Working for me.
Our servers are temporarily down while we work on making things better.
Please come back later.
I get the message
If you have good upload and your friend doesn't mind the probable lag you could use the PS4's upcoming Shareplay.This might be possible on next next NEXT gen, because god knows no current sport franchise allows this it seems:
Can you play co op career, with a friend against the computer? I know you can if he/she is physically present, but can you do it over THE INTERNET? Can me and my buddy pick a shitty struggling team like Manure, and then we play together and buy players in career mode?
The answer is most likely no. I know you can play this against other players but we just want to play career, without him having to actually come here.
So, I can pre-load tomorrow?
Allegedly. It does say "expected" date.
Champion. Never pre-loaded a game before, usually buy the game day of release/after when I go digital.
So, I 100% CAN NOT purchase fifa points/backs on UK account if I purchase from US Store?
Nah. It'll take you to the store and then say it can't find any items. Unless EA has some black magic to allow you to give them money, every other game bought from the US store has done this.
If you have good upload and your friend doesn't mind the probable lag you could use the PS4's upcoming Shareplay.
This game is so janky. Barely tap the shot button, the ball flies. Goalies are useless. Defenders don't respond to the ball immediately.
They better be patching this.
Weird, I find the game to be very smooth. I have no problems keeping my shots down either? GK's have been fantastic and all my defenders have been responsive
What southamerican leagues are in the game?
Copa libertadores?
who are the spanish comentaristas this time?
GKs fantastic? Really? I've conceded/scored so many goals where the goalie saves the ball and it slips through him into the goal, or the goalie has his back turned while he's trying to save it, or just not jumping for the save early enough.
Goalies are the worst part so far, and are making the game almost unplayable.
Had a shot against me last night that was just above Casillas head and he didn't do anything and it just went straight in.
GKs fantastic? Really? I've conceded/scored so many goals where the goalie saves the ball and it slips through him into the goal, or the goalie has his back turned while he's trying to save it, or just not jumping for the save early enough.
Goalies are the worst part so far, and are making the game almost unplayable.
Does EA Origins have Pre-load for Fifa 15?
I've never had this happen. I know sometimes it happens because people talking about it on the net, but you must have it on Beginner settings if it you can score so many goals. I can barely score a goal or two on Semi-Pro. If I drop it down to Amateur I can go something like 2-5 goals per game. Goalies are hardcore in this game, I play on Semi-Pro because of this. In FIFA 14 my setting was almost always Pro, but goalies in 15 are so goddamn overpowered that my goal ratio on Pro difficulty is like 1 goal per 2, 3 games.
wondering if anyone could help me
I'm buying a copy of FIFA 15 on the US PSN store (since it releases 3 days early)
that I'll play on my UK main account, I know there will be no issues with that, but I'm wondering if I'll have any problems purchasing ultimate team packs on my main account on the US copy? anyone know?
Allegedly. It does say "expected" date.
wondering if anyone could help me
I'm buying a copy of FIFA 15 on the US PSN store (since it releases 3 days early)
that I'll play on my UK main account, I know there will be no issues with that, but I'm wondering if I'll have any problems purchasing ultimate team packs on my main account on the US copy? anyone know?
I also preordered from the US but I don't have any tile on the XMB with the timer until unlock. Only on the library does that tile appear. Is this normal? Destiny didn't worked this way IRC.
So I plan on getting this for PS4, but I'm currently playing the Xbone access version. Does the Ultimate team stuff work across platforms? Like if I open packs or whatever on the Xbone will all that be in my PS4 version?
Can any Xbone / Early access peeps confirm you can now play singleplayer FA cup tournaments now ?
I used to play them all the time in lastgen FIFAs
Holding onto these guys for now. Everyone but the in-forms I'll probably sell real soon to get high value out of. I mean, reus is already 200k that doesn't seem too sustainable.
Ed - Miranda scored last night so watch he doesn't get a SIF.
That's my only concern for the in-forms is a SIF coming along and screwing things up. Getting back to back TOTW is rare so hopefully Miranda is safe.
wondering if anyone could help me
I'm buying a copy of FIFA 15 on the US PSN store (since it releases 3 days early)
that I'll play on my UK main account, I know there will be no issues with that, but I'm wondering if I'll have any problems purchasing ultimate team packs on my main account on the US copy? anyone know?
So I have 100 chemistry in this squad and almost 10 for every individual player (would be 10 once they get loyalty):
But take my CB's for example, they aren't actually linked although they still have 10 chem (after loyalty), so do the links between players actually matter (i.e. if everyone is linked is it better) or is it just the chemistry that matters.