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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)

For anybody who played and left in the early days, it really is a completely different game now. I just came back to it a little over a week ago, having not played since before they started charging subscription fees. Now I've paid for the three-month discount. It's certainly worth trying out at the very least.


Too little, too late. Beta should've been out when they were redesigning "2.0" on PC, IMO. I feel a similar thing is going to happen to the PS3 version come launch. Just instead of "lack of content" it'll be "Terrible user-end experience" that kills it.

PS3 and PC are getting completely separate UI systems, the current PC one is atrocious and designed with a console in mind.

You need to play the game and have read some of the latest interviews to know whats going on I guess.

It's easy to assume the worst based on past experiences from the original beta, game has changed a lot since then.


Paid for 3 months about 2 weeks ago and received the email confirming my Legacy status yesterday.
Didn't play the game at all, though, too busy with jTERA.

My story as well... pretty much exactly. I did play XIV for an hour or so after reactivating. $9.99 for life after 2.0 starts was too good to pass up.


I kind of regret starting out at limsa lominsa. I don't like the way everyone speaks in that damn city. I despise having to read accents.

This game is killing my GTS 250. I'm getting 20-30fps at 1600x900. 720p improves performance only slightly. I haven't even seen any heated battle yet, I'm sure it's going to be a slideshow.


I kind of regret starting out at limsa lominsa. I don't like the way everyone speaks in that damn city. I despise having to read accents.

This game is killing my GTS 250. I'm getting 20-30fps at 1600x900. 720p improves performance only slightly. I haven't even seen any heated battle yet, I'm sure it's going to be a slideshow.

dont like limsa just hop on an airship to one of the other cities


I kind of regret starting out at limsa lominsa. I don't like the way everyone speaks in that damn city. I despise having to read accents.

This game is killing my GTS 250. I'm getting 20-30fps at 1600x900. 720p improves performance only slightly. I haven't even seen any heated battle yet, I'm sure it's going to be a slideshow.

Yeah you might have some trouble with a GTS250, need a GTX 460 or 560 for it to run smoothly at high settings. ^^


Thanks for the explanation; that does sound promising. If not for the fact that Diablo 3 is out next week, I would probably take another look myself. Now is not a good time to begin a 30 day trial period for any game. ;)

One more question: does FF14 have a decent LFG tool for group content? I am beyond spoiled by the WOW dungeon finder tool; this is probably the biggest reason why I couldn't get into SWTOR earlier this year.

Content finder is coming in 2.0. It was one of the defining things Yoshida said he absolutely wanted in the game and he wants to create the finder with the idea of multiple worlds coming together. The idea is you can either automatically load for an instance or you can invite people from across several worlds to go EXP. Not sure how they plan to do it but it sounds like they are going to allow open world instancing if you want to just EXP with people (at least what was said recently in a dev response). Don't know how limited that function will be as we have yet to even see what the new 2.0 worlds are going to look like outside of a couple concept images and a concept map of 4 of the new reworked zones (Which by the way already have WAY more character then the currents maps. North La Noscea Alone has more changing and different environments then almost the entire game combined right now XD).

In the current game however they finally have a search system but imo its still not as good as FFXI's or hell almost every Modern MMO under the sun. It was more of a band-aid while they work on the new server architecture for 2.0. You can search for people based on just about any criteria except their name right now. Lots of filters, but no text input. You can also flag yourself for LFG on a preferred class but the problem is the current system only registers on 'search' the class you are currently equipped as. Basically you can flag your class to be say Bard as preferred, and it will show that in search, but they have to find you first and the only class/job that will register in filter is the one you are currently equipped as. Thankfully you can also search by affiliations, level ranges, and host of other filters to get by this issue, but it still doesn't help nearly as much as it was designed to. Because of these limitations people have not learned how to use the system for its intended purpose, most just do shouts in Ul'dah if they are looking to make an EXP group or do one of the raids/primal battles or job battles.

In the end if you end trying the game this week/weekend, go into it with the knowledge the UI, Server, Graphics Engine, and almost all the maps are going to be scrapped and replaced in 2.0, and try to ask yourself if the core concepts of the actual game play is worth playing. Oh also, jump is coming in 2.0, they are designing the maps with this idea in mind, including the idea that sometime later (like an expansion) they intend to add swimming too XD. Its not coming in 2.0 because it would require delaying the release, but when they add swimming they intend to make content around it. (Yoshida mentioned maybe making an underwater temple.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I remember when I was really looking forward to XIV.
Then I "played" it during "Beta" and it ran horribly, plus I wasn't feeling it.

