen or so crafting classes to be in the 10-20 level range, does it still have stuff like that?

They also seem to do the ALT-TAB thing on purpose, FFXI was like that too.


Speaking of crafting, I remember one of the many shitty things in the game was how like a level 7 blacksmith hammer required half a dozen or so crafting classes to be in the 10-20 level range, does it still have stuff like that?

They also seem to do the ALT-TAB thing on purpose, FFXI was like that too.

No they changed all the leves and recipes. They also confirmed the alt-tab thing will be fixed in 2.0 (for now the best option is to use windower)


Hey guys, I was in the beta but never really continued after the released... I bought the game. But it's just been left unopened.

So fast forward to now, I moved and no longer have the box with me. So I decided to buy the digital copy on amazon. I did all the beta transfer and what not... but when I tried to update my card payment, I keep getting error#601. Did anyone else had that issue when they rejoin?

Make sure if you are using no script to temporarily disable it when using the square-enix account management. There is a checking process that is used from a third party that shows up for like 3 seconds between a click that will often times get blocked thanks to no script. That at least solved a similar problem I had a while back.


Got into a party last night and I've got to say that was a blast. I was able to blaze through level 15-19 pretty fast.

One issue that i hope Square fixes in Patch 2.0 is allow us to ALT-Tab out of the program without having it to be terminated. I had to disable windows key because i accidently pressed it :\

I tried following this guide. and it worked for me. I'm able to play at windowed borderless fullscreen without crashing when I alt tab.
Make sure if you are using no script to temporarily disable it when using the square-enix account management. There is a checking process that is used from a third party that shows up for like 3 seconds between a click that will often times get blocked thanks to no script. That at least solved a similar problem I had a while back.

Thanks for your help. I don't have no script on firefox. So I don't think it's that. I'll probably try using another card later and see if that helps.


So the Gaf LS on Sargatanas is officially full at this point. If you still wish to join you can let me know either in game or through pm here.We are reforming the LS once the trial period ends in order to remove those who no longer play and at that point we will gladly get you in here.

Name is Eight Corova in game.


If anyone wants to check out endgame, I have posted videos of most fights as they've come out, so my youtube channel is actually turning into a bit of a FFXIV history book.

Here is our Garuda video (most recent content)

For the hell of it, so you don't have to rummage through my channel, this is our moogle video. This fight was probably my favourite of the new content so far.

As for my opinion on the game.. well, I don't know. I enjoy it becuase I'm playing in a guild with all the same people from FFXI, we've been playing together for nearly 10 years over various MMOs. If it wasn't for those guys my opinions would probably be very different. I'm willing to stick it out and have as much fun as I can (which is getting easier) until 2.0 but if that tanks then I'm certainly not sticking around for them to fix it again. I think now is probably not a terrible time to jump in, you can position yourself well for 2.0 and if it's as good as we all hope it will be then that will be a bonus.
Got into a party last night and I've got to say that was a blast. I was able to blaze through level 15-19 pretty fast.

I tried following this guide. and it worked for me. I'm able to play at windowed borderless fullscreen without crashing when I alt tab.

Parties are indeed where this game shines. Even more so than most other MMO's.
I've been waiting for FFXIV to prove itself again. After looking through the changes and whatnot I think I'm ready to take the plunge pretty soon.
Got a brand spanking new laptop coming in, so I'll be ready.
I honestly can't fucking wait.


Thanks for your help. I don't have no script on firefox. So I don't think it's that. I'll probably try using another card later and see if that helps.
Try changing your address of yhe SE account to be exactly the same as the one on your card. If that and your other card fail, buy the required amount of Crysta. That's what I did.


Hey guys, I was in the beta but never really continued after the released... I bought the game. But it's just been left unopened.

So fast forward to now, I moved and no longer have the box with me. So I decided to buy the digital copy on amazon. I did all the beta transfer and what not... but when I tried to update my card payment, I keep getting error#601. Did anyone else had that issue when they rejoin?

Click Ultimate Pay and pay by direct card payment, there is no need to keep your details online or to buy crysta any more.


So after some days trying the game (played at release and joined last Saturday again) I can say the game is really fun to play now. Soloing is fun, and enjoyable, even as a mages. The game feels fresher than before and you can tell there's an effort from the developers to make it less convoluted. I can't talk about party mechanics, but soloing you get nice leveling going on. I'm a slow leveler myself and I'm already 18, that took forever when I started on FFXI (not to mention you couldn't really solo that well).

My only tiny complain is the fact that you need leve allowances to recharge, 8 per day. But even then, there's lots of stuff to do, quests and storyline.

The game looks very good, albeit I can only talk partially to the pics I've seen - my computer is not too great so I keep the settings down. Characters and races are cute and serious at the same time, and I enjoy the lack of cartoon-ness.

Overall it looks like it's giving steps in the right directions and hopefully it'll manage to cater some of the popularity it lost and bad rep it got at release.

I can't talk about end-game, as I'm very low still, but people are extremely helpful (in most instances) and I lucked out being able to join reddot, the GAF ls. My advice is join a server you know people in, or if you have friends in, as it almost always improves the feeling of the game. If you're easy going maybe that won't matter much, since you'll make friends fast, but it's still worthy to play with friends you have played beforehand with.
Installed yesterday and I'm having fun learning the ropes. Technically I'm on the free month trial even though I chose the option for 90 days payment. Not sure if it'll qualify for legacy thingy, no icon at least in the startup.

Item Box

So is the game worth picking up at $10? I've been tempted many times whenever I pass the game on shelves at my local stores.


