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FF XIV: Legacy & Welcome Back(Accounts must be registered by May 31st for Legacy!)


NeoGAF's smiling token!
That's so weird, I checked all FFXIV forums and the tech forums on the official forums but can't find anything recent about ATI cards crashing. @.@ I'll continue looking.
Thanks, I would've made a topic by now on the official forums but I can't because I don't have a character created and I get this message telling me just that:
Since the valid character data is not present on your Square Enix Account, you are not allowed to log in to the forums.

Even if the monthly fee is paid and a valid content ID is available, a valid character data needs to be present.
Once the character is created, you will be eligible to log in to the forums. However, it may take some time until the character data is reflected to the system.
The original launch FFXIV combat system, while hilariously flawed, actually tried to be a little different from WoW. Their solution to this was to bring back a traditional (read: boring as shit) combat model based on tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming.

The reality is that tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming is dying fast. It's why WoW is actually losing subscribers after all these years (and Blizzard is delusional if they think MoP will bring them back for longer than a month), and it's why SWTOR held people's interest for about 1-2 months tops. It's also why GW2 is failing spectacularly to keep up with NCSoft's hype, because actually playing GW2 is hardly different from WoW or SWTOR or Rift. Actually playing an MMOG these days is basically being subjected to the same shit in combat, and once you know better it's boring as fuck.

The future is in action-combat styled MMOGs, of which Tera is the first really large-scale example though it follows the footsteps of heavily-instanced small-scale games like Diablo, the Phantasy Star Online series, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest, and other games of that style. Blade & Soul is another example of an MMOG with action-combat which just entered beta in Korea after literally half a decade of delays and since it's NCSoft Korea I doubt we'll see it in the West anytime soon. If I were Blizzard I would seriously be considering putting an end to tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spam for Titan, because the aging WoW and their increasingly impotent attempts to keep that gravy train going until Titan launches is proof that the traditional MMOG combat model is tired as shit and boring as hell.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Have a look at this topic, i something similar happening to you?


It may be a corrupted install file/folder. I know it's a pain but maybe uninstall, delete all folder and reinstall? @.@"

I was about to delete my app folder and go to sleep while the whole thing re-downloaded, but then I decided to try something. Turns out this controller app from the patch website is what was causing the crashes. Deleted and bam, it's working.

Thanks again for all the help along the way Buttons.


Considering the controller app only made for a total of 3 files, I'm just flabbergasted it affected the game from even starting.


Yay congrats. Have fun in the game and remember to be nice to us Lalafell. ^_^/

Ooh I remember that controller app, probably way outdated by now. I just use the official controller config for my 360 controller, works fine. :) Just need to plug in the damn controller when you go afk, game does not recognise the controller after it goes to sleep mode. =_=

Oh and for those that want to play in a pseudo-fullscreen mode with the ability to tab out properly (hope SE finally gets this right for 2.0), I use this little program called Shift Window:

Start up the game normally in window mode, then start shiftwindow to hide the window border. Love it. :D


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Yay congrats. Have fun in the game and remember to be nice to us Lalafell. ^_^/
I don't have a choice now. :p
Ooh I remember that controller app, probably way outdated by now. I just use the official controller config for my 360 controller, works fine. :) Just need to plug in the damn controller when you go afk, game does not recognise the controller after it goes to sleep mode. =_=
Ah, good to hear, thanks.


The original launch FFXIV combat system, while hilariously flawed, actually tried to be a little different from WoW. Their solution to this was to bring back a traditional (read: boring as shit) combat model based on tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming.

The reality is that tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming is dying fast. It's why WoW is actually losing subscribers after all these years (and Blizzard is delusional if they think MoP will bring them back for longer than a month)

Really? Really?

The current combat in FF14 is nothing like in WoW. FF14 is slower paced and all about positional attacks and comboing skills together (such as using Fire before Fira to reduce the cast time for example). WoW on the other hand is mostly about rotations (since most skills have no or very short cooldowns), though in recent years most classes have changed into more "priority" based combat with attack use depending on situational stuff.