But I still miss XI and it's experiences.


I remember when I was really looking forward to XIV.
Then I "played" it during "Beta" and it ran horribly, plus I wasn't feeling it.

But I still miss XI and it's experiences.

beta was a loong time ago. its pretty fun now if you like ffxi
I've been playing casually for a couple weeks now, and it's been a lot of fun. I think anyone who was looking for FFXI HD should give it another shot, cause it feels a lot like that now.


Wow they must have made some huge changes. I played through all of the story missions that existed at the time the F2P ended and the story was just horrible. FFXI has one of the best stories in the FF series, so saying that it's already doing much better than base FFXI is a pretty bold statement.

Well the overall combination of how they tie in the current main scenario quests, grand company quests leading up to world transformation, actually seeing Meteor get closer and closer with every patch, and even having battle content like the primal bosses ("guardians" of the various beast tribes) tie into what is causing meteor to draw closer, makes the story (so far) more interesting to me than the Shadowlord saga.

Not to mention the various bosses have cooler designs than the Dark Dragon, Archlich, etc. and of course that every change within the game is tied to the main story so far.
Somewhat tempted to get into this, but not sure. I "enjoyed" the beta before the game came out, but obviously there was a ton wrong with it. Now though I hear it's a lot better and I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, but I'm still unsure. I guess it would make sense to wait until 2.0 hits, but that seems a long way away.

Really torn lol


Well the overall combination of how they tie in the current main scenario quests, grand company quests leading up to world transformation, actually seeing Meteor get closer and closer with every patch, and even having battle content like the primal bosses ("guardians" of the various beast tribes) tie into what is causing meteor to draw closer, makes the story (so far) more interesting to me than the Shadowlord saga.

Not to mention the various bosses have cooler designs than the Dark Dragon, Archlich, etc. and of course that every change within the game is tied to the main story so far.

Too bad story content is coming at a pace slower then Wings of the Goddess in FFXI, but that is obviously intentional based on the timeline, they are stretching out the story to end 'just' before 2.0 comes out. The most recent Grand Company quest gives me a lot of hope for awesome story battles in 2.0 though. The fight against the Machina is actually somewhat challenging even with the full allowable group of people (3), and the Cutscenes both before and after that fight are also very well done (At least for the Maelstrom!). I'd say its the little things they added that seemed superfluous in the patch notes but awesome in execution that are making me feel a part of the world. The events that happen when you go to bed and wake up (Log back in) make you feel like your own world is the dream world, and the game is the reality. The neat little 'dreams' you get upon waking up are a nice touch along with the items you get related to your dream. "You wake from a vivid dream where you are chased in a field by cats!" -- Look under you bed, find a Meat Mithkabob XD.


Somewhat tempted to get into this, but not sure. I "enjoyed" the beta before the game came out, but obviously there was a ton wrong with it. Now though I hear it's a lot better and I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, but I'm still unsure. I guess it would make sense to wait until 2.0 hits, but that seems a long way away.

Really torn lol

why not dip your feet and take advantage of this opportunity just to see how its progressed since its free trial til the 20th?


So just confirming, if I purchase FFXIV and sign up for 90 days or whatever, I should be in the legacy campaign?

(Also, joining the GAF folks in Sargatanas!)


Yep you'll be in the Legacy campaign. Nice to see more coming to play with us just send some tells and we can get you a pearl.

I have no idea what you are saying.
Looks like I'm in for a treat.


I have no idea what you are saying.
Looks like I'm in for a treat.

Oh sorry for the confusion. I just meant contact one of us listed in the op when you get on and we will give you a pearl (invite to the GAF group) so you can join us.


Not sure how long it has been like this, but right now you can get the digital download of FFXIV on amazon for $9.99 -- really damn cheap if you want to take advantage of this legacy thing. I think I'm going to do it.

*edit* darn, posted already :)


I know we probably have alot of KBM users just like in XI, but I still recommend you try this out with a gamepad if you can.


Bought off amazon. Installing. Been looking for an excuse to try this :) Really hope 2.0 can live up to the potential this game has had from the start.


Can I use a PS3 controller?

Yes you will need to download motionjoy though.

Gamepad is the best choice, unless you plan to raid heal and I would suggest keyboard and mouse, can't wait for 2.0 though, KB/M is always better for MMO's IMO, its just with the current UI its too clunky to play it that way.