So is the game worth picking up at $10? I've been tempted many times whenever I pass the game on shelves at my local stores.
To me? Yes. (I had the Collector's Edition from launch though, so in the end I didn't have much trouble other than resubscribe on my account.)


sparkle this bitch
Its going be 60% off tomorrow on Amazon, so I've decided to give it a go. 8$ and a month of play seems like a good deal.


I just booted up again and I'm so lost. All of my gear says "Dated" now, which makes me sad.

Time to find the best wiki and learn how to play (again).


I just booted up again and I'm so lost. All of my gear says "Dated" now, which makes me sad.

Time to find the best wiki and learn how to play (again).

Get a pearl, set your pride aside and ask for new gear - we have basically all crafts covered, so should be able to cheaply outfit people for free or just mats.

I basically have to force people to take updated accessories, but they're very happy once I break them down.

Oh, and get your Materia quests taken care of so you can start blowing up your old gear.


Get a pearl, set your pride aside and ask for new gear - we have basically all crafts covered, so should be able to cheaply outfit people for free or just mats.

I will.

What's the economy like at the moment? I have about 5.5 million gil. When I left, I seem to recall that wasn't a lot, but glancing through prices in the market wards is kind of telling me otherwise.


I will.

What's the economy like at the moment? I have about 5.5 million gil. When I left, I seem to recall that wasn't a lot, but glancing through prices in the market wards is kind of telling me otherwise.

It's not that much for someone that's been playing for a long time, but seems to be a lot compared to most everybody else. Maybe because I leveled off of leves and made my own stuff, I've currently got 10M+... and all of that was AFTER they nerfed the amount of gil awarded from leves and things. People that have played (and crafted) consistently since launch have significantly more, though.

We have a lot of level 50 people who somehow say they can barely afford to get their gear repaired, and... I'm just kind of baffled? Most of my gil came from selling crystals and crafting leve rewards, which everyone should have access to.

But, yes, 5.5M is good - the accessories from Aurum Vale and Cutter's Cry are some of the most expensive items now, and most are under 500k. The Mage's Choker is around a million, maybe? And there are some expensive materia, too... but those seem to top out around 500k for the very best ones.
I don't have nearly that much Gil, lol. I have like 20K normally, the highest I've ever had in-game was like 800K. I seriously don't know how some people are making the money they're making. XD


Is it wise to level up multiple jobs? or just focus on one? Right now my gladiator is on level 21.

it's up to your playstyle, because the game forces you to make use of other classes' abilities it's a good idea to get all your classes to at least 15, then focus on whatever classes/jobs you like.

In order to unlock a job, your main class needs to be 30 and your sub class needs to be 15.

I don't have nearly that much Gil, lol. I have like 20K normally, the highest I've ever had in-game was like 800K. I seriously don't know how some people are making the money they're making. XD

most rich players were from before 1.2 update or during launch. Money isn't that hard to come by back then and people make big money from selling basic equipment.


Is it wise to level up multiple jobs? or just focus on one? Right now my gladiator is on level 21.

Yeah, you should be thinking about this. It's not really super necessary before L50, but if you want to jump into jobs and other things right away, you'll at least need one other class to 15 to start that quest chain. They can also equip actions from one other class, which may or may not be strategically necessary, but are always useful.

Here they are - I've italicized the required classes.

Bard: Archer, Conjurer, Thaumaturge
Black Mage: Thaumature, Pugilist, Archer
Dragoon: Lancer, Pugilist, Archer
Monk: Pugilist, Lancer, Archer
Paladin: Gladiator, Marauder, Conjurer
Warrior: Marauder, Gladiator, Pugilist
White Mage: Conjurer, Gladiator, Pugilist​


What's the best way to level up weaver or leatherworker? It seems like finding items yourself that are needed is too time consuming/expensive and wasting leves for it feels bad. Is there some easy to do recipe for beginners just to gain some experience? :\


What's the best way to level up weaver or leatherworker? It seems like finding items yourself that are needed is too time consuming/expensive and wasting leves for it feels bad. Is there some easy to do recipe for beginners just to gain some experience? :\

make leather, then make leather into straps, vamps or spetches

look at http://ffxiv.yg.com/ for recipes, farm those ingredients, make use of rested bonus, there's no easy way at the beginning, but i'd recommend to get the skill "maker's muse" from Blacksmith first to make your life easier on synthesis 10+ levels higher.

Ala Alba

So, about how often should I be looking for equipment upgrades?

Similarly, how often should I be running around looking to see if someone has a side-quest available (is there an accurate guide for this)?


So, about how often should I be looking for equipment upgrades?

Similarly, how often should I be running around looking to see if someone has a side-quest available (is there an accurate guide for this)?

There are quest lists, but I'd generally do so every 5 levels or so.

EDIT: To be honest, I would do it every level, because quests and doing them at their appropriate level is a kind of a big deal for me. I went out of my way to fight the first Ifrit battle with party that didn't include anyone over 30.


It's not that much for someone that's been playing for a long time, but seems to be a lot compared to most everybody else. Maybe because I leveled off of leves and made my own stuff, I've currently got 10M+... and all of that was AFTER they nerfed the amount of gil awarded from leves and things. People that have played (and crafted) consistently since launch have significantly more, though.

We have a lot of level 50 people who somehow say they can barely afford to get their gear repaired, and... I'm just kind of baffled? Most of my gil came from selling crystals and crafting leve rewards, which everyone should have access to.

But, yes, 5.5M is good - the accessories from Aurum Vale and Cutter's Cry are some of the most expensive items now, and most are under 500k. The Mage's Choker is around a million, maybe? And there are some expensive materia, too... but those seem to top out around 500k for the very best ones.

lol wtf you have 10m?!?! I don't ever bother finishing the craft leves is the thing. I just grind out the items and get another leve.
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