Neither WoW or FF14 is "12345 skill-spamming" unless you want to be terrible at the game, which admittedly in WoW most the player base is indeed pretty bad. I can only imagine you've never played 14 in it's current form or WoW since WOTLK launched if you truly think that is the case.

Also, just for reference, Blizzard isn't really actively losing subscribers that fast. They just said this past week that they lost pretty much no subscribers this quarter compared to last quarter. Either way, the combat has little to do with why they were losing subs. WoW is just going through its usual cycle. The addition of the raid finder in the last patch is probably the main reason they didn't lose subs again. It's something the game has needed for a long time to keep the casual market playing longer than a week or two into each patch.

I will believe Tera is the future of MMO combat when I see it beat WoW in active users for a few years. I think you overestimate how much most of the player base actually care about combat mechanics. There is much more driving people's interest in a MMO than combat, WoW didn't get popular because of its combat, it got popular because compared to every other MMO around it the game was easy to play.


The original launch FFXIV combat system, while hilariously flawed, actually tried to be a little different from WoW. Their solution to this was to bring back a traditional (read: boring as shit) combat model based on tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming.

The reality is that tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spamming is dying fast. It's why WoW is actually losing subscribers after all these years (and Blizzard is delusional if they think MoP will bring them back for longer than a month), and it's why SWTOR held people's interest for about 1-2 months tops. It's also why GW2 is failing spectacularly to keep up with NCSoft's hype, because actually playing GW2 is hardly different from WoW or SWTOR or Rift. Actually playing an MMOG these days is basically being subjected to the same shit in combat, and once you know better it's boring as fuck.

The future is in action-combat styled MMOGs, of which Tera is the first really large-scale example though it follows the footsteps of heavily-instanced small-scale games like Diablo, the Phantasy Star Online series, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest, and other games of that style. Blade & Soul is another example of an MMOG with action-combat which just entered beta in Korea after literally half a decade of delays and since it's NCSoft Korea I doubt we'll see it in the West anytime soon. If I were Blizzard I would seriously be considering putting an end to tab-target, auto-attack, and 12345 skill-spam for Titan, because the aging WoW and their increasingly impotent attempts to keep that gravy train going until Titan launches is proof that the traditional MMOG combat model is tired as shit and boring as hell.

Eh, outside of it's aiming reticle Tera has one of the more iffy combat setups in the genre for my tastes. I'd be a lot more keen on it if it did half of what it's fan base alluded that it did.

It's still basically hotkey based, it's extremely stationary and it has one of the more bland class and ability setups I've seen. Doesn't help that it does nothing on top of that with subsystems or resources, the entire thing is pretty anemic. Let's not talk about how much content you have to slog through to get to anything that uses the damn thing.

Personally I really like the targeting, and the game itself is OK because of it and the polish but you need more than that, of course, they need a lot of things in that game, like to take the entire thing and cut it down to the C-list Monster Hunter clone it wants to be since everything MMO about that game hurts it. Tera isn't the future of anything in this genre. It's extremely niche and will probably continue to slowly sink from already small beginnings in favor of games that do more things right in all regions as time passes on.

Despite some strong opinions about it, I really can't agree that hotkey input and lock on targeting is a massive detriment to any PC based RPG genre and that it's killing anything. Personally, I'd say It's more subscription fatigue and samey theme park nature of all the mediocre WoW-likes, that and the fact that outside of WoW's MMOs never really were THAT popular, I mean back in the day 500k was a HUGE playerbase, then all of the sudden people think they can get the 10 million Blizzard has and draw out hype and budgets big enough to sink a company.

I think the next few years will focus on variations, like Guild Wars 2 and even FFXIV, and maybe a return to sandbox features, myself. That is if people actually catch on and stop trying to to make make people quit WoW by luring them to an overbudgeted, mediocre copy of it, but looking at Elder Scrolls Online and a few others, I think some publishers need to take a few lumps yet.
Really? Really?

The current combat in FF14 is nothing like in WoW.