I played today, and my feelings are mixed, which is better than the purely negative reaction I was expecting.

The first time people told me, "oh, try it now, the updates are great!" it really wasn't far enough along.

This time, I actually enjoyed myself quite a bit. Not really monthly subscription level enjoyment, not even close, but the tweaks to the battle system are really pleasant. And it runs much better for me, much less of the pregnant pausing the game put me through every other time I tried to play it.

At the very least, this game is on the right track. It's a nice counterpart to the breakneck pace of playing the Guild Wars 2 BWE. It's a pretty game (seriously, those character designs are unmatched in any active MMO, no joke), with a pace that's a bit lethargic but not as straight-up narcoleptic as it once was. The actual gameplay is still, to put it bluntly, mostly trash. But the world, and (oddly enough, for a game based on bashing monsters to death ad infinitum) the peacefulness really add up.

I'm really happy to see this game slowly crawling towards something better. It's nowhere close yet. But this is the first time since I took the game home that I've actually felt positive about this thing. I'll be playing the trial, and when 2.0 hits I'll give it an honest shot, even if I know this will never be a permanent subscription for me.

If there was ever a candidate for F2P... I know that's been said far too often, but seriously, this game could do with that, or better yet the Guild Wars expansion system. I don't really want to pay monthly for a game like this, that I know has a pace that will only fit into my life in specific stretches. Thankfully, this free period coincides with one!

Yeah unfortunately a lot of the new gameplay concepts won't be added till 2.0/after 2.0 launch XD, the stuff leading up to 2.0 is filler content/content added now to be changed in 2.0 (Raids and Primals will stay but the Primals are supposedly going to change a bit in 2.0 and might even have different rewards). The other stuff they focused on is changing the basic core fundamentals of the gameplay to be more streamlined and easier to understand, Yoshida plans to then add on to this new foundation which is why some parts of the gameplay don't feel very complex yet. For the most part it seems we are now done with the overhaul stage of 1.0 and we are just waiting on 2.0 to bring the new stuff plus the 2.0 overhauls.

Gameplay concepts being added in 2.0 - > Large Scale Raids (Two near launch, Crystal Tower and the Lake Labyrinth), Renovation of the Battle Regimen to allow party combos for large scale attacks (Originally this was slated for before 2.0 but I think it got bumped to 2.0 at this point). Guild Housing and Personal Housing estates (Company/Guild housing first followed by personal houses) which will utilize crafting and gathering disciplines. Collaborative crafting, Competitive (yet Optional) PvP with leader boards, special PvP abilities, armor. Basically right now the game is an enhanced and infinitely better representation of what it was at launch but since they have been working on the new overworld they seem very, very conservative to add too much to the world that would require more complex algorithms to port over to the new client.

Also as for the prospect of F2P, Yoshida made a clear distinction why it is going the route it is going, as well as why FFXI has yet to go F2P. Apparently the concept of Free to Play has an extremely bad connotation for Japanese MMO gamers as something that is dying and the idea of buying content rather then a strict month to month fee is a negative concept (this is according to Yoshida). So basically what people in America want, is not the same in Japan so there is a cultural clash happening. Yoshida is open to the idea of F2P down the road but it is not on the radar right now and won't be for the perceivable future.


I don't understand how this game could even go F2P without severely upsetting the player base. What could they possibly charge for?


Also as for the prospect of F2P, Yoshida made a clear distinction why it is going the route it is going, as well as why FFXI has yet to go F2P. Apparently the concept of Free to Play has an extremely bad connotation for Japanese MMO gamers as something that is dying and the idea of buying content rather then a strict month to month fee is a negative concept (this is according to Yoshida). So basically what people in America want, is not the same in Japan so there is a cultural clash happening. Yoshida is open to the idea of F2P down the road but it is not on the radar right now and won't be for the perceivable future.

Mostly all the Korean MMORPG is F2P and doing well in Japan. Phantasy Star Online 2 will be F2P from the start.

So no, there is no cultural clash or anything regarding about F2P. Yoshida is just making an excuse why SE is sticking to subscription model.


I gladly pay for the game, been playing since beta and seeing and experiences the improvements has been tons of fun. I want to support the game, Yoshi-P and the devs have been working more than any sane person should work. They're doing an amazing job.
Besides, having played many different f2p and p2p games, I still prefer the p2p model tremendously. ^_^
Arg, I'm on the fence. I just quit TOR last month. Just about to give up on the MMO genre.

