Nice Makoto Bananapass you got there. I'm guessing you can get any im@s character as a card?
No zoners, no buy.
Yeah they have a whole line and collection for the iM@S 10th anniversary for all the 765 characters.
Maiko isn't playable sorry
Advanced holds and parries. Somebody presses a button they are parried and you can open them up. Those two have all the tools to handle anything thrown at them.What's up with Marie Rose's little twirly moves, and Lei Fang's arm wavy move?
Yeah they have a whole line and collection for the iM@S 10th anniversary for all the 765 characters.
15 ms of lag on a display compared to a faster one would make it garbage tier and the complaints would be endless. But 15 ms on a controller (even worse because it only puts you at a disadvantage) is somehow not important anymore?
Not saying the testing methodology being used there is proper (I don't know) or that those sticks actually have the stated amount of input lag but I've seen the above sentiment a few times and always get a chuckle out of it.
It's always nice to minimize input lag on your end when you play on different types of set-ups in general. Still baffled as to why input lag testing on arcade sticks isn't already a standard practice in the FGC.
I would think that if stick lag were a noticeable problem that players like 801 Strider would not be using "laggy" sticks in tournaments. Highly seasoned players would feel it, same as they can feel a laggy monitor.
If any madcatz stick had terrible lag (ie 16ms or more) the entire competitive FGC would notice and tell each other not to get it.
If the numbers on those charts are real (which I'm skeptical about), I would like to know why there haven't been numerous, noticeable complaints from top players yet.
This guy is one of my friends at school and goes to the fighting game club I run, it's greatThis guy has a pedigree for fantastic stick stuff
Like this skeleton "stick"
This guy is one of my friends at school and goes to the fighting game club I run, it's great
This guy is one of my friends at school and goes to the fighting game club I run, it's great
I just bought Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX (Heard it was the closest thing to a Yuri fighting game) Is it any good? Deep fighting mechanics?
it amuses me that NRS was the one to make sure to implement it, when I'm pretty sure the vast majority of MK players prefer pad. I know I prefer pad on MK despite primarily using a stickI still have quite a few PS3 sticks so I'm a bit :/ about buying a stick just for PS4 when the Skullgirls driver exists. I know that no one besides Capcom will even think about that shit so I guess I'll take that L.
also the only other actual testing I've seen, that video post here where the guy hooked up both sticks and just tested clashing normals, corroborated Teyah's results. That wasn't the most scientific testing, but it is the only other thing out there that isn't hearsay and it agrees with TeyahPretty much all of the criticism I've seen directed at Teyah's results has been embarrassing and anything but scientifically sound. He's explained his testing method pretty thoroughly. If someone has a problem with it, it would be quite easy to duplicate his tests and see whether they're accurate and consistent or not.
Pretty much all of the criticism I've seen directed at Teyah's results has been embarrassing and anything but scientifically sound.
whatd you use, MKX pad?My padhacks aren't even on his list so idgaf
Just spent a million fucking hours preparing for a trial I have tomorrow for a case I inherited from someone else at the last second and came to the conclusion that I am absolutely fucked.
Yeah 2x MK pads for my quad mod. All the rest are MC Cthulu/Imp/MadCatz Xbox pads, which I think are on the list.whatd you use, MKX pad?
Have you watched Evo 2015 top 8 for Xrd? There's a lot of Ogawa play there, which means you can see how top players handle Zato. Ogawa is in his own tier of Zato play - no one comes close. I was watching grand finals of a stream with Zato last night, and it was laughable compared to his divinity.Fighting Zato reminds me of fighting Dark Phoenix
Fighting Zato reminds me of fighting Dark Phoenix
tryna get that red bull money thoSeems like Tokido has been playing KI. He, Mago and Momochi talking about on Topanga. Can't tell if he likes it or not.
Fighting Zato reminds me of fighting Dark Phoenix
Haven't heard MadCatz' R&D lead (MarkMan) dispute the article, so that pretty much confirms its accuracy to me.Pretty much all of the criticism I've seen directed at Teyah's results has been embarrassing and anything but scientifically sound.
Fighting Zato reminds me of fighting Dark Phoenix
Didn't know there was a new Metal Slug game coming, and its non-mobile to boot. EXCITE!
Haven't heard MadCatz' R&D lead (MarkMan) dispute the article, so that pretty much confirms its accuracy to me.
Didn't know there was a new Metal Slug game coming, and its non-mobile to boot. EXCITE!
Haven't heard MadCatz' R&D lead (MarkMan) dispute the article, so that pretty much confirms its accuracy to me.
He said something about it a long time ago when Teyah first started posting the tests. seen test results on (great research btw) and videos and postings in the past. Yes, some PCBs react slower (milliseconds) vs others. Is it detrimental to gameplay? At the tested ratings, no. If it was, we would make changes to improve the product, as weve done throughout the life cycle of said products. Additionally, we wouldnt see the results (from tournaments) that weve seen over the past 5 years if it was a game changer.
Metal Slug Attack is the mobile game.
MarkMan's right in saying it hardly affects gameplay when guys like Daigo are steamrolling his adversaries just fine on the TE sticks.
The TE sticks also don't fall in the range where it would really matter either. Well all of them except for 2 variations of the PS3 stick, older ones from the looks of it.
The same ones Daigo used to steamroll dudes when EVO was on PS3?
I don't want to buy DOA... There are kids in my place ;_;
Well I certainly can't tell you because I don't know what year that is or what happened at evo would i be able to tell you when i asked the question?
I don't want to buy DOA... There are kids in my place ;_;
I don't want to buy DOA... There are kids in my place ;_;
Download the modesty costume pack
Turn jiggle sliders to off
Download the Core Fighters since it's free and buy whatever character you want to learn.
That sounded kind of weird, lol
This is a thing?
off, natural, DOA, OMGIndeed
Think it was from Off,natural and DOA tier
Turned it off and didn't look back
That sounds right up my alley.