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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)


I'll try it again when 2.0 comes out. To be honest I'd probably play right now if they didn't announce that there was going to be new servers for 2.0. Why bother catching up when I can join the rush (more people) on a new server. :O


Sweet... sounds good. I'm just re-installing now, I seem to be able to log in to my old account so hopefully I can take advantage of that free trial currently.

Also, is the game solo friendly too? (More so than it was at launch?)

Yeah. Rest exp + guildleve & speed bonus + exp chains. Also foods give exp bonuses.


I'll give some people a preface for what they are in for. If you left because of the server and the UI, wait till 2.0 to make your ultimate impression, those have band-aid fixes since they are rebuilding those from the ground up for 2.0 release. Two separate UI's are being planned for 2.0, a TRUE keyboard and mouse setup which quote "Will not need a manual to learn how to use, it will be based on what is considered standard UI for MMO players", and a new gamepad UI designed to make use of its functions better then the current one.

The game on the other hand (when you get by some of the other stuff they are waiting to fix in 2.0) is infinitely better then it was at launch. A bunch of systems either got streamlined or expanded depending on what was missing. The levequests can stack up to 99 now and leve counter now refreshes after each win/loss. Lots of little subquests through out the world (Standard stuff you might see in most MMO's but they act closer to FFXI's mini quests.), the 3 primal fights (Garuda, Ifrit, Mog Party -- Battles) 3 instanced "Raids" (Just timed dungeons that are designed for 8 people). Crafting recipes have been streamlined, you can now get bonus EXP for quality and the abilities changed last patch to make them more useful and different. Lots of little tweaks to the general playability like greatly removing collision detection issues while walking. NO EXP fatigue (Before anyone asks who only played at launch), the marketwards now function almost exactly like an AH with some light middle man issues with the retainers while they wait for 2.0 to give them a thorough overhaul.

The main thing this welcome back campaign is about is to give players a chance to play again for free one more time while legacy campaign is running, if you like it enough pay for 90 days and get a forever discount of 9.99 for subscription which gives you all the features of the new 14.99 version coming in 2.0.


I'll give some people a preface for what they are in for. If you left because of the server and the UI, wait till 2.0 to make your ultimate impression, those have band-aid fixes since they are rebuilding those from the ground up for 2.0 release. Two separate UI's are being planned for 2.0, a TRUE keyboard and mouse setup which quote "Will not need a manual to learn how to use, it will be based on what is considered standard UI for MMO players", and a new gamepad UI designed to make use of its functions better then the current one.

The game on the other hand (when you get by some of the other stuff they are waiting to fix in 2.0) is infinitely better then it was at launch. A bunch of systems either got streamlined or expanded depending on what was missing. The levequests can stack up to 99 now and leve counter now refreshes after each win/loss. Lots of little subquests through out the world (Standard stuff you might see in most MMO's but they act closer to FFXI's mini quests.), the 3 primal fights (Garuda, Ifrit, Mog Party -- Battles) 3 instanced "Raids" (Just timed dungeons that are designed for 8 people). Crafting recipes have been streamlined, you can now get bonus EXP for quality and the abilities changed last patch to make them more useful and different. Lots of little tweaks to the general playability like greatly removing collision detection issues while walking. NO EXP fatigue (Before anyone asks who only played at launch), the marketwards now function almost exactly like an AH with some light middle man issues with the retainers while they wait for 2.0 to give them a thorough overhaul.

The main thing this welcome back campaign is about is to give players a chance to play again for free one more time while legacy campaign is running, if you like it enough pay for 90 days and get a forever discount of 9.99 for subscription which gives you all the features of the new 14.99 version coming in 2.0.

4 Raids, Totorak still counts :p

Was referring to soloing, which is what he asked about. With soloing it's very easy to run out of leves and anima and without a group there isn't a lot you can really do. But that only becomes a problem if you try to sink a lot of time into the game.

Like you say though, grouping is the way to go. But I always consider that a thing with MMOs, playing them without some friends is pretty darn boring.

Oh well yeah thats true. I guess you could use airships for city to city and chocoboing...but yeah anima warping is alot less time consuming.

Beth Cyra

Not going to lie, I want to reinstall and check all this out. Before XIV launched I was actually pretty hype for it and the main reason I bought my 570 was so I could run XIV well.