But for 10 bucks I could take a plunge. But man...some of those amazon reviews are NOT kind....lol.

I want to solo decently yet I want to heal.

The one thing I hated about FF11 was how impossible it was to solo. Is that still the case w/ FF14?


Arg, I'm on the fence. I just quit TOR last month. Just about to give up on the MMO genre.

But for 10 bucks I could take a plunge. But man...some of those amazon reviews are NOT kind....lol.

I want to solo decently yet I want to heal.

The one thing I hated about FF11 was how impossible it was to solo. Is that still the case w/ FF14?

Soloing as a Conj/WHM is much more friendly in this game you'll be ok to solo. For the Amazon reviews those are probably based off the poor launch it has come a long way since.
Soloing as a Conj/WHM is much more friendly in this game you'll be ok to solo. For the Amazon reviews those are probably based off the poor launch it has come a long way since.

Meh, 10 bucks, I'll give it a try tonight. Just reinstalled windows and I no longer have WoW or Tor installed since I quit. Needs me some MMO fuel....


I really want to jump back in (handily enough I'm in Sarg, having been from Lindblum!), but I've a few questions:

Where do I go to get new equipment? I'm still stuck with some plain clothes since launch and bone cesti, what I liked about XI was that there was a one stop place to look for goods - the AH. I know XIV doesn't have such a thing, so where's a starting point to upgrade my gear?

Do battle actions/animations get more exciting? If I'm going to solo-grind at least make the fights exciting to watch. It's nice and all having me participate by pressing buttons every now and then but if all I'm going to see is my Miqote PUG throwing a feeble looking punch accompanied by a one line swirl effect then the game is not going to win me back from the other games that are currently offering me far more flashy animation per click.

Finally, what is the best way to EXP, partying? I do wanna speed along the boring teen levels and actually get to some good stuff. Can leves help make up the difference if solo'ing? Are they still restricted to 8 per day/24 hr/arbitrary restriction?

I really hope 2.0 succeeds and I do want to take advantage of the Legacy deal, but it seems like such a gamble right now. Hope they show something at E3 :/


Not sure how long it has been like this, but right now you can get the digital download of FFXIV on amazon for $9.99 -- really damn cheap if you want to take advantage of this legacy thing. I think I'm going to do it.

*edit* darn, posted already :)

too bad I can't buy it since I am in canada. which is good, I wasted way too much time in ffxi


sparkle this bitch
Can I ask what specifically does this game do different than the typical MMO. Specifically combat and leveling up.

I've never played FFXI(Always kind of wanted to give it a try), but this could be a nice starting point. But I'm also really interested in TERA(Just waiting for it to get sub 20$)


I really wanted XIV to be a good game, have been hovering at a safe distance ever since I played the abysmal beta waiting for it to get better. It looks playable now which is a little tempting, but I really want to hold out for 2.0 before joining a game that is likely to be hit with a meteor and have all its mechanics and content reset.

Thankfully I'm busy as hell this month so hopefully the urge to try it will go away.


I really want to jump back in (handily enough I'm in Sarg, having been from Lindblum!), but I've a few questions:

Where do I go to get new equipment? I'm still stuck with some plain clothes since launch and bone cesti, what I liked about XI was that there was a one stop place to look for goods - the AH. I know XIV doesn't have such a thing, so where's a starting point to upgrade my gear?

Do battle actions/animations get more exciting? If I'm going to solo-grind at least make the fights exciting to watch. It's nice and all having me participate by pressing buttons every now and then but if all I'm going to see is my Miqote PUG throwing a feeble looking punch accompanied by a one line swirl effect then the game is not going to win me back from the other games that are currently offering me far more flashy animation per click.

Finally, what is the best way to EXP, partying? I do wanna speed along the boring teen levels and actually get to some good stuff. Can leves help make up the difference if solo'ing? Are they still restricted to 8 per day/24 hr/arbitrary restriction?

I really hope 2.0 succeeds and I do want to take advantage of the Legacy deal, but it seems like such a gamble right now. Hope they show something at E3 :/
1. A rudimentary Auction House has been cobbled together until the engine/server changes in 2.0 just head for the retainer markets and use the item search.

2. Somewhat?

3. The amount of leves available to you stack up to 99, and replenish every couple hours, combined with rest exp gained by logging out inside the private player residences accessed from the Inn in each major city and soloing is extremely viable.

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