Yeah, my Origin is being shitty so I said fuck it. I'll try in an hour or so.anyone else unable to load friends list?
I is\ online
Hey! Just bought Fifa for PC, still downloading but wanted to ask if there's room in the pro club for someone living in asia? Apart from the timezone difference I'm worried about the lag... I was in a club in last year's version playing left back and it was a great experience but I switched to PC so I'm looking for a new club.
not gonna lie we play on eu servers but you are most welcome!
add me on origin : nukemonkey and send transfer request
Thanks! Can one player slow the game for everyone else though? Guess I'll try a game and see how it goes.
With all this fixing stuff...have we considered paying off teams to let us into Division 1? Just sayin'
I saw that deal and I'm kinda interested. I totally suck ass at real life and fake soccer, but I think if I really try to learn I'll get better.
I'm a soccer noob but is it cool if I play with you guys as the guy who doesn't try anything (yet) beyond passing to the open guy and not taking dumb ass shots/going off-sides constantly?
Don't worry, we aren't that good and have never stopped anyone from playing no matter how badly s/he is doing.
Don't worry, we aren't that good and have never stopped anyone from playing no matter how badly s/he is doing.
Haha, sounds good. Do you guys use microphones?
Anyways I just picked this up. woooooo
They've let me play for somewhere around 200 games and I can't do jack shit. Really, you'll likely fit right in.
Yeah, we use the GAF Mumble server to communicate... er, talk random shit. Details can be found by quoting this post.
Oh, and I'm up for games whenever the rest of you guys are.
Anyone up for some games?
I'd like to finally hop on, but it won't be until later on today. (EST). It seems every time I log on you guys are already playing.
Anyone up for some games?
you can wait till the end of the game and then it will let you join. If you join the mumble it is easier for us to get you in.