Thing is, with how I play MMO's I just don't know if it would be worth it to try the game again. I mainly solo and while it seems to work alright I'm going to miss out on a ton of story content and cool FF boss battles because I don't know a single person who even gives a single fuck about XIV.


How's the world in comparison to FFXI? I adored the world, Windurst is probably my favorite place in any FF game (or top 5 for sure).

Man the more I read up on it the more I want it. Due to performance issues though I'd rather just wait for the PS3 version.


How's the world in comparison to FFXI? I adored the world, Windurst is probably my favorite place in any FF game (or top 5 for sure).

Man the more I read up on it the more I want it. Due to performance issues though I'd rather just wait for the PS3 version.

Its nice in certain areas, and the environments themselves look good...but as far as environment diversity, it really needs some work. I believe that is what the majority of 2.0 work is going toward. All of the monsters/enemies and animations are really detailed though.

Not going to lie, I want to reinstall and check all this out. Before XIV launched I was actually pretty hype for it and the main reason I bought my 570 was so I could run XIV well.

Thing is, with how I play MMO's I just don't know if it would be worth it to try the game again. I mainly solo and while it seems to work alright I'm going to miss out on a ton of story content and cool FF boss battles because I don't know a single person who even gives a single fuck about XIV.

So join the server the majority of GAF is on, and see if its to your liking.
Is there a way to install the game without the disc? I wanted to try and reactivate my old account, but I can't seem to find a download link for a FFXIV install client anywhere through Square. I'm not sure where I placed the original install discs and I don't want to have to purchase another copy.


4 Raids, Totorak still counts :p

I call it an instanced dungeon since its lower level and requires less people :p. But I will admit, I spend more time in there then I do the top 3 raids! (Damn Seal farming lol).

How's the world in comparison to FFXI? I adored the world, Windurst is probably my favorite place in any FF game (or top 5 for sure).

Man the more I read up on it the more I want it. Due to performance issues though I'd rather just wait for the PS3 version.

The game world is unforunately not up to FFXI world building level yet, but that is because they are completely redoing the world from the ground up for 2.0 XD. They added little flavor text and NPC's to get people excited for the content and if its your first time playing, the world should feel interesting at least. (Till you realize there is only really 5 unique environments with some flavor areas in them with unique 'feels'.)

If you haven't played before, wait for PS3 release. The game still isn't ready for newcomers yet personally, its so much better then it was at the start but the UI and Servers are still very much an issue that will get on peoples nerves from the get go. Plus in the PS3 release they are going to open up fresh/no character transfer servers which should mean you get plenty of people that are starting out fresh like you. :) This is mainly for people who already played or want to jump in to get the Legacy status discount.

Is there a way to install the game without the disc? I wanted to try and reactivate my old account, but I can't seem to find a download link for a FFXIV install client anywhere through Square. I'm not sure where I placed the original install discs and I don't want to have to purchase another copy.

Find a torrent or a site that has the client for download. There is a digital release you can use to download the game but you would have to buy again. Its cheap (like 9.99 for it) but you shouldn't need to pay for the client again. In 2.0 they will make the client available for free, but till then its only available on there Digital Page and you need to pay once to gain access to the download as far as I am aware.

Beth Cyra

Its nice in certain areas, and the environments themselves look good...but as far as environment diversity, it really needs some work. I believe that is what the majority of 2.0 work is going toward. All of the monsters/enemies and animations are really detailed though.

So join the server the majority of GAF is on, and see if its to your liking.

I thought about that. Thing is each time I've tried it just hasn't worked.

Not a knock against Gaf, LOTRO Gaf was amazing and very helpful to getting me into the world. I just don't really have the ablitiy to just interact like it seems I should. Not that I'm rude, I just never feel comfortable asking for help or anything and it took a friend 6 months to get me comfortable in WoW.

I can't expect, nor should Gaf really need to put up with that kinda thing from other Gaf memebers.


I thought about that. Thing is each time I've tried it just hasn't worked.

Not a knock against Gaf, LOTRO Gaf was amazing and very helpful to getting me into the world. I just don't really have the ablitiy to just interact like it seems I should. Not that I'm rude, I just never feel comfortable asking for help or anything and it took a friend 6 months to get me comfortable in WoW.

I can't expect, nor should Gaf really need to put up with that kinda thing from other Gaf memebers.