Tera's combat (hell, the whole game) is far more like WoW than FFXIV ever was or is. In fact, I'd say that barring the instance based stuff like Diablo and PSO, FFXI and XIV do their own thing more than any of the other MMOs out there that still look to WoW for a majority of the inspiration, Tera included.

Personally I really like the targeting, and the game itself is OK because of it and the polish but you need more than that, of course, they need a lot of things in that game, like to take the entire thing and cut it down to the C-list Monster Hunter clone it wants to be since everything MMO about that game hurts it.

This is the exact reason I can't get behind Tera's combat system as being so "revolutionary". It is cool that the guys at Bluehole decided to try and tackle real-time, but at the end of the day it feels like bootleg Monhan. And since I've already played the original with the superior battle system, it left me cold.
Thread convinced me to grab a copy and give it a go. I tried the beta back whenever that was but it did nothing for me. Think I'll see it through to 2.0 at the very least.
2.0? SE announced this game three years too early, just like every single other project they have going.

Thread convinced me to grab a copy and give it a go. I tried the beta back whenever that was but it did nothing for me. Think I'll see it through to 2.0 at the very least.

not a bad investment at $20. it was on "last clearance" a few months ago, how does SE convince retailers to restock?


2.0? SE announced this game three years too early, just like every single other project they have going.

Not comparable imo. FF14 suffered from fools leading the production of the game, not releasing it too early. I'd bet my life if Yoshida was leading the charge with this game originally we'd gotten something truly awesome instead of whatever was there at launch (wasn't there to experience it myself, which is probably for the better).

Hopefully it's a lesson learned going forward.


Since I've already bought the 3 months and have my 25 (?) level Pug I might as well join the GAF linkshell, to not have to play alone.
Who should I pm to get the pearl?


Since I've already bought the 3 months and have my 25 (?) level Pug I might as well join the GAF linkshell, to not have to play alone.
Who should I pm to get the pearl?

On Sargatanas ? I'm on currently, name is Eithne Rain, although in the middle of some raid right now XD

edit: okay it hasn't started yet if you're still around.


On Sargatanas ? I'm on currently, name is Eithne Rain, although in the middle of some raid right now XD

edit: okay it hasn't started yet if you're still around.
I won't be logging on today, but you can expect a message from me until those 3 months end. Thanks!


I won't be logging on today, but you can expect a message from me until those 3 months end. Thanks!

See list in OP for all officers.

Make sure to roll on Sargatanas!

Then msg either Eithne Rain (me!), Rin Morikaze, Calm Wind, Jinko Jinko, Eight Corova, Nagisa Kamiya, Kyudo Kyohon, Firon Veleth, oor Mjunter Elhunter for a pearl into the GAF Linkshell :D


Went from Driver 8.961.0.0 to 8.950.0.0 still crashing immediately.

Make sure Internet Explorer is updated to the latest version, I know this sounds off, but this game won't start up without IE.

Which part are you crashing at.

Also you can't play this game with an Intel GPU.

Edit:- nvm seems you got it fixed :p


My character is called Xanas Genfyre and I'm on Sargantas

Watching the intro movie now

Edit: whit! The game is running at 3fps...force quitting...


My character is called Xanas Genfyre and I'm on Sargantas

Watching the intro movie now

Then msg either Eithne Rain , Rin Morikaze, Calm Wind, Jinko Jinko, Eight Corova, Nagisa Kamiya, Kyudo Kyohon, Firon Veleth, oor Mjunter Elhunter for a pearl into the GAF Linkshell :D

after you get to you starting city


My character is called Xanas Genfyre and I'm on Sargantas

Watching the intro movie now
Where did you get your copy? Mine from Amazon.com digital distribution didn't have the intro movie. I had to watch it on youtube.

FFXI from steam was the same way, my disc copy had the intro movie but my steam copy didn't.


To those only visiting for the span of the Welcome Back campaign (until 2.0): Don't forget to get your goobbue mount.

In any case, I have a question for myself: At what amount of the time does the exp bonus stop accumulating while logged out in your room?

