Those two sentences are completely oppositeWas the commentary this bad in FIFA 14? Alan Smith hardly says anything.
Those two sentences are completely oppositeWas the commentary this bad in FIFA 14? Alan Smith hardly says anything.
Oh well seems I have to go out to the shops and get a copy of this, ordered it with Tescos for collection this morning with my shopping and they sold out last night.
On the plus side I've ended up with 30 cans of Carling and two Sky Sports day passes for a fiver! Had used a £15 off a £60 spend voucher, they still used it even though my final bill only came to £20.
Damn, you managed to buy Carling at the price it should actually be sold for!sorry
Ok first learn all the controls, its key in Fifa. When I mean all the controls, I mean learn how to do a through lob, one-twos and different crosses. What is important to learn is the through lob, a lot of people will tell its cheating blah, blah, but for a new comer you have to learn it. So on xbox its the LB and Y button, and the LB button makes the player run, when pressed alone. Its important to force run the players sometimes, cause Fifa AI is not so smart at runs. The lob through ball is not as good in Fifa 15, but it will help you against lesser opponents and teams who play really high up the field. Learn the through ball as well, as the lob through ball is hard to control so sometimes its best served on the ground, when on the ball is in midfield if the player on the ball is clear (no opposition near him or have a bit of time), don't focus too much on the player on the ball that's where new players make mistakes, always be looking at the run and the other players positions to see what you can make happen. If your players are in bad positions pass back or make a force run (tap LB) or just try to move it forward with your player and see if avenues open up. If you really new you have to get your style, I can't really tell you what I do, cause I play short balls, through balls, one-twos, basically like Barca I walk the ball into the net. I suck at crossing so I avoid it if I can, but my brother is really good at it so he plays it and scores a lot, but he can never play my style. So everyone different. You have to also consider who you playing with as well, if you got a Diego Costa or Falcoa type player in the center, cross those balls into the center they will get those balls and likely score, but if you have Messi why not dribble one or two players with him, then score, but pass it to him on the ground. Most of all don't be afraid to turn players inside out in this game, the turning speed is really good in this Fifa, so if you see a defender running 100km/h just turn in the opposite direction or a direction he can't get the ball, his momentum will take him way past you and you will be able to get past him. Defending is it own beast, if you find it too difficult, just switch to legacy and then once you good at it switch to tactical. When not on the ball hold A (xbox) button down, to get close to the player, on legacy it tackles for you, on tactical it jockeys the player, just be patient, when a player is running at you don't be in a rush to press B, especially if its Ronaldo or Messi, that's a quick trip to shame ville, just jockey him and the computer will make a mistake and then you can press B, when its a heavy touch or is running into you. But when the player is standing still or jogging don't be shy to run for the ball, you can win some of the tackles and maybe counter, always press higher up the field, force the AI into a mistake, don't press too much when very near to your goal, here you must think or the computer or opponent will make you dance and not in a good way. Last tip, when the opposition is taking a goal kick always push a player up, to cover the defenders, here you can get cheap goals (especially with human players) or at the very least get a lobbed goal kick, instead so then its 50/50 higher up the field and not 100% the opponents ball, this great when you got tall midfield players. If you want to get really good, play through the career mode, increase the difficulty as you go through the seasons, you will notice you too good for the difficulty when you beating the AI by 3 goals in most games. This will make you a top by the time you done with it, I guarantee it. Hope that helps man.Wassup, you got tips for a soccer noob outchea?
The AI does do that. If you make a slide tackle they will turn immediately like it knew it was coming which it did. There is play styles though got to disagree, Fifa 14 had you play a certain way, playing through the middle was a mission, this one is better. Though I do think Fifa can be far better and I'm buying PES this year to see how good that is. Last PES I played was 2011 and I didn't like it at all. Fifa just needs competition IMO, once PES wakes up we will get the Fifa we deserve I think.This game should be classified as an arcade sports game. There is no stagety, no play styles (except attacking), and some very shooty and what seems to be scripted defense. I swear the AI reads your controller input and acts according. They speed up the keepers animations sometimes so they can make incredible saves. Everybody on the pitch can control the ball like Messi. The sliding blocks from the AI defense make you believe they are mind readers. And lastly, the game just plain looks below average. The only thing that looks good is the grass. Comparing the graphics to NBA2k, Madden, or MLB The Show, makes FIFA look like an indie game with a small budget. For me, this has been the biggest gaming disappointment of the year so far.
This is the first FIFA I have bought for a few years, but are launches always as botched as this? EA are one of the biggest companies in the world, yet cannot provide stable servers for their flagship game?
I'm even getting disconnected after winning tournaments, which leads to losing contracts, fitness, keeping red/yellow cards from the match played, yet losing coins and the win!
Crazy state of affairs. It's not even worth playing.
The EA servers get worse every year
How many coins do I need for a good starting FUT team? Just got Cavani, saw I can sell it for like 16k.
Go to in your browser and find the setting.
I'm so glad I handed over my coins for a fucking hyper-coloured jockey uniform, which is meant to be the USA 3rd kit....
This game is a complete mess, everything from the horrendous yet LOL moments when collision mechanics set in to keepers kicking balls in their own goal!!!
Damn is the speed of this game fucked. I didn't notice it in the demo but playing against friends yesterday man, the ball goes from box to box in two seconds.
Not liking that at all.
Really wanted to buy this game but after reading through GAF's impression I am not that sure anymore...
It's worth the money, IMO. Especially if you're a football fan.
Especially since there's no real alternative.
The game is a mess. And it's been this way since Fifa 12 basically.
But this year's online is just ridiculously flawed. Nothing makes sense.
YES.Found my new reason for playing FUT. Fuck building up players and whatever, I'm all about collecting sexy sexy kits. Just picked up that classic Germany one and Hungary's for 500 coins total.
Oh and Cesena's third kit for another couple hundred.
So... defending in this game is useless, I was a good defender in FIFA 14, but in FIFA 15 it just seems no matter how hard I try my opponents can get in.
No idea what to do, trying to get a tank defence, got Mangala and Okore and it was a bit better, but for some reason even when making my play "defensive" my CDM doesn't fall back, there is always a huge fucking gap between defence and midfield... what the fuck, most noticeable at kickoff.
Especially since there's no real alternative.
The game is a mess. And it's been this way since Fifa 12 basically.
But this year's online is just ridiculously flawed. Nothing makes sense.
Really wanted to buy this game but after reading through GAF's impression I am not that sure anymore...
Hmm, I just get a "This webpage is not available".
Also, I have around 2.000 coins. Can anyone suggest a good La Liger right winger?