I'm all for helping! Well questions wise . . . My jobs are mostly maxed otherwise D:


Similar to ffxi but there is no central hub town yet, each town has their respective classes and crafts that encourage trading n traveling.

The world is still a repetitive copy pasta mess but that can only be addressed in 2.0

The world size is probably smaller than current ffxi but it's already very big with lots of small checkpoints, small towns, dungeons in between


I thought about that. Thing is each time I've tried it just hasn't worked.

Not a knock against Gaf, LOTRO Gaf was amazing and very helpful to getting me into the world. I just don't really have the ablitiy to just interact like it seems I should. Not that I'm rude, I just never feel comfortable asking for help or anything and it took a friend 6 months to get me comfortable in WoW.

I can't expect, nor should Gaf really need to put up with that kinda thing from other Gaf memebers.

I can see where you're coming from there. I still have to have people remind me that I dont have to buy alot of stuff because they would be glad to make it for me/help me find it.

Same for any online game really :p


Unconfirmed Member
I really did love this game, it had a nice atmosphere and made me feel welcome, it was a wonderful escape. I just can't see myself ever paying for an MMO though. Which is a shame. I can't justify paying an additional fee every month.
Find a torrent or a site that has the client for download. There is a digital release you can use to download the game but you would have to buy again. Its cheap (like 9.99 for it) but you shouldn't need to pay for the client again. In 2.0 they will make the client available for free, but till then its only available on there Digital Page and you need to pay once to gain access to the download as far as I am aware.

Great, thanks for the info! $9.99 is cheap enough that I'll just grab it again. My character was on Lindblum, but an earlier post said that it merged, will my old character be transferred over? Or do I have to create a new one?


Great, thanks for the info! $9.99 is cheap enough that I'll just grab it again. My character was on Lindblum, but an earlier post said that it merged, will my old character be transferred over? Or do I have to create a new one?

you're character should be there


Great, thanks for the info! $9.99 is cheap enough that I'll just grab it again. My character was on Lindblum, but an earlier post said that it merged, will my old character be transferred over? Or do I have to create a new one?

Ugh, looks like it was 19.99 not 9.99. Didn't have the store open when I mentioned that.


Its up to you if you still want to buy it :) but I personally would just find a torrent or some one with that has a direct download.


How's the world in comparison to FFXI? I adored the world, Windurst is probably my favorite place in any FF game (or top 5 for sure).

Man the more I read up on it the more I want it. Due to performance issues though I'd rather just wait for the PS3 version.

I like it more. It feels like same group of witty and smart writers creating a world which is just more interesting to me. For one it is a much grittier setting (sex is actually a thing, people die and get hurt way more, and the game is easily the most vulgar Final Fantasy ever) and I think it tries harder to gain some verisimilitude. The aesthetic is basically everything you'd want out of a HD FFXI, though it is slowly turning into something else with some of the NM weapon designs. IMO I think it is one of the best high-detail realistic fantasy art designs in a game. I feel it is up there with stuff like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma.

You might get a good appreciation for the setting from the Grand Company pages and the occupying "newspapers". It is basically the return of the Vana'diel Tribune.

EDIT: I loved Windurst too. I guess the most immediate comparison would be Gridania, though I prefer Ul'dah because I'm a total nut for that kind of setting (loved Dalmasca in FFXII for the same reason). All the cities feel big like Windurst, at least. There is a teleportation system which is suppose to make travel within a city faster, but I haven't unlocked it yet.


I'll give some people a preface for what they are in for. If you left because of the server and the UI, wait till 2.0 to make your ultimate impression, those have band-aid fixes since they are rebuilding those from the ground up for 2.0 release. Two separate UI's are being planned for 2.0, a TRUE keyboard and mouse setup which quote "Will not need a manual to learn how to use, it will be based on what is considered standard UI for MMO players", and a new gamepad UI designed to make use of its functions better then the current one.

It blew me away just how terrible the UI was in the original beta. Even now, almost two years later, it makes me doubt that Square can ever produce a competent mouse and keyboard interface. I guess maybe we'll see when 2.0 finally rolls around, if that's really a major focus. Picked up an unopened copy of the collector's edition for super cheap a while back, so I should be good to go when the big patch rolls around. If I still have to blunder through the main menu to open city doors (instead of, I dunno, right clicking them), it's going straight into the trash can.