EDIT: I actually might have preferred the older combat system of FFXIV, but it was missing key components to make it work into something interesting. Each class was basically a hit-box(e.g. LNC had a normal attack which was a straight line that went through enemies you could always use), so you need to design group combat around that fact. Marking upon attack for benefits, slow movement for engagement, etc to make the literal formation of a party matter (along with enemies using formations).

I also liked that FFXIV was heading in the direction of a theme park and sandbox hybrid, but it was abortive in execution so I can't say I miss it.


To those only visiting for the span of the Welcome Back campaign (until 2.0): Don't forget to get your goobbue mount.

In any case, I have a question for myself: At what amount of the time does the exp bonus stop accumulating while logged out in your room?

EDIT: I actually might have preferred the older combat system of FFXIV, but it was missing key components to make it work into something interesting. Each class was basically a hit-box(e.g. LNC had a normal attack which was a straight line that went through enemies you could always use), so you need to design group combat around that fact. Marking upon attack for benefits, slow movement for engagement, etc to make the literal formation of a party matter (along with enemies using formations).

I also liked that FFXIV was heading in the direction of a theme park and sandbox hybrid, but it was abortive in execution so I can't say I miss it.

1 week.


I just tried it out for a couple of hours again. And I like what they already changed (at least of what I was able to see in the beginning levels).
I'm also glad to hear the menu will be fixed because that's still the no.1 worst design feature in the game for me.

Looking forward to 2.0
Not comparable imo. FF14 suffered from fools leading the production of the game, not releasing it too early.
It was both. They didn't ship the game they had planned, it was obvious that the game shipped at least 3 months early in order to try and beat Cataclysm and be out for the holidays. Their original plan didn't really have things somewhat decent until February after the September launch, had they launched with that version it wouldn't have started out with such a horrible reputation.


It was both. They didn't ship the game they had planned, it was obvious that the game shipped at least 3 months early in order to try and beat Cataclysm and be out for the holidays. Their original plan didn't really have things somewhat decent until February after the September launch, had they launched with that version it wouldn't have started out with such a horrible reputation.

What sticks out to me is that when the game was announced (only a few months before) the XIV page they set up implied a bunch of major things that wasn't in the game. For example Discipline of Hand/Land engaging in battle. Makes me think things were scaled back hard.


So i decided to download the $10 amazon download. First thing I've noticed: having to pay for each character slot is weird.


So i decided to download the $10 amazon download. First thing I've noticed: having to pay for each character slot is weird.

New subscription model in 2.0 will change that if I remember correctly. Guess SE thought we only need 1 char since you can be all jobs and classes on one char.


Kills Photobucket
New subscription model in 2.0 will change that if I remember correctly. Guess SE thought we only need 1 char since you can be all jobs and classes on one char.

Probably depends how much of FFXi finds it's way into 2.0. Many people in FFXI have multiple characters for the extra inventory space


I think we need a new OT2 soon since the other can't really be edited.Might be a good idea to look into that for when this week is over and for those who stay we can move everyone to the new LS with a new OT


Probably depends how much of FFXi finds it's way into 2.0. Many people in FFXI have multiple characters for the extra inventory space

The new Legacy and Welcome back campaign info has some new information on character slots for 2.0 I think. I'll dig it up later. ^^

I think we need a new OT2 soon since the other can't really be edited.Might be a good idea to look into that for when this week is over and for those who stay we can move everyone to the new LS with a new OT

Think they wanted to make a new OP for 2.0 to avoid more of the pointless "zomg the game sucks and will fail" we had in earlier threads. Am surprised and happy at the positive reactions so far though.

Boss Man

Definitely worth mentioning that a character in a FF MMO sees all content, and is all things. At least, I'm 90% sure FFXIV is the same as FFXI in that regard. The only real reason to make another character is to look different.

How are the story arcs for the jobs? The job system is what hooked me into FFXI and ultimately what will end up drawing me into FFXIV as soon as I have a PC for it or it comes out on PS3. I was very happy to see that they're back in FFXIV now, and I'm loving the way they seem to be implemented.

In FFXI, there were only a few jobs that could handle themselves alone- and a lot of times those jobs weren't very useful in a group.

