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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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Elena vs. Elena GF would be the best send-off possible for this game.

I wouldn't be surprised if even Daigo had a pocket Elena (he most likely does), but he probably won't use her and stick to E.Ryu. Either way, SFV news and more amazing matches. I'm just hoping not to see plenty of pocket Elenas.

what matchups does elena struggle with?

You fight bullshit with bullshit, so probably Elena lol.


I guess ill watch some capcom cup. I barely care about fighting games anymore, but the competition level is about as high as it gets. Should be interesting.


Poison and Abel I think. I don't know if there are any others.

People used to think that but I think she completely wrecks Poison. Way too easy to react to fireball, even online. Too much start-up.

At the end of the day, Seth and Chun may be the only disadvantageous match-ups she has.


Mrs. Harvey
It's way too quiet which means all the participants are in training mode. This is the end of the line. Only one victor and for the glory in the pages of history. Street Fighter IV's last hurrah and only one person can go out on top and into the pages of history for what is arguably the last biggest paycheck for playing the game.
There should be a SF4 tournament at Nico Nico's Tokaigi in January. Gamerbee and Xian were part of the commercial as Tokaigi is going to have a lot of prize money up for grabs at about 40 tournaments. I think it's like 3 tournaments with $100k prize pot, 10 tournaments with $10k prize pot, and then like 30 tournaments with $1k prize pot. So I expect SF4's tournament to at least have a $10k prize pot.


Wait, God Hand is an overhead right? And that plant spell hits low. Can there be true unblockables in BB or is there some sort of protection like in UNI and SG?

True unblockables, no. Hard to blockables where it's high/low one frame apart already exist though.


Daigo in Grand finals vs. Infiltration, Infil resets the bracket...Daigo pauses at the character select screen, emotionless expression on his face...picks regular Ryu and wins the whole thing.

Would cry.


Dem 49% damage BnBs


One of my biggest pet peeves of this forum has to be people universally calling high level players "pros" -_____-


I don't think that's unique to this forum

You're right. Still bugs the shit out of me lol

Jiyuna video discussing prediction of the top 5 characters in BBCF from multiple strong JP players.

I did say Izayoi and Carl were looking strong. For the moment, I do think Valk is the strongest/scariest to deal with in this version, and it looks like other JP players feel that same way. Tsubaki, I only hear that she's pretty good. That and Konan was 21st Dan on the rankings last I went to the arcades making him 1st place.

The big take away form this is the things that made characters strong in CP are still going to how things go in CF. Minami saying the game is centered around being relative to Valk's power level is really telling of what to look for in character strength. That being said the general power levels of even the weaker characters seem to be at least hanging on so what Tsujikawa says makes sense. That was definitely not the case throughout most of CP. Since I'm probably switching from Tao regardless of how strong she ends up, I'm keeping my eye on what would be a good route to go. Tao looks borderline on whether or not she'll be good enough anyways. She's weaker but people are def overreacting saying she died.

Edit: Note I said types of things, not specific characters :p


Seems like the players are starting to head out, I see Kazunoko and Poongko posting pictures of them getting on their flight.

Too hyped for this.
Hi guys, I'm only just getting into fighters and don't want to derail this thread, but does anyone know a good guide to modding an xbone te2 to work on ps4?

Sorry, this was the only fighting thread I could find in community, can't search because I'm limited to mobile atm.
Hi guys, I'm only just getting into fighters and don't want to derail this thread, but does anyone know a good guide to modding an xbone te2 to work on ps4?

Sorry, this was the only fighting thread I could find in community, can't search because I'm limited to mobile atm.

I think it's totally cool to ask here but you might find better help in the Arcade Stick thread. Check it out here! Good luck.
what matchups does elena struggle with?

Just gonna quote what I posted in another thread

Why does Sagat beat Elena?
He can keep her in a pocket where she's rendered pretty useless.

Low tiger shots = Can't slide and can't ex rhino horn through them safely because he's left in a crouching position and it whiffs. She's forced to just walk him down which can work but often doesn't if the Sagat player makes sure not to corner himself. He can punish all her specials on block with a heavy DP. Very hard matchup if the Sagat player plays it right tbh. Bonchan vs Sako. I really do think Bonchan choked vs Kindevu at the CPTA Finals.
Or Abel? Or Chun? I don't see Juri either, but sure.

Abel i think can destroy Elena if he knocks her down but at the same time he doesnt have any 3 frame normals so i dont see how hes landing stepkicks in the first place.

Yea wtf @Chun, Elena is basically doing what Chun does but safer and with more reward.
Abel can whiff punish Elena's cr.jab with step kick. I've had it happen to me a bit too many times. He can punish most of her specials with step kick. Abel can really have his way with her right when he gets in.

Chun can keep up with Elena's buttons, her fireball is too low to the floor to slide, can AA her fine, punish all her specials on block with ex legs, punish healing fullscreen with healing. Chun can really control the game if she doesn't let Elena get in her space and also doesn't feed Elena tons of meter by only fireball-ing.

Juri is similar, can't slide the low fireballs, Juri is able to zone her out and can't easily be locked down. Always has an answer to healing. Juri's U1 can be an instant comeback factor off of one knockdown. If Elena doesn't have meter then das it. I've played this matchup extensively with Kreymore online. Played at least 60+ matches against his Juri.

Sagat/Chun/Juri can all zone and keep Elena out. They all have different strengths in the matchup which give her a varying degree of difficulty.

I'd say

Juri 6 - 4
Chun 5.5 - 4.5
Sagat 6-4
Abel 5.5 - 4.5

This is in my opinion ofc, from what I've went against in tournament, casuals and online.

With Poison, I think they both have advantages over each other in the matchup.

Elena can easily slide Poison's fireball, but Poison can easily bait with her FA since it has a similar startup animation.

Poison can win off of one knockdown because she has unblockables for days.

Get hit by Rekka? unblockable
Get hit by her jaguar kick? unblockable
Get hit by her damn U1? Unblockable



Not sure if I like the DS4 d-pad compared to the DS3. It feels rough and sort of hurts my thumb a bit after a while especially when doing lots of motions during combos. Wish I could use my Hori pad for BB.

What Izayoi players should I look up and watch?

I'm back nerds who's ready for some fucking Capcom Cup this weekend

It's Smedwicks how's everyone been

Welcome back.


if anyone is in the boston area my school's probably gonna host a kind of capcom cup viewing party all day sunday, lemme know if you're interested
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