Does not seem to have world transfer at the moment sadly, you might need to create a new char on our server

Aye... I guess I can do it up. I still like the Pugalist I think. Though the Lancer looks tempting this time around too.

Those two have always been my favorite traditional FF classes... Monk & Dragoon. (Yay for being able to actually be a monk & dragoon later, thanks to those new job additions.


I like it more. It feels like same group of witty and smart writers creating a world which is just more interesting to me. For one it is a much grittier setting (sex is actually a thing, people die and get hurt way more, and the game is easily the most vulgar Final Fantasy ever) and I think it tries harder to gain some verisimilitude. The aesthetic is basically everything you'd want out of a HD FFXI, though it is slowly turning into something else with some of the NM weapon designs. IMO I think it is one of the best high-detail realistic fantasy art designs in a game. I feel it is up there with stuff like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma.

I still think the majority of new weapon designs seem closer to ps1 era weapons / amano art.

someone post the job requirements.

Beth Cyra

Has Dark Knight been added as a Job yet? I remember buying the XI Strat guide and just rereading the Dark Knight sectoin over and over again as I debatted what to have as my secondary. Always wanted a DK with a Paladin sub, but no one wanted something that dumb in thier party.


It blew me away just how terrible the UI was in the original beta. Even now, almost two years later, it makes me doubt that Square can ever produce a competent mouse and keyboard interface. I guess maybe we'll see when 2.0 finally rolls around, if that's really a major focus. Picked up an unopened copy of the collector's edition for super cheap a while back, so I should be good to go when the big patch rolls around. If I still have to blunder through the main menu to open city doors (instead of, I dunno, right clicking them), it's going straight into the trash can.

The first pic we have 2.0 is the concept UI for the mouse and keyboard. Hot keys you can drag drop anything into (Macros, items, abilities etc.). All menu prompts in small keys on the UI instead of loading the obnoxious big menu. 1 touch mannequins which store gear so it doesn't take up inventory and automatically equips you at the tough of a button. Ability to designate titles to define a players position (Tank, Healer, Melee DD, Caster DD, Buffer) each player has a number etc. Full drag and drop funtionality, full click functionality, they are releasing scripts to allow players to design their own UI to be uploaded and shared among players (In case the current UI still doesn't function how you like it).

Yoshida is a self-professed MMO PC gamer and his favorite MMO is Dark Age of Camelot. Also played a good helping of the current MMO crop, WoW Rift etc. The new UI manager is from FFXII, and one of the things he mentioned right from the start is he wanted a UI that acted immediately when an button is used, a crisp and functional UI. If there was one thing that I think they will get right in 2.0, its the UI with the current developers, they have a much, much better grasp of what makes a functional PC UI then Tanaka and company does that's for sure.

Also furthermore, the current "Band-aid" UI lets you do mouse click/target confirm on the doors and other prompts now. You still have the option to do it the old way but you can now click most the stuff to open/use them now.

Has Dark Knight been added as a Job yet? I remember buying the XI Strat guide and just rereading the Dark Knight sectoin over and over again as I debatted what to have as my secondary. Always wanted a DK with a Paladin sub, but no one wanted something that dumb in thier party.

No Dark Knight yet but there is a hint it will come in the future, maybe as a secondary job for Gladiator (Two Handed swords instead of Single-handed) but nothing has been said yet that sounds 'set in stone'.

Beth Cyra

No Dark Knight yet but there is a hint it will come in the future, maybe as a secondary job for Gladiator (Two Handed swords instead of Single-handed) but nothing has been said yet that sounds 'set in stone'.

Now I'm going to cry damn it.

Well I got to admit that kinda kills some desire, I was thinking there was almost zero chance that DK's wouldn't be there. Well I guess I can try out Gladiator, but it won't be the same as the paper thin crazy bastard ripping shit up with a scythe.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The first pic we have 2.0 is the concept UI for the mouse and keyboard. Hot keys you can drag drop anything into (Macros, items, abilities etc.). All menu prompts in small keys on the UI instead of loading the obnoxious big menu. 1 touch mannequins which store gear so it doesn't take up inventory and automatically equips you at the tough of a button. Ability to designate titles to define a players position (Tank, Healer, Melee DD, Caster DD, Buffer) each player has a number etc. Full drag and drop funtionality, full click functionality, they are releasing scripts to allow players to design their own UI to be uploaded and shared among players (In case the current UI still doesn't function how you like it).