In FFXIV, it looks like all classes are melded together and capable of holding their own- then you can equip a job of those classes to specialize in a role. I love that.


GAF parliamentarian
They really shouldn't have given me another preview at this stage. Still feels like I'm playing a console game hacked to have minor KBM support. Oh well, at least we only payed 5$ for it on clearance.

Beth Cyra

Got to say after a few hours, I still have a few things wrong with the game. It still really doesn't communicate stuff as well as I would like and ddear god playing with Mouse keyboard feels like total shit.

Nothing is shortcutted the way I would normally think and I hate how you can click on your own character. I always hated tap target because I fuck it up sometimes so I got use to clicking the next enemy in WoW/TOR and but in XIV I keep clicking on my own character haha.

Still not a bad game by any means. I think I will actually resub just so I can see how many more improvements they make and I read that 2.0 will hav a much better K/M and overall UI then what the game currently has.

Also is it possible to save your damn layout? Everytime I log out and back in it resets my TP/Exp/Map to the center of the sceen as if I'm playing in like 480 despite me playing it at max res.


Got to say after a few hours, I still have a few things wrong with the game. It still really doesn't communicate stuff as well as I would like and ddear god playing with Mouse keyboard feels like total shit.

Nothing is shortcutted the way I would normally think and I hate how you can click on your own character. I always hated tap target because I fuck it up sometimes so I got use to clicking the next enemy in WoW/TOR and but in XIV I keep clicking on my own character haha.

Still not a bad game by any means. I think I will actually resub just so I can see how many more improvements they make and I read that 2.0 will hav a much better K/M and overall UI then what the game currently has.

Also is it possible to save your damn layout? Everytime I log out and back in it resets my TP/Exp/Map to the center of the sceen as if I'm playing in like 480 despite me playing it at max res.

Make sure you exits the game properly. If you just close the window (if it is windowed) the changes might not save.

Beth Cyra

Make sure you exits the game properly. If you just close the window (if it is windowed) the changes might not save.

Play full screen mode and have used Exit game from the journal every time but once and that was only because it crashes on my machine when I alt/tab.

So I don't think that's the issue.

Just saw the post about a free mount, but didn't see anything about it in the OP, can someone give me heads up on where to get it?


What's the best starting city?

Just choose the one you like. The main story for all 3 cities combine from lv18+. Uldah is currently the main hub in the game on all servers, so prepare for lag. ^^ With airships you can travel between the three cities pretty easily though.

Uldah: Desert Empire. Big urban city with lots of stingy and back-stabbing NPC. Reminds me a bit of Rabanastre sometimes.
Gridania: Forest dwellers, all about protecting the forest and appeasing the elementals. Moogles too.
Limsa Lominsa: Pirate ocean port. Lots of pirate talk from NPC, non-native English speakers may have some trouble understanding them.

The Grand Company and nation you end up joining can also be different than your starting city so don't worry. I am an Uldahn Lalafell but I fight to protect Gridania. ^^


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Just choose the one you like. The main story for all 3 cities combine from lv18+. Uldah is currently the main hub in the game on all servers, so prepare for lag. ^^ With airships you can travel between the three cities pretty easily though.
Which is the purdiest?


Which is the purdiest?

Mhh, Gridania is beautiful but beware that the giant forest is a labyrinth of narrow tunnels that easily annoys many people. But since you want the prettiest, start in Gridania. You'll end up being in Uldah a lot anyway at lv15+.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Mhh, Gridania is beautiful but beware that the giant forest is a labyrinth of narrow tunnels that easily annoys many people. But since you want the prettiest, start in Gridania. You'll end up being in Uldah a lot anyway at lv15+.
Hope that I don't get lost. :X


Hope that I don't get lost. :X

You can set one home point in your Inn room at the Adventurer's Guild and a 2nd Home point at any Aetheryte point you find. So if you get lost just use your return ability to go back home. (Can be used every 15minutes.)

The quests to unlock the Inn in all three cities are pretty cool and easy too. Hildigard is one of the funniest NPCs I have seen in a while, and his cat assistant.... you'll see. xD
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