Yoshida is a self-professed MMO PC gamer and his favorite MMO is Dark Age of Camelot. Also played a good helping of the current MMO crop, WoW Rift etc. The new UI manager is from FFXII, and one of the things he mentioned right from the start is he wanted a UI that acted immediately when an button is used, a crisp and functional UI. If there was one thing that I think they will get right in 2.0, its the UI with the current developers, they have a much, much better grasp of what makes a functional PC UI then Tanaka and company does that's for sure.

Also furthermore, the current "Band-aid" UI lets you do mouse click/target confirm on the doors and other prompts now. You still have the option to do it the old way but you can now click most the stuff to open/use them now.

No Dark Knight yet but there is a hint it will come in the future, maybe as a secondary job for Gladiator (Two Handed swords instead of Single-handed) but nothing has been said yet that sounds 'set in stone'.

There's hope! I'll have to look into this Yoshida guy and what he plans to do with the game.


Bought, a bit reluctantly lol. I imagine it'll tide me over till GW2, and then I may check out what 2.0 offers.

I'm still reluctant too. But I don't have much to lose since Diablo III comes out soon. PS: Stress Test Monday for GW2 as well. xD

I owned FFXIV since launch though, may as well fill the void... even if I don't like it, I'm hoping 2.0 will remedy a lot of my concerns. Right now I'm just worried about the pace of battle & how much control you have in battle.


Now I'm going to cry damn it.

Well I got to admit that kinda kills some desire, I was thinking there was almost zero chance that DK's wouldn't be there. Well I guess I can try out Gladiator, but it won't be the same as the paper thin crazy bastard ripping shit up with a scythe.

Scythes are already in game but they are used as a secondary tool for botanist to use to harvest nodes. So you can slice shit up already! (Just plants). Yoshida had a 'delusion' he made in a japanese MMO mag about 'possibly' making DRK a different job path for GLA that focused more on offense then defense. The jobs (at least for now) are all tied to a class which uses a very specific weapon/tool. GLA is the wielder of bladed swords. Marauder (Warrior) the user of two-handed axes, Archer (Bard) uses bows (Job AF weapon is a harp bow! will be released later this month).

So basically they will make an archetype for a class, and then grow that class through job paths. Right now only 1 path is available for each current class. Yoshida is planning to add at least one more caster class soon and maybe a couple other classes either when or after 2.0 releases. He wants to eventually get to stuff like Katanas and guns but he really wants a new caster class to give magic discipline more to work with.
Once I install the game via the DVD, will I be able to play without the disc? I don't think we could when the game shipped two years ago, but maybe they've patched this issue?

Beth Cyra

Scythes are already in game but they are used as a secondary tool for botanist to use to harvest nodes. So you can slice shit up already! (Just plants). Yoshida had a 'delusion' he made in a japanese MMO mag about 'possibly' making DRK a different job path for GLA that focused more on offense then defense. The jobs (at least for now) are all tied to a class which uses a very specific weapon/tool. GLA is the wielder of bladed swords. Marauder (Warrior) the user of two-handed axes, Archer (Bard) uses bows (Job AF weapon is a harp bow! will be released later this month).

So basically they will make an archetype for a class, and then grow that class through job paths. Right now only 1 path is available for each current class. Yoshida is planning to add at least one more caster class soon and maybe a couple other classes either when or after 2.0 releases. He wants to eventually get to stuff like Katanas and guns but he really wants a new caster class to give magic discipline more to work with.

Well I can't hate the man for those ideas. Will say I'm bitter that Scythes are a farming tool and not a weapon, but maybe one day Dark Knight's will be back in action.

Need to give the game another shoot to see if it would even matter to me if they where.
Ok finally got into the Gaf server. How long would it take to get all the cool gear? I remember crafting was pretty bad at launch how is it now?


Why would you want to do that, over joining the server where most GAF people are?

(Hoping it's the same server anyways LoL.)

Well my second decision is gonna be wherever GAF is, but I want to know if there's any population data out there.


Once I install the game via the DVD, will I be able to play without the disc? I don't think we could when the game shipped two years ago, but maybe they've patched this issue?

Yes you can play without the DVD but get ready to download 10gb worth of updates


Paid for 3 months about 2 weeks ago and received the email confirming my Legacy status yesterday.
Didn't play the game at all, though, too busy with jTERA.
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